View Full Version : Worming a pregnant bitch ?

07-15-2013, 05:35 AM
I recently had one brought to me to breed she was already in heat so I had no time to get her ready I want to worm her this will be her first litter I just don't want to harm her or the pups I bred her a week ago any suggestions?

Officially Retired
07-16-2013, 05:11 AM
Hi Jim;

Why don't you use this resource to its full capabilty? There is a lot more to it than this here forum :idea:

For example, if you click on the Articles (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/articles.php) tab up top, there are at least 26 articles posted on various key dog subjects (with more to come), including Management of the Pregnant Bitch to Delivery (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?167). I suggest you read that (and the other) articles ;)

Also, if you click the Videos (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/videos.php) tab up top, there are likewise over 30 video clips (with more to com), including Preparing the Female (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/content.php?215). I suggest you watch this (and the other) videos also :mrgreen:

Thank you and good luck. If you have specific questions after you review these pieces, then I will be happy to add to what I have already put out there for folks, if I can.



07-16-2013, 11:34 AM
Thanks jack I have your book and it covers preparation before you breed the bitch but I got this one and she was already in heat she had been on Someone else's yard I'm going to raise the litter but I didn't see anything on the type of wormer to use after the bitch had already been bred thanks

Officially Retired
07-16-2013, 02:25 PM
That's all in there, actually: namely what to worm them with while they're pregnant and when :)

Good luck,
