05-30-2013, 04:40 AM
Nutrition pit bull in training
Author: AC / DC © 1999 INTRODUCTION Power in the training is a key factor to ensure optimal conditions of growth and development of the physical and mental condition of the dog's body. Errors in training will bring your dog, much less harm than errors in its nutrition (diet)! That's why professional, rather entrust to train your dog to a neighbor, rather than feeding the amateur. Usually pit fighters are looking for some diets that are incredibly raise effectiveness of training and to decide the match. This is the wrong approach. Nutrition plays a key role during the training period. It will have a huge impact on the results, if there is a permanent assistant during training cycles, not just a magic wand. By the diet should be treated as to something basic. Correctly counted after driving power can significantly affect the degree of adaptation to training dogs. Based on this, remember that the training and diet can not be considered separately. Foods and supplements that takes a dog, her work she is doing in good faith, this is the training. I assure you, in a match wins is not the dog that is trained harder, and one that has been competently prepared. physical exercises cause significant changes in the metabolic environment of muscle fibers. These changes katabolistichny during training and anabolistichny immediately after them. Since these changes are very strong and last for only a few hours after ingestion of training is a critical factor in getting an anabolic effect from training. During exercise the muscle dog utilizes the metabolic fuel. To ensure the continuation of the work, the body mobilizes dog fuel supplies for the constant supply of fatty acids, glucose and amino acids necessary for the oxidation processes. This is a catabolic process. It may not run concurrently with anabolic, ie creation of glycogen and protein synthesis. For what would the dog began to restore the body after exercise, the catabolic environment must be quickly changed to an anabolic. This is what makes the food you are giving the same time (35-45 minutes) after exercise. With the rapid entry of carbohydrates, protein and fat, her body is able to start rebuilding the damaged muscle fibers and filling the depleted fuel depots. Nutritional factors can actively influence the metabolic processes in the body of a dog, to improve its performance and speed up the recovery of a period of rest after training, roles or match. We should not forget that it is possible and the opposite effect when the conditions of nutrition in the absence of the essential components of food may be the disruption of normal flow of metabolic processes. This will lead to a significant decrease in efficiency. That's why you need to know the principles of feeding the dog and be sure to adhere to them as a "home" environment, and in a centralized preparation for the match. To maintain its high level of performance, you need to intake of nutrients not only in appropriate amounts, but in the best for their assimilation ratios. Often pay attention to the lack of a food substance, while forgetting that it has a surplus of adverse effects on the metabolism. This applies to many amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and other nutrients. Basic Principles supply: 1. Supply of the dog's body the amount of energy corresponding to its consumption during the execution of physical activity. 2. Compliance with the balance of power in relation to the intensity of physical activity, including the distribution of the energy value of the nutrients, which will vary depending on the periods (cycles) training. They also include a balance of amino acids that make up protein products, and the amount of the nutrients, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as adherence to optimal relations in the fatty acid composition. 3. Selection of appropriate forms of food (food, nutrients, and combinations thereof) during periods of intense and prolonged physical activity, on the stage of immediate preparation for the match and the subsequent recovery. 4. Use of nutrients for activation and regulation of intracellular metabolic processes in different organs and tissues. 5. Create by nutrients required for the biosynthesis of the metabolic background and implementation of the action of hormones that regulate key metabolic reactions. 6. Use of the dietary factors to increase the rate of muscle mass and increasing strength, endurance, and to regulate body weight depending on pitvesa. 7. Individualization of power depending on the anthropometric, physiological and metabolic characteristics of the dogs, the state of its digestive system, tastes and habits. Throughout the years, these principles of balanced nutrition is widely used and applied by professional pit fighters of the preparation. dogs in need of energy and nutrients essential varies mainly depending on the method (system) preparation and the amount of work. So, if you compare the diet and training on POWER ENDURANCE, then immediately shows sharp differences in the basic components of food. Hence needs of dogs in energy and nutrients directly and primarily related to the specific training. But we should not forget that other factors may change these requirements, such as the period of preparation and training time. For example, one prepared dog Match two, three, and other 1,5-1 month. Time "clean" training also varies from one to three hours (sometimes from 3 to 6 hours). Moreover, the needs of dogs in the nutrient affect the natural level data, health, temperament, time of year (environmental conditions). Therefore, when drawing up the diet for a specific period of preparation, it is necessary to take into account all! How can you identify the compliance requirements for energy dog food diet? May be the most affordable method of daily and repeated (5-6 times a day) determine the weight of the dog. Before the walk, right after (before the start of the exercise) after exercise, after drinking, after feeding in the middle between feedings and before bedtime. The constancy of weight in preparation, indicates the presence of an energy balance in the body of a dog. SUPPLEMENTS Supplements - really "work", helping the body to the dog, to handle the load, but only if you know how to use them. The principle of "more" is better here is no good. It is easy to burn a huge hole in your pocket, and no results! Most of the existing additives - is, in fact, pharmacological agents, and any pharmacy requires professional approach. Believe me, the point here is not in the number, or even as tablets and powders that are not seldom simply block the actions of each other. No supplement can not make productive initially wrong training. If the combination of training, natural food and rest does not work, do not think that you can get the ball rolling with the help of "bombing" dog food additives. What are you doing wrong? Train, feed, or do not give your dog for a