View Full Version : Emergency!!! Calling all Dogmen

06-23-2013, 06:47 PM
5 month old pup chewed and swallowed part of small nylon collar, any good remedy for getting her to pass it through would be helpful. She won't shit and can't keep anything down, 2nd day in this situation. Dreading an expensive vet visit tmrw!

Black Hand
06-23-2013, 09:38 PM
know of a dog that ate a whole collar and shit it out later. took a while for it to pass though I believe it passed here and there not all at once. I also lost a dog cuz of similar situation and that was with a vet visit.

06-23-2013, 11:13 PM
Mineral oil is what I would use

06-24-2013, 02:45 AM
Mineral oil

Officially Retired
06-24-2013, 03:05 AM
Oops, read this again. If it's only a small part of a nylon collar, mineral oil MAY work.

However, with a confirmed leash-swallow, or a long enough section of collar, by the time your dog is vomiting profusely, you need surgery, and without it your pup will die.

When a dog FIRST swallows something like that, you can give it 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide per 10 lb of bodyweight. This will make the animal vomit-out whatever it ate because it is still in the STOMACH.

However, AFTER the animal has had whatever it swallowed inside it for awhile, the object then passes into the INTESTINES and can no longer be vomited back out. Yes, sometimes mineral oil will help an animal pass certain foreign items that it swallows, if small enough. However, with swallowing a leash or a rope, or any odd-shaped hard matter large enough, the animal is far more likely to develop an intussusception, which is a life-threatening kind of blockage that will kill the animal without surgical intervention.

Been down this road many times, and what you need is a vet, and ASAP.


06-24-2013, 03:36 AM
Been down this road as well. Had a bitch that had ate 'something' and had a blockage. Xrays could see the mass but could not identify it/correct it without surgery. We were spending some time with her prior to surgery and she squatted, strained and yelped and when she cut loose it was handfuls of garden mulch. If one knows something has been chewed up and swallowed soon after it happens the peroxide will get it back up. If it is a day or so and it is into the intestines the mineral oil will work if the piece is small enough to pass. Time is a huge factor here because if it is a lot of little pieces they get packed together in a twist or turn of the intestine and it is pretty much surgery or death when that happens.
Best of luck to you and the dog. Time is critical in these situations. EWO

06-25-2013, 05:44 PM
Bitch had surgery today, so far so good thanks to a good reliable vet!
Also learned that even if your dog passes the object thru or it gets stuck in there you still run the risk of fatal infection to parts of the intestinal track so always send them in to get checked out and hit with antibiotics to make sure.

Officially Retired
06-25-2013, 06:08 PM
Was it an intussusception?

06-25-2013, 06:23 PM
She would've died from both the blockage and the infection coming from the dead part of the intestine. And she still has to heal so were not in the clear just yet.

06-28-2013, 08:31 AM
Wise, if she's still alive at this point, she'll probably be ok. I've had 4 dogs cut open for blockages, and all lived without any issues.

Officially Retired
06-28-2013, 09:22 AM
She would've died from both the blockage and the infection coming from the dead part of the intestine. And she still has to heal so were not in the clear just yet.

The dead part of the intestine is a result of the intussusception.