View Full Version : Frozen Semen breeding

07-30-2013, 09:32 AM
Second Progesterone test and vet says it should be Friday morning for surgery insemination. Has anyone done a frozen semen breeding before, and if so, any tips, or just advice to calm my nerves. lol.

07-30-2013, 12:46 PM
Second Progesterone test and vet says it should be Friday morning for surgery insemination. Has anyone done a frozen semen breeding before, and if so, any tips, or just advice to calm my nerves. lol.

Done many. Ovulation timing is key.. Peak progesterone is 21-25 for biggest litter. Make sure you give antibiotics and pain killer for a few days after. Usually doc will prescribe tramadol. Possible side effect constipation so feed some cottage cheese or yogurt. It's as easy as cake. Pups will be born 62 days from ovulation.. Not breeding date, which is usually day 59-60 from breeding

07-30-2013, 03:32 PM
Thank you! Will the meds effect the breeding outcome? How many straws do you use for one breeding on average?

07-30-2013, 05:00 PM
Thank you! Will the meds effect the breeding outcome? How many straws do you use for one breeding on average?

depends on quality of semen. Super quality.. one straw, shitty quality 5 straws. its relative to the quality of the semen.. nothing else

Officially Retired
01-03-2014, 04:05 PM
depends on quality of semen. Super quality.. one straw, shitty quality 5 straws. its relative to the quality of the semen.. nothing else

Yes, to further what Evo said, you need a certain number of active sperm cells to continuously wiggle up against the egg to break through the outer boundary.

One sperm cannot (by itself) break through the outer layer of the egg.
It takes a high number (I forget how many) to constantly wear-down the outer layer of the egg, before one of them finally breaks through.

High sperm quality = lots of healthy sperm per ml
Poor sperm quality = not a lot of healthy sperm per ml

Therefore, if you have high quality semen, only 1 straw is needed to inseminate,
whereas with poor quality semen you need a lot more straws to bring the same amount of healthy sperm cells into the arena.



01-04-2014, 05:13 AM
Yes, to further what Evo said, you need a certain number of active sperm cells to continuously wiggle up against the egg to break through the outer boundary.

One sperm cannot (by itself) break through the outer layer of the egg.
It takes a high number (I forget how many) to constantly wear-down the outer layer of the egg, before one of them finally breaks through.

High sperm quality = lots of healthy sperm per ml
Poor sperm quality = not a lot of healthy sperm per ml

Therefore, if you have high quality semen, only 1 straw is needed to inseminate,
whereas with poor quality semen you need a lot more straws to bring the same amount of healthy sperm cells into the arena.



The number of live healthy semen reqiured as a base minimum is 100 million and in most cases the repro vet would like to use more but depending on the straw size or vial size for pellets the vet will only be able to use upto a certain amount
of semen straws or vials.

The best chances are to make sure AI using frozen semen has the best outcome possible ,is to take your male
to have his semen frozen between 2 and 4 years old and if he is in good health and does not have herditary health
issues that may impact on his semen quality, then he should have a live semen motility of 90% or maybe a little more
or less with low primary and secondary defects , that would be ideal , then the post thaw motility should be 60% more
or less it all depends on the semens abilty to withstand the freezing and thawing process .

The lower the fresh live motility count is along with pirmary and secondary defects and deformities in the semen
the less chance you have of the semen being of good live motility post thaw ,and when you get down past 40%
or less post thaw that also has the primary and secondary defects ,then that 40% it is more than likely 20%
and then its more unlikely to be successfull, but it is of course possible , but the minimum post thaw live
motility should be 50% or higher with low primary and secondary defects or deformities ,but a good and
expierienced repro vet will be able to tell you whether they think you dogs semen is viable for freezing
and depending on the post thaw results , which they normally wait a week to ten days to do the thawing
of one straw or vial ,then they can tell you what the chances are that the semen can produce a litter
or not based on the post thaw.