full-time, reducing energy reserves vacation? Find out this, find the cause, correct it, and only when the dog begins to "grow" with a pure soul can experiment with nutritional supplements. At the same time, always remember that the lack of progress - the result of mistakes in training, nutrition and rest, and supplements have nothing to do with it. best to experiment with additions to the roles! Shall bring the dog to the most intense phase of training, its peak and use the supplements that are going to give a pre-match preparation. And do not forget to write down the results to determine BASE TO BE to prepare things, thus sweeping away all unnecessary and harmful! Do not make it all the time - use of certain additives in order, a short time. For example, start to train a dog the first 30 days without any bio-active additives (BAA), do not use even a high protein diet. Start with a light tone and a "light" food. So you can easily take the dog to the actual training condition is painless for her. When the load will increase, and you will clearly see that without the additional "fuel", it is hard to stay in good shape, include additives. The exception here are only vitamins and minerals. They need to give a dog, day in and day since the beginning of the experiment or the most preparation. Vitamins and minerals are especially necessary for those dogs that for some reason can not eat a balanced diet, for example, if you feed cereals. In this case, it is difficult to balance dog food is 100%, so, at least, provide it with vitamins and minerals in capsules. Probably each of us in the mystery of dreams, waiting, impatiently, when, finally, there will be absolutely harmless, affordable, absolutely studied and proven nutritional supplement that negate all the errors in the preparation. Sorry, no auxiliary science is not yet known ... So hope for supplements, and we did not make a mistake! The use of food additives and definitely will make a pit bull strong and sturdy, provided a productive training program. When in the diet, training and rest the dog mess, supplements will not do the coach nothing but anger and frustration! Here are a few reasons why I recommend the use of dietary supplements in the preparation of: 1) In the training, it is unacceptable lack of any nutrients. As Pit Bull body experiences high or prohibitive burden, the lack of any nutrients in the nutrition program is unacceptable and dangerous. Food Additives (if properly applied) will serve as a guarantee that the dog will not have such a deficit. 2) The most "advanced" dry food, and the more "semolina" (unbalanced natural food) can not guarantee you that your dog will receive her body all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. I would like to believe that the usual diet (cereal, etc.) provides the dog with all the necessary nutrients. Today, the widespread, uncontrolled and unlimited use of agricultural pesticides and hormones, not to mention the methods of food processing, can significantly reduce the nutrient content of these products. High-quality, energy, dry food can certainly be a major part of the diet. But only part of it! Because the pit bull should receive the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities to meet increased as a result of training, the body's need. Therefore, a large number of many nutrients (supplements). Thus, even if the regular diet provides the body with essential nutrients a dog, it's like it would be enough. Since the restoration of power after a grueling workouts, the dog requires a much larger number of different nutrients, sometimes much higher than the recommended (regular) daily requirement. Moreover, the lack of nutrients can be a challenge even for those dogs that are not in the training. 3) Even if the "natural" dog food program seems perfect to you, please be aware that many of the very important nutritional supplements are simply not part of the "oatmeal" and dry food. Thus, the only way to get them - is to add them! Especially, if you are putting before preparing special tasks, these supplements can have various positive effects, such as improving the immune system, improve the ability to burn fat, increase muscle mass, endurance, etc. 4) Fortification of food - it's a way to get a large amount of an additive without giving large amounts of food. As a rule, for the dog's body the necessary amount of any nutrient, it needs to use such a huge amount of food that is completely contraindicated, when it comes to keeping a certain condition (num weight). After all, in reality, even the most well-balanced diet can not provide optimal amounts of certain nutrients - if the dog will not eat like a pig. So, if you want to give your dog the right amount of these, specific, nutrients, have to rely on supplements. For example, in order that the body creatine dog got in enough to have a significant effect amounts (in strength training), it would have to eat a kilogram of meat every day. The same goes for carbohydrates, vitamins and other mandatory training for high-grade materials. So how much food you'll need to feed your dog? How and when it will be able to digest it? And most importantly, how do you keep her weight at such a diet? 5) Some of the nutrients are much better absorbed in the form of supplements. It is proved that some of the nutrients the body to absorb the dog a lot easier if they come in the form of supplements, and not from the usual food as nutrients more easily absorbed in the finished forms (digestible drugs). 6) And the last reason: I am sure that if (hypothetically ) to take two dogs with the same genetic data, the same type of training and the same diet, but one of them will produce food additives, and another - no, you will see that the results of that in the preparation of dietary supplements which are used correctly, will always be much higher ! BASIC FOOD SUPPLEMENTS PROTEIN need dog in proteins is largely determined by the specific type of preparation (power), the amount and intensity of physical activity. It is necessary for anabolism. The protein component of the material is the basis for the synthesis of protein molecules within the muscle cells. As a result, the synthesis of intracellular protein structures become denser and thicker, thicker and tighter the muscle cell itself. Protein - a source of raw amino acid (building material for muscles) and stimulator of protein synthesis. What it is, the more active is the intracellular synthesis. The need for protein coached in dogs is directly dependent on the intensity of training. The assimilation of the protein depends on the presence of carbohydrates in the diet. The usual diet (cereal, dry food) supply does not allow the body to get the dog needed (in training) of the protein. Because the quality of the food with the proteins, carbohydrates and fats significantly below the required needed her. Just want to warn fans of "the more, the better" from the errors associated with the excessive increase