View Full Version : A Real Breeder

Officially Retired
04-10-2013, 02:31 PM
Against my better judgement, I posted on "that other board" to a comment some clown made about what it takes to be "a real breeder" :lol:

This person felt that "being honest" made someone a real breeder. Well, if that were true, then I guess Carver and Patrick weren't real breeders :lol:

Yet this begs the question as to what, really, constitutes a real breeder? IMO, a person has to do a lot more than "be straight with you" to be considered one, for there are a lot of honest people selling dogs who (1) have never bred a winner and (2) probably never will. Yet are they "real breeders," just because they're trying to breed good pit bulls and being honest about it? IMO, not by a longshot. (And, hell, even breeding some winners doesn't make a person a true breeder IMO.)

The truth is, 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the people making breedings today (and, hell, yesterday) are/were the furthest thing from being "a real breeder" that there is.

In my opinion, a real breeder is someone who linebreeds on some standard ... who identified a particular dog (or dogs) as "unique" because they had SOMETHING most other dogs do not have ... and that breeder made it his business to genetically isolate whatever performance standard it was that he felt made these dogs unique ... so that this/these traits could be replicated with consistency when breedings are made ... and thus that breeder set a new standard.

The truth is, when MOST pit bulls get bred, no one has any idea WTF is going to come out of it, performance-wise, other than he will produce "more pit bulls"

The true breeders are those who have created their own strain within the breed ... that will reliably and consistently produce key traits that people need ... that you just can't get reliably by breeding any old two pit bulls together.

All the great old breeders created their own strain that had a certain "stamp" on it, where people would go to these breeder to get that trait (or those traits) they needed ... because that true breeder had created a linebred family that could be depended on to produce it :idea:


04-11-2013, 11:05 AM
Most breed dogs just to see them hump, they have no direction. They have no purpose, they believe a dog came in heat so it must be bred. I've stated this many times with many people over years, who dislike several people like Pat, Floyd, Yourself etc and stated to each and everyone that "your dislike for the person doesn't take away their accomplishments or genius."

Your post was 100% on point and correct.

Black Hand
04-11-2013, 02:09 PM
People in the dog world and just in general get a little too wrapped up in others personal lives. What kind of man someone was, what kind of crimes they have committed in the past outside of the dogs, they're an asshole, a stand up guy, etc. None of that has any bearing on persons knowledge of dogs and the quality of dogs one has. There are plenty of guys I would not be friends with but would still take a dog from and plenty of guys that would probably give me the shirt off their back but I wouldn't feed anything they got. Way to much emphasis is put on a guys personal character and not so much the character of the animals.

04-11-2013, 05:21 PM
Similar analogy. My pops ran a construction crew for as long as I can remember. Once he had this guy working for him. He called him the best carpenter he had ever seen. The guy was fast, efficient, accurate and needed no supervision. He showed up everyday. It comes out he was a wife beater. My mom goes off the deep end. My pops says his character is not what makes me money. So, I agree, a guy can be a real ass and still be good at something else. EWO

05-08-2013, 07:51 AM
I am just glad to be in the .000000000000000000000001%.

05-08-2013, 08:13 AM
Nice post