View Full Version : Waccamaw studs

08-05-2013, 05:03 AM

Albino Rhino
08-05-2013, 11:28 AM
All Star line up buddy .

08-05-2013, 07:23 PM
Years of breeding ,nothing but history in that line up

08-13-2013, 01:44 PM
Wacc email me this Trouble maker from I have something you might like. . tmknls@gmail.com.

09-08-2013, 07:17 AM
Good stuff WAC!!!

09-12-2013, 05:46 PM
Who is the highest ability hunter?

09-12-2013, 06:10 PM
All my studs are of high quality .depends on what trait you are looking for .

09-16-2013, 04:54 PM
Location and tag on fee to Rattler

09-16-2013, 06:00 PM
S.C stud fee on rattler is $1000 all other studs are $800

10-10-2013, 08:20 PM
All my studs are of high quality .depends on what trait you are looking for .

Can you elaborate on each studs best traits?

11-16-2013, 10:08 AM
Is the Rattler dog owned by you guys or does that Pnitty fella own him? I'm two hrs from you waccamaw and I know all too well the BS that comes with that crew... Did u breed, raise, and show him? If not can you at least verify that the dog is legit? Once u sell an animal I know you can't verify each and every deal but those guys are full of crap, bottom line. I'm in Charleston and rumors are flying around about the dog. Idk rather they are true or not, so I decided to ask.

No Quarter Kennel
11-18-2013, 06:12 AM
Waccamaw, if you don't mind, could you give the breakdown of what your line of dogs is centered around and so forth? I have found myself often times contemplating the Yellow type stuff as a cross with my Alligator stock. I see the Nigger dog and some old school Mayfield stuff back there, but don't know it like you and would love to hear your breakdown of what your line of dogs is, from your perspective and what traits your dogs bring to the table. Purely out of curiosity. Thanks

12-11-2013, 03:14 PM
Grch rattler is our dog .pnitty has gotten alot of dogs from us and based his yard on our blood .

12-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Waccamaw, if you don't mind, could you give the breakdown of what your line of dogs is centered around and so forth? I have found myself often times contemplating the Yellow type stuff as a cross with my Alligator stock. I see the Nigger dog and some old school Mayfield stuff back there, but don't know it like you and would love to hear your breakdown of what your line of dogs is, from your perspective and what traits your dogs bring to the table. Purely out of curiosity. Thanks

Our dogs are the old schoole red boy jocko dogs ,with jocko ,Argo ,and pearl (apples .) in the ped.we bred heavy on grch yellow .and our dogs cross with any quality dog .jeep rascal /RBJ is a very good cross .

12-11-2013, 03:21 PM
Can you elaborate on each studs best traits?

Our dogs mostly catch the hog in the chest or backend and in most hunts both .

12-13-2013, 04:34 PM
Superb lineup, Sir!!!!!

12-13-2013, 04:59 PM
Superb lineup, Sir!!!!!
Thanks ,that is years of planning .and hard hunting .

12-13-2013, 05:29 PM
Thanks ,that is years of planning .and hard hunting .

No problem at all. I have some friends with a few dogs down from your line and your dogs crossed into other lines, and they are all good dogs.

01-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Thanks for the compliment .

01-22-2014, 04:35 PM
Rattler is a true bulldog. Sonny great people to deal with. Now for that girly mouth stuff aabout my brother pnitty the quickest way to find out if his dogs hunt step up and find out. You can contact me and ill put you on to him he done shut you up om
peds online once luvmybullshit.

01-26-2014, 09:43 AM
We talked on the phone and I NEVER heard back from him again. I'm down here and Charleston and there is a yard full of that garbage we use for punching bags... I have dogs, my partner B, formerly of Blockbuster Brigade who had the Sammy dog been waiting and looking for Pnitty. No need to get on here popn off at the mouth when we all know the same people. Reach out home boy!! I'll get his number from quinton if he still has it and y'all he can expect a phone call. I never said a word bad about Sonny... Hear nothing but good about him but y'all chumps. Y'all have just as many titled dogs, problem is NOBODY seen'em, nobody ever heard of'em but y'all. Got my blood pressure up cause u know just as well as I do it won't go any further than this. I'm screwing up ya puppy sales huh? Sonny can call Barry himself and verify what I'm saying is true. He been after y'all for years and you still haven't answered the bell yet, GTFOH with all this tough talk on the computer. No need to respond on here to you again. Pm me the number in case quinton doesn't have it so I make sure I get in touch with whoever!!!!!! Nobody scared of y'all non dogging mf'ers

01-27-2014, 07:39 AM
Quinton doesnt have the number anymore, PM your number so we can figure this out like its supposed to be. I will say it again, i have nothing but the upmost respect for Waccamaw and their hounds. Pnitty and his crew are frauds, bottom line. I can get dogs from a well known breeder and beat up on the young boys in the neighborhood. The same fella i mentioned previously has a yard full of pnitty stock, even bred to a male yall have and we use his trash to start our shit up with, build up their confidence and start their real schooling after that... You feed a bunch of yard ornaments... Im anxiously waiting a response from you cowards.

01-28-2014, 07:01 AM
Waccamaw when was the last time you used straws off big John that created a litter?

01-28-2014, 07:40 AM
Great lineup. I have slaved for 3 generations of dogs. Thats a hell of alot of work!

01-31-2014, 12:42 PM
Who's producing better big john 4 or crazy eyes jr and what are the stud fees on these dogs??
Creek Bottom

02-05-2014, 05:09 AM
Thanks for the compliment .

No problem at all.

02-05-2014, 02:34 PM
Who's producing better big john 4 or crazy eyes jr and what are the stud fees on these dogs??
Creek Bottom

he previously posted that all are 800 and rattler 1000