of protein in the diet, because excess protein has a negative effect on the metabolic processes in the body of a dog. In particular, the consumption of large amounts of protein intake disturbed liver and kidney function. The body is overloaded with toxic degradation products of proteins, which, due to the limited capacity of enzyme systems gradually accumulate and disrupt the normal course of metabolic processes. FATS needs of dogs in fats is considered not only because they can be used as a primary source of energy, but with the their structural and metabolic functions associated with cellular and subcellular membranes. An active part in the formation of fat membrane structures within the cells of various organs and tissues causes quite sensitive to the composition of fatty acids, which are absorbed by a dog food. The biological value of fats is determined by their very high calorie, by the presence of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats like omega-3s and omega-6s, adopted a dog in a reasonable and thoughtful doses can affect the structure of the cell-cell membranes that regulate the production of prostaglandins in the working muscles, and thereby alter everything from transporting glucose to protein synthesis. The effect becomes noticeable at about 5-day consumption of these fats in doses ranging from moderate to high. Their intake immediately after exercise does not produce any significant effect. carbohydrates dogs need for carbohydrates is closely linked to energy expenditure during exercise. Carbohydrates are very important not only at work, but even to a greater extent during recovery. Type of carbohydrate is optimal for consumption after training sometimes causes controversy among the pit fighters. Some advocated a simple sugar such as dextrose, others said it best supplements glucose polymers. Still others have argued that there is no need to buy sports, carbohydrate supplements, you just have to eat after a workout foods rich in carbohydrates, pasta or rice, for example. I am sure that there are no differences between the types of carbohydrates consumed by the degree of their influence on the replenishment of glycogen, the main thing that would have been a lot of carbohydrates. It can be concluded that the recovery of glycogen stores does not depend on the nutritional value or the glycemic index carbohydrates. In a 24-hour period after the training is important to the total amount of their income. dietary fiber Dietary fiber essential for the normal process of digestion: they reduce the amount of toxic metabolic products resulting from the activities of the intestinal microflora, reduces cholesterol and blood urea, increases the binding of ammonia in the gut . VITAMINS need for vitamins. At large in volume and intensity of physical activity increases the need for different vitamins. Perhaps the main factor determining the increased need for such a dog's body in many vitamins, serves as their active participation in many enzyme systems that regulate intracellular metabolic reactions in the body. This applies above all to the reactions of energy utilization during muscle activity and subsequent relaxation. Vitamins are involved in the metabolism in the more than 100 enzymes. The increased need for vitamins C, E, B group and others due to their involvement in maintaining the structure and function of cellular and intracellular membranes. Supplementing with vitamins C and E, as a powerful natural antioksilantov mandatory for pre-match training a dog. Protect the dog's body from stress and many other diseases - the main task of the antioxidant system. In biological systems, antioxidants are substances capable of inhibiting free radical oxidation processes. During the evolution of animal body has developed a powerful antioxidant defense system, which naturally protects the cells from the aggression of oxygen and free radicals. Oxygen is vital, the result of the combustion of oxygen in the body are free radicals - a by-product of the metabolism of cells. Free radicals destroy the structure of molecules and cause cellular damage, which in turn contributes to stress. Antioxidants that enter the body with food, or produced endogenously, neutralize free radicals, thereby protecting cellular components from destruction. For live cell biggest danger chain oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids or lipid peroxidation (LPO). Antioxidants prevent lipid peroxidation and prevent free radicals accumulate in the body of a dog. Most often PERETRENEROVOCHNY (or oxidative) stress is caused by a lack of antioxidants! Which not only induce free radical oxidation, but also can prevent oxidative stress, slowing the decay of muscle tissue (catabolism). Despite the apparent diversity, antioxidants have the general structure - they are based on diphenolic ring. liposoluble antioxidants (tocopherol, and carotenoids) play an important role in protecting the main structural component of the biomembrane, such as phospholipids and embedded in the lipid layer of proteins. It also includes vitamin K, sterols, phospholipids. Vitamin E - contains a phenolic ring with a system of conjugated double bonds, so it is easy donates an electron to free radicals, restoring them to the stable products. Phenoxy - radical that is formed when this is in itself sufficient and stable continuation of the chain is involved. Not toxic. Vitamin E has potent anti-oxidant effect, slows down the aging of cells, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases efficiency and reduces fatigue. Additional consumption of dog vitamin E accelerates recovery and prevents the development of inflammation, tissue damage and pain that occur in the muscles as a result of intense training. - Strengthening the metabolism of protein. Provides additional energy, fast recovery and maximum efficiency. Antioxidants, typically have a positive effect in high doses. On the other hand, it is known that the majority of compounds of the group characterized by a biphasic action, i.e. an antioxidant effect when exceeding a certain threshold value is replaced prooxidant. A similar synergy observed between vitamin E and selenium. It is believed that alpha-tocopherol prevents the oxidation of selenium and non-heme zhelezoproteidy and therefore necessary to maintain the biological form of selenium in the active state. In turn, reduces the need for selenium tocopherol and maintains its level in blood. water-soluble antioxidants (thiol compounds and ascorbic acid) exert their protective action in an aqueous medium. