View Full Version : bitch panting very fast

07-03-2013, 08:32 AM
I've got a new 4 year old bitch who shows her tongue allot.
Often even before i can open the door to walk her or when i just pet her inside.
It looks the kind of panting a dog would do in the car or at the vet when its nervous.
Would it be just some kind of over excitement or nervousness/stress, or could there be an underlying health problem?
It doesn't look like she tired, there is no reason to be so either.

Wonder if anyone here got dogs like this and if would be good to get her checked at the vet.

07-04-2013, 12:00 AM
There could be some lung issues in there, better check it.

07-05-2013, 01:54 AM
I will let her checked to be sure, maybe a blood test. but i think its plane excitement and a little stress. I had never seen it before in a dog though.

Officially Retired
07-05-2013, 05:59 AM
Probably nerves but ... does she have a short muzzle?

Could be a cleft palate too.

07-05-2013, 10:31 AM
maybe hard to see on this picture, but not so short.

i just hope she can breath well when she gets a hold of "something" and not run hot because she cant pant.

Officially Retired
07-05-2013, 10:42 AM
She looks fine to me.

She might be nervous in strange places. Does she do that all the time, or only in the house (etc.)?

07-05-2013, 11:20 AM
Yes in the house i think its nervousness because she's used to sitting on the chain.
But also outside shes running hot faster then my other dogs and it takes her a long time to shut her mouth once inside.
Might be poor condition and food she got the last year tho.

Officially Retired
07-05-2013, 11:26 AM
Check her for heartworm. Also check blood function.

Other than possible parasitic/health anomalies, she could just be genetically short-winded, nervous.

Ultimately, you need to school/evaluate her, but I would make sure she has a clean bill of health before you do so and judge her.


07-05-2013, 11:44 AM
Thanks Jack, ill put that on my list of possible causes when i visit the vet on monday. Ill get back here.

Officially Retired
07-05-2013, 11:57 AM
Good luck.

07-08-2013, 03:52 AM

I've done some research on possible causes for the problem. And one of those is anemia which can be caused by iron and sometimes b12 deficiency. Now because he is in financial very bad times he's been feeding mainly some kind of catfish for the last 8 months. 1+1 = 2 Going to ask for a blood research. Expecting low value of hemoglobin then.

Im supplementing her already, for both.

Anemia can also be caused by a disturbed making or higher break down of red blood cells. This bitch was given epo around 5 months ago without blood testing her. (not in my hands)

Officially Retired
07-08-2013, 04:51 AM
Good investigation into the problem.

Wow, straight fish is the worst thing you can feed a dog ... right along with rabbit and deer.

Bitch might be ruined. Also, if this retard was feeding her raw catfish, be aware that one should never feed raw fish to a dog. Some kinds of fish carry parasites that are devastating to dogs (protozoa and worms), that affect blood and liver function, and a bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking species like a catfish would be the worst kind to feed raw to a dog.


07-08-2013, 05:42 AM
I was wrong. We did a blood test and hemoglobin level was ok. I don't know for the other values which show High and Low.
I asked about "Gran' he said thats the level of bacteria cells in the blood. He said it should all recover once she get proper food, movement, less stress ect.
For the rest she was fine.

Jack, he says he's been giving vitamin/mineral tablets and fed kibbles once a week. The fish was cleaned and frozen -25.

Here are the results of the bloodtest.
Will repeat in 6-8 weeks.


Officially Retired
07-08-2013, 10:10 AM
I was wrong. We did a blood test and hemoglobin level was ok. I don't know for the other values which show High and Low.
I asked about "Gran' he said thats the level of bacteria cells in the blood. He said it should all recover once she get proper food, movement, less stress ect.
For the rest she was fine.

Would be valuable to know what bacteria is in the blood. Also, this does nothing to measure protozoa/worm/heartworm burden.

Jack, he says he's been giving vitamin/mineral tablets and fed kibbles once a week. The fish was cleaned and frozen -25.
Here are the results of the bloodtest.
Will repeat in 6-8 weeks.

That's good about the fish and supplements. Would like to know about fecal/liver function and get the bacteria identified.

Good job on the follow-through; hope all goes well.
