View Full Version : APBT vs

Jon P. Lebron
06-09-2013, 08:27 PM
This might be a stupid question, but I really want to know, can a APBT beat a top fighting Tosa, Kangal or Bully Kutta?

I ask because I saw some videos in wich the APBT quit against a Neo, another got destroyed against a Kangal and one died against a Bully Kutta.

The person who posted the vid claims that, American dogman took APBT over to Turkey and out off 24 matches APBT lost 21.

06-09-2013, 09:34 PM
J find that hard to believe as any decent dog man will not match a bulldog against such big dogs those dogs are almost double the size of any game dog just by weight that's a big disadvantage to any bulldog

06-09-2013, 09:42 PM
everything is matched by weight to give up that much is a injustice to your dog no matter how good or game they are.

Jon P. Lebron
06-09-2013, 09:48 PM
This is the vid link http://vimeo.com/62447353

Completely agree with ya, this other dogs are gigantic compared to the APBT's they are being matched against.

06-10-2013, 01:29 AM
There is a APBT who have beaten a Tosa, cajun rules where used.


06-10-2013, 02:13 AM
They are not double but at least triple the weight of apbt. They really cant be compared

But put a good nose dog 22 kg and up against one of those monsters and see what happens.

06-10-2013, 03:42 AM
A good size bulldog wont have a problem taking one out using the Cajun rules

06-10-2013, 04:44 AM
When the Cajun rules are applied, and scratching is a factor, the game bulldog would go in the 97-98% range. Even cur bulldogs will fight if something is fighting them. What makes bulldogs special, unlike any other, is that the game dog will willingly re-engage after separation. When the weights are doubled and tripled against the bulldog, and the other dog is dishing it out, scratching is his second best option. Best option would be for his owner not to make such a dumbass decision. EWO

Officially Retired
06-10-2013, 07:42 AM
What were the weights of the bulldogs in question?

I think they need to use dogs the size of Ch Big John, Mayday, etc., if they're going against great big dogs of other breeds.

Even the gamest of pit bulls, at 35-45 lb, are going to have to take WAY too much abuse even against a semi-game dog that is over 100 lb. It is totally unfair to make a small bulldog take that kind of physical abuse, when it is totally out-gunned like that.

Pit bulls are only flesh and blood. And these other breeds have SUCH a size, strength, leverage advantage that, if they have even :20 of gameness in them, they can still shipwreck a pit bull (damage-wise) before gameness becomes a factor.

Also, most of these other breeds have at least some bulldog in them in order to get them to be semi-game.


Jon P. Lebron
06-10-2013, 08:03 AM
Didn't Black Metal Fighter weight close to 50 lbs, so a 45-50 lbs game bulldog would beat one of this huge dogs? I have read that Gr Ch BMF Tito's match with the Tosa went 1 hour and 12 min and that the Tosa died afterwards, never been able to see the vid.

I have seen vids matches of this other breeds and they don't last more than 20 min (with the exception of the Tosa).

Another thing is that many of this dogs are pushed by their owners.

Jon P. Lebron
06-10-2013, 08:07 AM
Jack do you mean Ch WACCAMAW's Big John? If so at what weight was he matched, his ped says that he was 75 lbs chainweight.

Officially Retired
06-10-2013, 09:34 AM
Yes. As for his weight, Wac would be the person to ask on that, but I believe he was 59 lb pit weight.

06-10-2013, 01:27 PM
Read Richard f Stratton s first book .3 pitbulls went over to jap and won ..I was stationed in jap for 2 years .the tosa can't compare to a pit ,I would say a old 40 lb pit of average mouth ,and ability ,and heart will come out on top.not saying that a lesser quality bulldog would have a chance.
Here is another point why are the japs buying american pits ?