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent which prevents oxidation of a variety of biologically active substances. Vitamin C is known role in iron metabolism in the body: restoration of divalent iron ions is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C - a natural antioxidant that plays an essential role in protein synthesis of collagen - basic part growth and repair of connective tissues. Significantly reduces the destructive effect on muscle tissue free radicals produced as a result of intensive training, the tone and gives extra energy. the lack of progress - the result of mistakes in training, nutrition and rest, and supplements have nothing to do with it. best to experiment with additions to the roles! Shall bring the dog to the most intense phase of training, its peak and use the supplements that are going to give a pre-match preparation. And do not forget to write down the results to determine BASE TO BE to prepare things, thus sweeping away all unnecessary and harmful! Do not make it all the time - use of certain additives in order, a short time. For example, start to train a dog the first 30 days without any bio-active additives (BAA), do not use even a high protein diet. Start with a light tone and a "light" food. So you can easily take the dog to the actual training condition is painless for her. When the load will increase, and you will clearly see that without the additional "fuel", it is hard to stay in good shape, include additives. The exception here are only vitamins and minerals. They need to give a dog, day in and day since the beginning of the experiment or the most preparation. Vitamins and minerals are especially necessary for those dogs that for some reason can not eat a balanced diet, for example, if you feed cereals. In this case, it is difficult to balance dog food is 100%, so, at least, provide it with vitamins and minerals in capsules. Probably each of us in the mystery of dreams, waiting, impatiently, when, finally, there will be absolutely harmless, affordable, absolutely studied and proven nutritional supplement that negate all the errors in the preparation. Sorry, no auxiliary science is not yet known ... So hope for supplements, and we did not make a mistake! The use of food additives and definitely will make a pit bull strong and sturdy, provided a productive training program. When in the diet, training and rest the dog mess, supplements will not do the coach nothing but anger and frustration! Here are a few reasons why I recommend the use of dietary supplements in the preparation of: 1) In the training, it is unacceptable lack of any nutrients. As Pit Bull body experiences high or prohibitive burden, the lack of any nutrients in the nutrition program is unacceptable and dangerous. Food Additives (if properly applied) will serve as a guarantee that the dog will not have such a deficit. 2) The most "advanced" dry food, and the more "semolina" (unbalanced natural food) can not guarantee you that your dog will receive her body all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. I would like to believe that the usual diet (cereal, etc.) provides the dog with all the necessary nutrients. Today, the widespread, uncontrolled and unlimited use of agricultural pesticides and hormones, not to mention the methods of food processing, can significantly reduce the nutrient content of these products. High-quality, energy, dry food can certainly be a major part of the diet. But only part of it! Because the pit bull should receive the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities to meet increased as a result of training, the body's need. Therefore, a large number of many nutrients (supplements). Thus, even if the regular diet provides the body with essential nutrients a dog, it's like it would be enough. Since the restoration of power after a grueling workouts, the dog requires a much larger number of different nutrients, sometimes much higher than the recommended (regular) daily requirement. Moreover, the lack of nutrients can be a challenge even for those dogs that are not in the training. 3) Even if the "natural" dog food program seems perfect to you, please be aware that many of the very important nutritional supplements are simply not part of the "oatmeal" and dry food. Thus, the only way to get them - is to add them! Especially, if you are putting before preparing special tasks, these supplements can have various positive effects, such as improving the immune system, improve the ability to burn fat, increase muscle mass, endurance, etc. 4) Fortification of food - it's a way to get a large amount of an additive without giving large amounts of food. As a rule, for the dog's body the necessary amount of any nutrient, it needs to use such a huge amount of food that is completely contraindicated, when it comes to keeping a certain condition (num weight). After all, in reality, even the most well-balanced diet can not provide optimal amounts of certain nutrients - if the dog will not eat like a pig. So, if you want to give your dog the right amount of these, specific, nutrients, have to rely on supplements. For example, in order that the body creatine dog got in enough to have a significant effect amounts (in strength training), it would have to eat a kilogram of meat every day. The same goes for carbohydrates, vitamins and other mandatory training for high-grade materials. So how much food you'll need to feed your dog? How and when it will be able to digest it? And most importantly, how do you keep her weight at such a diet? 5) Some of the nutrients are much better absorbed in the form of supplements. It is proved that some of the nutrients the body to absorb the dog a lot easier if they come in the form of supplements, and not from the usual food as nutrients more easily absorbed in the finished forms (digestible drugs). 6) And the last reason: I am sure that if (hypothetically ) to take two dogs with the same genetic data, the same type of training and the same diet, but one of them will produce food additives, and another - no, you will see that the results of that in the preparation of dietary supplements which are used correctly, will always be much higher ! BASIC FOOD SUPPLEMENTS PROTEIN need dog in proteins is largely determined by the specific type of preparation (power), the amount and intensity of physical activity. It is necessary for anabolism. The protein component of the material is the basis for the synthesis of protein molecules within the muscle cells. As a result, the synthesis of intracellular protein structures become denser and thicker, thicker and tighter the muscle cell itself. Protein - a source of raw amino acid (building material for muscles) and stimulator of protein synthesis. What it is, the more active is the intracellular synthesis. The need for protein coached in dogs is directly dependent on the intensity of training. The assimilation of the protein depends on the presence of carbohydrates in the diet. The usual diet (cereal, dry food) supply does not allow the body to get the dog needed (in training) of the protein. Because the quality of the food with the proteins, carbohydrates and fats significantly below the required needed her. Just want to warn fans of "the more, the better" from the errors associated with the excessive increase of protein in the diet, because excess protein has a negative effect on the