View Full Version : So many false or paper hung pedigrees.

07-03-2013, 07:01 AM
It's amazing how people think no one will notice the shit they do. I cant speak for the rest of the stuff out there but I can speak for the breedings done with Lukane from 1999 to current. I kept accurate records via a stud book and video of the breedings done with Lukane. And as I see them posted I will expose the one's I know are fake. Lets start with Teflon's Matrix. A daughter off Jake the snake. Never happened.

Officially Retired
07-03-2013, 07:09 AM
Good for you; it's nice to see professionals take their work seriously.

Who is making this claim?


07-03-2013, 07:25 AM
You see them posted in the offspring section. So many on peds online that it wasn't worth exposing because so many people put up "what if breedings" that it just wasn't worth the time but when you see pictures of actual dogs you know someone slipped one in on an unsuspecting novice. This forum is new so the offspring aren't hard to notice. But as I posted that topic I realized it's not my job to police what people do.

Officially Retired
07-03-2013, 07:39 AM
It's a double-edged sword. It may not be your job, or your responsibility, to police others ... but if you have integrity towards your dog then you want to make sure what's repped as being "off him" really is.

Back in the day, Gary Ballard was selling all kinds of dogs supposedly bred identical to Poncho. Instead of being off Ch Hammer to Trinx, Ballard claimed to still own Trinx's brother "Redman" and Ch Hammer's sister "Sadie" ... long after Ch Hammer and Trinx were dead. Therefore, while Poncho was in his heyday as a producer, after his parents were long gone, Ballard was claiming to have the blueprints to create "more Ponchos," essentially selling pups supposedly reverse-bred like Poncho.

Trouble is, Trinx was born in 1987 and Ballard's Redman was papered as being born in 1990. Another trouble for Ballard's claim was the fact Mason's Ch Hammer would have been 17 years old at the time Ballard was breeding "Sadie" ... and the other trouble was Ch Hammer never had a sister, as The Mason only had 3 males when he bred Blitz to BBB, and never repeated the breeding. So Ballard was 100% full of shit, as I knew all of the facts surrounding my foundation dogs.

But, yeah, none of this was my fault or my problem, per se, but as somebody who had a special stud dog that people liked it made me sick to see this pure, fabricated bullshit going on online, and so I took Ballard to task in public. Not everybody was privileged to have the inside information as I was, and so I made it my business to let the truth be known.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, "Evil can only exist when good men allow it to happen."

The way I looked at it, if people were given the truth, and chose to disbelieve, then at least I did my part in letting the truth be known. After that, another truth takes over, namely, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." ;)

So credit to you for at least trying to make the truth be known.


07-03-2013, 07:45 AM
I couldn't have put it in better words. :cheers:


07-03-2013, 02:39 PM
You see them posted in the offspring section. So many on peds online that it wasn't worth exposing because so many people put up "what if breedings" that it just wasn't worth the time but when you see pictures of actual dogs you know someone slipped one in on an unsuspecting novice. This forum is new so the offspring aren't hard to notice. But as I posted that topic I realized it's not my job to police what people do.

Not to make excuses for them but some of them might not really know. You put your trust in a man when you give him your money and expect the full honesty of what you are receiving. Just as much as it's disgusting for you to see these fakes, imagine how the gentlemen who paid good money for the dogs feel. Not only are they cheated out their money but they have no idea what they have bred into their program or sold as part of their program with all the lies and hung papers. It's truly a shame but as anything its truly part of this so called game.

Black Hand
07-03-2013, 03:22 PM
Should be more careful of who you trust when handing over hard earned cash. Unless you're absolutely oblivious to what some people will do for a dollar, you should know better than to let someone sell you a dream.

07-06-2013, 12:56 PM
you have spoke the truth on this one jack i found out the hardway in the 90's (bought some dogs off g.b) sent papers off got pedigree came back with indian bolio as the grand sire on #3 of the hounds and the others off redman. now i see the next liar is doing it also http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=424669

Officially Retired
07-06-2013, 03:34 PM
Yep, that is the bullshit pedigree I spoke of.

07-09-2013, 03:45 AM
I am guessing it has happened far more times than the honest guy would like to think. Until one has personally bred four, five, six generations in a pedigree there is always questions with the dog standing in front of you. It sucks. It is sad. But, and I have posted this before, the one and only way to find out how a dog is bred is to go out and win four-five-six matches and in turn have him/her produce Ch.'s/winners. After that is completed there is always some SOB somewhere that can tell you how a dog was "REALLY" bred. HIs legacy will first be good dog. Then good producer. Then on a board somewhere someone will most definitely ask which pedigree is right. LOL. EWO

07-10-2013, 01:11 AM
http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=22348 ????????????????????

07-12-2013, 08:29 AM
No that dog isn't off Lukane. I just wrote a three paragraph message but I got bumped off and now its not here. So Ill keep it short. I talked to both Lukanes previous owner's and both said they didn't make such breeding. I avoided any dogs directly off Yellow that were born after 92'. Slaughter House Kennels had the only bitch off Yellow bred to Lukane. She was pushing 10 when he brought her to breed and she was an old bitch born in 91'

Yellow had two times of death 94' that he published in the SDJ and people close to D. Tant claim it was actually 92'.

07-12-2013, 09:44 AM
I was also told that Yellow passed in 92 by Mr Burns himself.He used to go over and take care of Davids dogs when his job sent him outa town.He said David used a son of Yellow for about 2yrs.till people started to figure it out so he came clean in 94.

Barnstormer Bulldogs
07-12-2013, 09:53 AM

07-12-2013, 10:05 AM


07-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Yes she is real and her owner has her DNA profiled. Those Lukane / Mayday / Blondie dogs made solid match dogs. But Im not going to sit here and post whats real and whats not. Just the ones that slip in unnoticed.