The misconception is always about the number of straws needed or that can actually be used , any good repro vet will tell you that their is only a certain amount of semen or straws that you can use, and to think that if you had say 10 straws and the semen quality was low that you could use all 10 to somehow up the chances of a succesfull breeding is not correct.

Limey Kennels
01-18-2014, 02:13 AM
I find it hard to belive that they still use surgery insemination with frozen sperm!!. Overhere they use camera optic fiber work there way in and go direct into the uterus and place the sperm direct on top of the ovulating egs.
They only need 1 to 2 ml/cc of sperm for a practically100% garenty for the bitch to get pregnand. They also insiminate just at the START of ovulating and not when its at the higest point!!!. sins the start of the ovulation the % of sucses will only in crease as more and more egs wil ripe out .
where insiminating a bitch at the higest level of progestorone willl decrease the% of a sucsesfull insimination. as the firtility will drop of from that point. And sins sperm lives upto 36 hours. the new way is to insiminate at the START of ovulation. We just insiminate a 6 year old bitch for her first litter with 1 cc sperm . and she diliverd 6 pups..

01-18-2014, 07:58 AM
I find it hard to belive that they still use surgery insemination with frozen sperm!!. Overhere they use camera optic fiber work there way in and go direct into the uterus and place the sperm direct on top of the ovulating egs.
They only need 1 to 2 ml/cc of sperm for a practically100% garenty for the bitch to get pregnand. They also insiminate just at the START of ovulating and not when its at the higest point!!!. sins the start of the ovulation the % of sucses will only in crease as more and more egs wil ripe out .
where insiminating a bitch at the higest level of progestorone willl decrease the% of a sucsesfull insimination. as the firtility will drop of from that point. And sins sperm lives upto 36 hours. the new way is to insiminate at the START of ovulation. We just insiminate a 6 year old bitch for her first litter with 1 cc sperm . and she diliverd 6 pups..

Limey, which clinic do you use? Do you have better conception rates if the semen is frozen via the pellet system or straw system?


Limey Kennels
01-18-2014, 10:54 PM
Amberlamps where are you from!!. as we are in Europe.
sec we work with straws. iven with GOOD quality sperm at least 50 upto70% thuse not sirvive the cryogenic freezing!!. Hensh they test the sperm IF it is usefull in the first place... It sirprises me that many a clinic freeze sperm anyway reguardless testing it properly. as they only look at the cound not at the QUALITY bij freezing it and defreeze it.. Nice thing with the camera fiber optic insimination is that you can watch everyting on a very big TV screen!!!. they keep filling the uterus uptil the sperm comes out . this is the sign that the uterus is compleatly filled up. and you get a 100% sucses rate. thats why they found out that 1 to 2 cc is enoughf to fill every bitch to the max...Now i do find a 100%sucses rate claim a bit on the high side as our dogs are pretty tightbred, and genetics sometimes prohibits litters on bitches who are bred to a close related male. while when bred to a cross dog they produce without problem...

01-19-2014, 10:09 AM
Limey, i'm also from Western Europe.

There's two dogs i'd like to breed to in the U.S but rather than travel there, i'm thinking frozen semen is the way to go, that's why i'm looking into clinics in Europe. However i'd much rather use a clinic that comes recommended than source my own, without any recommendations.

It's somewhat of a relief you say you've had success with straws, as most of the research i'v done states freezing in pellet form is the better option.

Limey Kennels
01-20-2014, 02:43 AM
There are plenty clinics that do the fibre optic camera insimination overhere. just google around. straws pellets makes no diferense to me ore most of these clinics. the point is there are not enoughf clinics that actualy TEST a pre freeze to see if the pserm is usable to be used for cryo in the first place. most of them(not overhere) just want your money..

01-20-2014, 07:43 AM
I'v just done a search in Holland and found a clinic that sounds ideal.

This is interesting ... "In the Netherlands surgical insemination is considered an unethical procedure and therefore forbidden by law." ... I didn't realise it was against the law to perform a surgical insemination.

Limey Kennels
01-21-2014, 03:01 AM
Hens the beter tegnics are divelopt..............