metabolic processes in the body of a dog. In particular, the consumption of large amounts of protein intake disturbed liver and kidney function. The body is overloaded with toxic degradation products of proteins, which, due to the limited capacity of enzyme systems gradually accumulate and disrupt the normal course of metabolic processes. FATS needs of dogs in fats is considered not only because they can be used as a primary source of energy, but with the their structural and metabolic functions associated with cellular and subcellular membranes. An active part in the formation of fat membrane structures within the cells of various organs and tissues causes quite sensitive to the composition of fatty acids, which are absorbed by a dog food. The biological value of fats is determined by their very high calorie, by the presence of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats like omega-3s and omega-6s, adopted a dog in a reasonable and thoughtful doses can affect the structure of the cell-cell membranes that regulate the production of prostaglandins in the working muscles, and thereby alter everything from transporting glucose to protein synthesis. The effect becomes noticeable at about 5-day consumption of these fats in doses ranging from moderate to high. Their intake immediately after exercise does not produce any significant effect. carbohydrates dogs need for carbohydrates is closely linked to energy expenditure during exercise. Carbohydrates are very important not only at work, but even to a greater extent during recovery. Type of carbohydrate is optimal for consumption after training sometimes causes controversy among the pit fighters. Some advocated a simple sugar such as dextrose, others said it best supplements glucose polymers. Still others have argued that there is no need to buy sports, carbohydrate supplements, you just have to eat after a workout foods rich in carbohydrates, pasta or rice, for example. I am sure that there are no differences between the types of carbohydrates consumed by the degree of their influence on the replenishment of glycogen, the main thing that would have been a lot of carbohydrates. It can be concluded that the recovery of glycogen stores does not depend on the nutritional value or the glycemic index carbohydrates. In a 24-hour period after the training is important to the total amount of their income. dietary fiber Dietary fiber essential for the normal process of digestion: they reduce the amount of toxic metabolic products resulting from the activities of the intestinal microflora, reduces cholesterol and blood urea, increases the binding of ammonia in the gut . VITAMINS need for vitamins. At large in volume and intensity of physical activity increases the need for different vitamins. Perhaps the main factor determining the increased need for such a dog's body in many vitamins, serves as their active participation in many enzyme systems that regulate intracellular metabolic reactions in the body. This applies above all to the reactions of energy utilization during muscle activity and subsequent relaxation. Vitamins are involved in the metabolism in the more than 100 enzymes. The increased need for vitamins C, E, B group and others due to their involvement in maintaining the structure and function of cellular and intracellular membranes. Supplementing with vitamins C and E, as a powerful natural antioksilantov mandatory for pre-match training a dog. Protect the dog's body from stress and many other diseases - the main task of the antioxidant system. In biological systems, antioxidants are substances capable of inhibiting free radical oxidation processes. During the evolution of animal body has developed a powerful antioxidant defense system, which naturally protects the cells from the aggression of oxygen and free radicals. Oxygen is vital, the result of the combustion of oxygen in the body are free radicals - a by-product of the metabolism of cells. Free radicals destroy the structure of molecules and cause cellular damage, which in turn contributes to stress. Antioxidants that enter the body with food, or produced endogenously, neutralize free radicals, thereby protecting cellular components from destruction. For live cell biggest danger chain oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids or lipid peroxidation (LPO). Antioxidants prevent lipid peroxidation and prevent free radicals accumulate in the body of a dog. Most often PERETRENEROVOCHNY (or oxidative) stress is caused by a lack of antioxidants! Which not only induce free radical oxidation, but also can prevent oxidative stress, slowing the decay of muscle tissue (catabolism). Despite the apparent diversity, antioxidants have the general structure - they are based on diphenolic ring. liposoluble antioxidants (tocopherol, and carotenoids) play an important role in protecting the main structural component of the biomembrane, such as phospholipids and embedded in the lipid layer of proteins. It also includes vitamin K, sterols, phospholipids. Vitamin E - contains a phenolic ring with a system of conjugated double bonds, so it is easy donates an electron to free radicals, restoring them to the stable products. Phenoxy - radical that is formed when this is in itself sufficient and stable continuation of the chain is involved. Not toxic. Vitamin E has potent anti-oxidant effect, slows down the aging of cells, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases efficiency and reduces fatigue. Additional consumption of dog vitamin E accelerates recovery and prevents the development of inflammation, tissue damage and pain that occur in the muscles as a result of intense training. - Strengthening the metabolism of protein. Provides additional energy, fast recovery and maximum efficiency. Antioxidants, typically have a positive effect in high doses. On the other hand, it is known that the majority of compounds of the group characterized by a biphasic action, i.e. an antioxidant effect when exceeding a certain threshold value is replaced prooxidant. A similar synergy observed between vitamin E and selenium. It is believed that alpha-tocopherol prevents the oxidation of selenium and non-heme zhelezoproteidy and therefore necessary to maintain the biological form of selenium in the active state. In turn, reduces the need for selenium tocopherol and maintains its level in blood. water-soluble antioxidants (thiol compounds and ascorbic acid) exert their protective action in an aqueous medium. