View Full Version : anti barking collar

05-08-2013, 02:49 PM
What is your opinion on anti barking collars?

Has anyone used them with succes on kennel dogs?

05-08-2013, 05:55 PM
Machobear barked right thru it. Burned his knock to a crisp. Just didn't care.

05-08-2013, 11:10 PM
Hunters use them a lot here in Greece during training. I am not sure it would work with pits. Anti barking collar that is, electric collar is a different story.

05-09-2013, 01:46 AM
Hunters use them a lot here in Greece during training. I am not sure it would work with pits. Anti barking collar that is, electric collar is a different story.

What's the difference? I thought they all work with an electric shock.

scratchin dog
05-09-2013, 10:50 AM
What's the difference? I thought they all work with an electric shock.

An anti bark collar gives a shock when the dog barks to prevent it from barking further. If the electric shock is not strong enough, they will bark through it. I bought one and had to return it for another stronger one. Then the dog learned to shake her head and the prongs moved to the side of her neck and she could then bark. You cant leave the collar on 24 hrs a day because they will get sores on their neck. It's a pain in the ass to have to put it on and take it off every day.

An electric collar will not stop the dog from barking if you are not there. It has a hand held device that when you push a button gives the dog a shock. Its geared more towards training the dog. If it barks it gets severely punished. Electric collars are way more powerful than anti bark collars and it can really teach the dog a lesson when it gets fried. :lol:

05-11-2013, 12:41 AM
As scratching dog said, anti-barking collar works by itself everytime the dog barks. Electric collar as a training aid has a remote control that operates it in the hands of the trainer. I have to say that many trainers are against it and even those that use it take extra caution and not use it for long periods of time. What I talk about are working / guarding dog trainers, not basic behaviour lessons, people that work with bandogs, pressas etc. They do use it, but... I did try an electric collar for a very short time in a dog of mine for potty training at ten plus months of age, do not really recall. I didn't manage to produce any results probably due to my ignorance.

05-14-2013, 04:12 PM
I have used bark collars for years and they have always worked pretty well for me. It stays quite around here.....lol

05-19-2013, 05:22 AM
training collars work best because they only work when the trainer presses the button ive seen bark collars go off by them selfs when a dog shakes his head or when the dog is relaxing and lets out a sigh the dam bark collar goes off because bark collars work off vibration. Anyone ever hear off the b-b method it was taught to me by my buddy years ago and works every time, get a pump action b-b gun pump it up 1 to 3 pumps make sure there are a lot of extra bbs in the bb holder. now when the dog barks shake the gun first then sting him with the bb, do this every time the dog barks, verry soon all you will have to do is shake the gun and the dogs will run in the dog house!!! try to not let the dog see you do this because he might get shy of you so hide when you do this, hope this helps sure works around here!!!

Black Hand
05-19-2013, 12:19 PM
If you were going to use one I'd use it at a young age. I wouldn't acquire a dog that has been loud 4 years of his life and now try to shut him up or something along those lines. I would start young. Better solution is to move to dead space where they can bark all they want or if you have to live in the city get quieter dogs. But young age is best to stop them from barking and keeping them away from dogs that bark. Most of my dogs do not bark, but when I got a pup that did bark he taught one of them how to do it so-to-speak. She is still quiet and not a barker but she knows how to do it when previously her and her littermates never made a peep just like their mother and father. Monkey see monkey do.

05-19-2013, 01:17 PM
yeah tell me about it, my loud housedog created monsters!

06-25-2015, 02:26 PM
I know of a very well known dog man that had over 60+dogs. He would sedate them and snip their vocal cords It didnt stop them from barking but it did reduce the noise that 60+dogs would make. Can you imagine being his neighbor lol Personally i BB gun train my dogs. the young ones just follow the older ones lead when they hear me shake the gun...

06-25-2015, 03:17 PM
Old topic that i started. Iv been testing them since and without any luck! One of them barked straight trough, another did as well and burned huge holes into his throat. He's fine now,but for me i'll never use one again.