View Full Version : McCool's Shooter II

06-20-2013, 08:08 PM
Heard contradicting things about this dog. Anyone have any info on this dog?

06-21-2013, 06:39 AM
If you can speak to the man in the middle, his words were that the dog made noise (which according to previous viewers) is normal but still scratches. He continued to make noise and out of safety concerns ref suggested they pick up the hound. The guy did and others felt he wasn't just making noise but he was curring out as well.

07-18-2015, 10:29 PM
The owner of Shooter II at the time of the event still regrets that he let his pride interfere with what was not In the best interest of the dog. Less than 2 days before the event, Shooter lost over a pound of weight, that he vomited up. The dog was nausiated and not well. Still, the owner felt Shooter was a superior enough dog that he could defeat Night Moves. I believe Shooter's owner also let the bad feelings he had for the other side cause him to be prideful and not forfeit the event. Even a superior dog if weakened, could not hold off a lesser opponent If he was healthy and conditioned. After 7 minutes, Shooter was defenseless and couldn't fend off Night Moves. After several minutes of his opponent rooting in, Shooter started yelling. Completely defenseless. Not taking anything away from Night Moves but he was probably an average dog. Even without being able to defend himself, after It was all done, Shooter didn't require a staple. We sometimes put human logic to animal behavior. Back in the day I was involved with amatuer fighting and although I considered myself to be a pretty game fighter, I don't know how I would react if because I was compromised, I could not get some punk off me that was giving me full face punches. Even if I wasn't getting hurt, I'd probably be out of my mind if I couldn't do anything about it. In the end, Shooter scratched during and after with no hesitation. His owner resolved that he hurt the reputation of the dog by letting the event go on while he was sick. Too his credit though, he didn't let that situation or the rumor mill stop him from using what he personally knew was a game and talented dog, who since has produced the same. There's always another side to the story.

07-19-2015, 11:09 AM
I dont think not needing staples is a good way to examine ones opponents. If he was off then its the owners job to recognize and put best foot forward. But ive seen hounds need nothing but a body bad when done. Was shooter II old? Was he taken back out again? These are questions folks may ask. I dont care. I dont think he was a cur. I know some good and some bad have come down from it. But saying a dog is average cause the other hound didnt need a single stable is kind of lol-ish.

07-19-2015, 01:09 PM
The "average" comment was based on the consensus of locals that saw him go.
He won, so he was good enough.

No Quarter Kennel
07-22-2015, 07:02 AM
Truly powerful mouth doesn't create a lot of need for staples. Not saying he had this, but I stand behind my statement.