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent which prevents oxidation of a variety of biologically active substances. Vitamin C is known role in iron metabolism in the body: restoration of divalent iron ions is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C - a natural antioxidant that plays an essential role in protein synthesis of collagen - basic part growth and repair of connective tissues. Significantly reduces the destructive effect on muscle tissue free radicals produced as a result of intensive training, the tone and gives extra energy. the lack of progress - the result of mistakes in training, nutrition and rest, and supplements have nothing to do with it. best to experiment with additions to the roles! Shall bring the dog to the most intense phase of training, its peak and use the supplements that are going to give a pre-match preparation. And do not forget to write down the results to determine BASE TO BE to prepare things, thus sweeping away all unnecessary and harmful! Do not make it all the time - use of certain additives in order, a short time. For example, start to train a dog the first 30 days without any bio-active additives (BAA), do not use even a high protein diet. Start with a light tone and a "light" food. So you can easily take the dog to the actual training condition is painless for her. When the load will increase, and you will clearly see that without the additional "fuel", it is hard to stay in good shape, include additives. The exception here are only vitamins and minerals. They need to give a dog, day in and day since the beginning of the experiment or the most preparation. Vitamins and minerals are especially necessary for those dogs that for some reason can not eat a balanced diet, for example, if you feed cereals. In this case, it is difficult to balance dog food is 100%, so, at least, provide it with vitamins and minerals in capsules. Probably each of us in the mystery of dreams, waiting, impatiently, when, finally, there will be absolutely harmless, affordable, absolutely studied and proven nutritional supplement that negate all the errors in the preparation. Sorry, no auxiliary science is not yet known ... So hope for supplements, and we did not make a mistake! The use of food additives and definitely will make a pit bull strong and sturdy, provided a productive training program. When in the diet, training and rest the dog mess, supplements will not do the coach nothing but anger and frustration! Here are a few reasons why I recommend the use of dietary supplements in the preparation of: 1) In the training, it is unacceptable lack of any nutrients. As Pit Bull body experiences high or prohibitive burden, the lack of any nutrients in the nutrition program is unacceptable and dangerous. Food Additives (if properly applied) will serve as a guarantee that the dog will not have such a deficit. 2) The most "advanced" dry food, and the more "semolina" (unbalanced natural food) can not guarantee you that your dog will receive her body all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. I would like to believe that the usual diet (cereal, etc.) provides the dog with all the necessary nutrients. Today, the widespread, uncontrolled and unlimited use of agricultural pesticides and hormones, not to mention the methods of food processing, can significantly reduce the nutrient content of these products. High-quality, energy, dry food can certainly be a major part of the diet. But only part of it! Because the pit bull should receive the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities to meet increased as a result of training, the body's need. Therefore, a large number of many nutrients (supplements). Thus, even if the regular diet provides the body with essential nutrients a dog, it's like it would be enough. Since the restoration of power after a grueling workouts, the dog requires a much larger number of different nutrients, sometimes much higher than the recommended (regular) daily requirement. Moreover, the lack of nutrients can be a challenge even for those dogs that are not in the training. 3) Even if the "natural" dog food program seems perfect to you, please be aware that many of the very important nutritional supplements are simply not part of the "oatmeal" and dry food. Thus, the only way to get them - is to add them! Especially, if you are putting before preparing special tasks, these supplements can have various positive effects, such as improving the immune system, improve the ability to burn fat, increase muscle mass, endurance, etc. 4) Fortification of food - it's a way to get a large amount of an additive without giving large amounts of food. As a rule, for the dog's body the necessary amount of any nutrient, it needs to use such a huge amount of food that is completely contraindicated, when it comes to keeping a certain condition (num weight). After all, in reality, even the most well-balanced diet can not provide optimal amounts of certain nutrients - if the dog will not eat like a pig. So, if you want to give your dog the right amount of these, specific, nutrients, have to rely on supplements. For example, in order that the body creatine dog got in enough to have a significant effect amounts (in strength training), it would have to eat a kilogram of meat every day. The same goes for carbohydrates, vitamins and other mandatory training for high-grade materials. So how much food you'll need to feed your dog? How and when it will be able to digest it? And most importantly, how do you keep her weight at such a diet? 5) Some of the nutrients are much better absorbed in the form of supplements. It is proved that some of the nutrients the body to absorb the dog a lot easier if they come in the form of supplements, and not from the usual food as nutrients more easily absorbed in the finished forms (digestible drugs). 6) And the last reason: I am sure that if (hypothetically ) to take two dogs with the same genetic data, the same type of training and the same diet, but one of them will produce food additives, and another - no, you will see that the results of that in the preparation of dietary supplements which are used correctly, will always be much higher ! BASIC FOOD SUPPLEMENTS PROTEIN need dog in proteins is largely determined by the specific type of preparation (power), the amount and intensity of physical activity. It is necessary for anabolism. The protein component of the material is the basis for the synthesis of protein molecules within the muscle cells. As a result, the synthesis of intracellular protein structures become denser and thicker, thicker and tighter the muscle cell itself. Protein - a source of raw amino acid (building material for muscles) and stimulator of protein synthesis. What it is, the more active is the intracellular synthesis. The need for protein coached in dogs is directly dependent on the intensity of training. The assimilation of the protein depends on the presence of carbohydrates in the diet. The usual diet (cereal, dry food) supply does not allow the body to get the dog needed (in training) of the protein. Because the quality of the food with the proteins, carbohydrates and fats significantly below the required needed her. Just want to warn fans of "the more, the better" from the errors associated with the excessive increase of protein in the diet, because excess protein has a negative effect on the metabolic processes in the body of a dog. In particular, the consumption of large