View Full Version : 8 year old female with multiple small adenomas in breast

01-02-2012, 12:56 PM
have an 8 year old female with about 3 small adenomas in her breast. bred her once didnt take. She seems other than the adenomas to been in good health and has been checked by vet. she was put on a course of antibiotics to rule out infectious causes like infection with no change. The vet does not feel this in cancerous but obviously cant be sure. bassically she said if the antibiotics dont fix to have her spade. i would like to get pups off the bitch prior if possible. it seems to me this is a hormonal issue and the vet feels this way that is why she suggested the spaying. what do you think any experience with like issues. bitch currently gets good exercise is kept in my basement and let out many times a day. she is on multivitamin life extenison for dogs brand and i have been supplementing with fish oil. any help would be appreciated thanks dan

Officially Retired
01-02-2012, 02:18 PM
have an 8 year old female with about 3 small adenomas in her breast. bred her once didnt take. She seems other than the adenomas to been in good health and has been checked by vet. she was put on a course of antibiotics to rule out infectious causes like infection with no change. The vet does not feel this in cancerous but obviously cant be sure. bassically she said if the antibiotics dont fix to have her spade. i would like to get pups off the bitch prior if possible. it seems to me this is a hormonal issue and the vet feels this way that is why she suggested the spaying. what do you think any experience with like issues. bitch currently gets good exercise is kept in my basement and let out many times a day. she is on multivitamin life extenison for dogs brand and i have been supplementing with fish oil. any help would be appreciated thanks dan

Hi Dan;

I sure as heck wouldn't spay my bitch over lumps in her teats. For one thing, if it's cancer, then it's already too late, and for another there is no more chances getting pups with a spayed dog (whereas you still can now).

Not sure life in a basement is ideal ... as dogs need sunlight in order to thrive ... but I would target her ovulation with a progesterone kit and then try breeding her again.

Also, what antibiotics were used and for how long?



01-02-2012, 03:02 PM
The basement is not as bleak as you think it pretty nice for a dog she sleeps on an ottoman that used to be in my living room with a nice setup there are windows as well. I keep her outside when it's warm but she's a house dog for the most part at 8 she doesn't like to stay outside in cold weather. When you here basement I know what most people think that's not me she comes in the main house to but I don't like dog smell in my house and it's impossible not to have a little funk if u keep dogs in the house. Anyway amoxicillin 21 days with daily probiotics. Where would I find a progesterone kit I know they sell natural progesterone cream at the health food store. I also tried a fourteen daily cycle of a much stronger one name escapes me have it downstairs that I am planning on stopping today because it doesn't seem to be doing anything ie not an infection.

Officially Retired
01-02-2012, 04:19 PM
The basement is not as bleak as you think it pretty nice for a dog she sleeps on an ottoman that used to be in my living room with a nice setup there are windows as well. I keep her outside when it's warm but she's a house dog for the most part at 8 she doesn't like to stay outside in cold weather. When you here basement I know what most people think that's not me she comes in the main house to but I don't like dog smell in my house and it's impossible not to have a little funk if u keep dogs in the house.

I know same basement setups are nice, but even house dogs suffer if not let our to sun themselves often enough. I personally think a house isn't a home without dog smell :lol:

Anyway amoxicillin 21 days with daily probiotics.

Trimethoprim-sulfa is the preferred drug for mammary infections ...

Where would I find a progesterone kit I know they sell natural progesterone cream at the health food store.

LOL, progesterone cream is something else entirely :lol:

You can buy the ovulation test kit here (https://www.camelotfarms.com/premate_order.html).

I also tried a fourteen daily cycle of a much stronger one name escapes me have it downstairs that I am planning on stopping today because it doesn't seem to be doing anything ie not an infection.

Well, then I probably wouldn't bother with anymore antibiotics, then, but it's important to know which kinds you're using because you may be doing more harm than good using the wrong kind.

Good luck,