amounts of protein intake disturbed liver and kidney function. The body is overloaded with toxic degradation products of proteins, which, due to the limited capacity of enzyme systems gradually accumulate and disrupt the normal course of metabolic processes. FATS needs of dogs in fats is considered not only because they can be used as a primary source of energy, but with the their structural and metabolic functions associated with cellular and subcellular membranes. An active part in the formation of fat membrane structures within the cells of various organs and tissues causes quite sensitive to the composition of fatty acids, which are absorbed by a dog food. The biological value of fats is determined by their very high calorie, by the presence of certain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats like omega-3s and omega-6s, adopted a dog in a reasonable and thoughtful doses can affect the structure of the cell-cell membranes that regulate the production of prostaglandins in the working muscles, and thereby alter everything from transporting glucose to protein synthesis. The effect becomes noticeable at about 5-day consumption of these fats in doses ranging from moderate to high. Their intake immediately after exercise does not produce any significant effect. carbohydrates dogs need for carbohydrates is closely linked to energy expenditure during exercise. Carbohydrates are very important not only at work, but even to a greater extent during recovery. Type of carbohydrate is optimal for consumption after training sometimes causes controversy among the pit fighters. Some advocated a simple sugar such as dextrose, others said it best supplements glucose polymers. Still others have argued that there is no need to buy sports, carbohydrate supplements, you just have to eat after a workout foods rich in carbohydrates, pasta or rice, for example. I am sure that there are no differences between the types of carbohydrates consumed by the degree of their influence on the replenishment of glycogen, the main thing that would have been a lot of carbohydrates. It can be concluded that the recovery of glycogen stores does not depend on the nutritional value or the glycemic index carbohydrates. In a 24-hour period after the training is important to the total amount of their income. dietary fiber Dietary fiber essential for the normal process of digestion: they reduce the amount of toxic metabolic products resulting from the activities of the intestinal microflora, reduces cholesterol and blood urea, increases the binding of ammonia in the gut . VITAMINS need for vitamins. At large in volume and intensity of physical activity increases the need for different vitamins. Perhaps the main factor determining the increased need for such a dog's body in many vitamins, serves as their active participation in many enzyme systems that regulate intracellular metabolic reactions in the body. This applies above all to the reactions of energy utilization during muscle activity and subsequent relaxation. Vitamins are involved in the metabolism in the more than 100 enzymes. The increased need for vitamins C, E, B group and others due to their involvement in maintaining the structure and function of cellular and intracellular membranes. Supplementing with vitamins C and E, as a powerful natural antioksilantov mandatory for pre-match training a dog. Protect the dog's body from stress and many other diseases - the main task of the antioxidant system. In biological systems, antioxidants are substances capable of inhibiting free radical oxidation processes. During the evolution of animal body has developed a powerful antioxidant defense system, which naturally protects the cells from the aggression of oxygen and free radicals. Oxygen is vital, the result of the combustion of oxygen in the body are free radicals - a by-product of the metabolism of cells. Free radicals destroy the structure of molecules and cause cellular damage, which in turn contributes to stress. Antioxidants that enter the body with food, or produced endogenously, neutralize free radicals, thereby protecting cellular components from destruction. For live cell biggest danger chain oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids or lipid peroxidation (LPO). Antioxidants prevent lipid peroxidation and prevent free radicals accumulate in the body of a dog. Most often PERETRENEROVOCHNY (or oxidative) stress is caused by a lack of antioxidants! Which not only induce free radical oxidation, but also can prevent oxidative stress, slowing the decay of muscle tissue (catabolism). Despite the apparent diversity, antioxidants have the general structure - they are based on diphenolic ring. liposoluble antioxidants (tocopherol, and carotenoids) play an important role in protecting the main structural component of the biomembrane, such as phospholipids and embedded in the lipid layer of proteins. It also includes vitamin K, sterols, phospholipids. Vitamin E - contains a phenolic ring with a system of conjugated double bonds, so it is easy donates an electron to free radicals, restoring them to the stable products. Phenoxy - radical that is formed when this is in itself sufficient and stable continuation of the chain is involved. Not toxic. Vitamin E has potent anti-oxidant effect, slows down the aging of cells, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases efficiency and reduces fatigue. Additional consumption of dog vitamin E accelerates recovery and prevents the development of inflammation, tissue damage and pain that occur in the muscles as a result of intense training. - Strengthening the metabolism of protein. Provides additional energy, fast recovery and maximum efficiency. Antioxidants, typically have a positive effect in high doses. On the other hand, it is known that the majority of compounds of the group characterized by a biphasic action, i.e. an antioxidant effect when exceeding a certain threshold value is replaced prooxidant. A similar synergy observed between vitamin E and selenium. It is believed that alpha-tocopherol prevents the oxidation of selenium and non-heme zhelezoproteidy and therefore necessary to maintain the biological form of selenium in the active state. In turn, reduces the need for selenium tocopherol and maintains its level in blood. water-soluble antioxidants (thiol compounds and ascorbic acid) exert their protective action in an aqueous medium. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent which prevents oxidation of a variety of biologically active substances. Vitamin C is known role in iron metabolism in the body: restoration of divalent iron ions is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C - a natural antioxidant that plays an essential role in protein synthesis of collagen - basic part growth and repair of connective tissues. Significantly reduces the destructive effect on muscle tissue free radicals produced as a result of intensive training, the tone and gives extra energy.

05-30-2013, 06:08 AM
That really could do with some paragraphs my friend.

Officially Retired
05-31-2013, 05:26 AM
That really could do with some paragraphs my friend.


I have three comments to make:

Thank you for posting this;

If you are not the person who wrote it, then you need to give credit to the actual author and, if possible, provide a link to his/her website. {As an author myself, it is infuriating to see people try to pass off what I wrote as their own writing and/or not to get credit for my own work.};

Take the time to provide the punctuation, paragraphs, etc., as trying to read a single block of over 8,000 words (which is what this is) is repelling, not instructive.

Thanks for understanding,


scratchin dog
05-31-2013, 09:37 AM

I have three comments to make:

Thank you for posting this;

If you are not the person who wrote it, then you need to give credit to the actual author and, if possible, provide a link to his/her website. {As an author myself, it is infuriating to see people try to pass off what I wrote as their own writing and/or not to get credit for my own work.};

Take the time to provide the punctuation, paragraphs, etc., as trying to read a single block of over 8,000 words (which is what this is) is repelling, not instructive.

Thanks for understanding,


The author (Author: AC / DC © 1999) is there at the top, but it got lost in the paragraph of 8,000 + words. :lol: The author really needs to be separate from the rest of the text to make it more clear.

I have to admit, there's no way I was going to sit there and try to read all that. I'm sure a lot of others have skipped it too. It really is repelling.

06-02-2013, 12:15 AM
I wanted to read it, but like the rest of you, I wasn't going to try and pick through all that writing. Blindness prevention in effect.