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08-26-2013, 10:10 AM


HSUS Helps Lead 2nd Largest Ever Dogfighting Raid

In my role as president and CEO of The HSUS, I regularly see the best and worst of humanity. That was never more true than on Friday, as I participated in a*rescue of dogs*from an alleged dogfighter in southern Alabama. Federal and state law enforcement, along with The HSUS, the ASPCA, and other local and national animal welfare groups, assembled for a major multi-state operation on Friday in cracking down on a network of alleged dogfighting operations in the South. Specifically, the FBI arrested alleged dogfighters in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, seizing dogs in 13 locations in Alabama and Georgia.

One of the rescued dogs receives attention at theemergency shelter. photo: Kathy Milani/The HSUSMy colleague Chris Schindler is speaking for The HSUS at a press conference in Montgomery, Alabama today, organized by the U.S. Attorney based there, to report on the events of the last few days. I'd like to report to you on what I saw.Many of the alleged dogfighters targeted in this anti-dogfighting operation had been known to each by gathering at fights throughout the Southeast. Their arrests did not occur at fighting pits, but at their homes, where they maintained “dog yards,” with pit bull type dogs on short, heavy metal chains staked into the ground, with minimal protection from the searing heat.At the yard I was assigned, our HSUS team pulled 20 dogs, while five other HSUS teams fanned out to cover yards in that state and in two others.

Despite being neglected and kept in substandard conditions, these dogs were friendly and very happy to see us. They welcomed the food, water, veterinary care, and love that we provided. Many of them were emaciated. Several had scars on their faces and forelimbs. Our teams also discovered supplements and other standard items found at dogfighting operations.The dogs are now recovering at undisclosed locations. You, along with other caring people, have made that possible. It’s through*your support that we can conduct long-term investigations like this one, deploy dozens of key personnel for rescues, and then handle and care for dogs for weeks or months on end.A three-year investigation of these alleged dogfighters led to Friday’s series of interventions. Police in Auburn, Alabama started the investigation, with HSUS experts participating every step of the way, though the case was ultimately led by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney.

All told, there were 367 dogs rescued on Friday in what is thought to be the second largest dogfighting raid in U.S. history (the biggest one was an 8-state operation centered in Missouri that HSUS also participated in that resulted in the seizure of more than 500 dogs).Ten suspects were arrested and indicted on felony*dogfighting*charges. Federal and local officials also seized firearms and drugs, as well as more than $500,000 in cash from dogfighting gambling activities that took place over the course of the investigation. Remains of dead animals were also discovered on some properties where dogs were housed and allegedly fought. If convicted, defendants could face up to five years in prison, as well as fines and restitution, under the provisions of the federal anti-animal fighting law that The HSUS worked with federal lawmakers to upgrade in 2002, 2007, and 2008. We are working with lawmakers on an additional upgrade this year, to penalize spectators at animal fights, and both the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill contain the reforms we’re seeking to secure.I vowed that when we upgraded the federal law, we would do everything in our power to ensure its enforcement.

That’s exactly what we did on Friday. We are grateful to the committed men and women in federal and state law enforcement who helped make this happen. And we are grateful for the labors of our peer organizations in animal protection for providing such meaningful help in a complex, multi-state, multi-jurisdictional enterprise.If dogfighters think they’ll evade the attention of law enforcement personnel, they are mistaken. The U.S. Attorney in Montgomery, with these actions, has indicated that he won’t tolerate this crime and cruelty, and neither will the FBI.We are committed to eradicating dogfighting in every dark corner where it festers. This series of raids should remind dogfighters everywhere that they are not beyond the reach of law and their day of reckoning will come.

Officially Retired
08-26-2013, 10:23 AM
Damn. Am afraid to see all of the names on that list, as the last of my dogs went to a lot of those states.

Hope none of them have anything to do with my stuff ...


08-26-2013, 10:27 AM
Man o man, how did they come to such a big bust again?
An informant, an undercover? Wouldn't you expect people to be extra careful in America?
Not only the people who screwed up, screwed up themselves but also put the breed in bad light again for everyone.
Sorry for the dogs that were lost

08-26-2013, 10:29 AM
Damn. Am afraid to see all of the names on that list, as the last of my dogs went to a lot of those states.

Hope none of them have anything to do with my stuff ...


Those fellas were holding 3 day events with hundreds of people.

Officially Retired
08-26-2013, 11:21 AM

08-26-2013, 11:44 AM
I wish the best for them but those 'conventions' are never a good idea. It screams, "Look at me, Look at me!". My issue is that it is a three year investigation. Countless man-hours invested, serious amounts of tax dollars used, multiple agencies with extensive and expensive resources....I bet the local elementary schools in these areas would love to have a piece of the pie that footed the bill for the last three years. EWO

08-26-2013, 11:53 AM
Those fellas were holding 3 day events with hundreds of people.

It dosent matter if you have a week long conventions or a 10min 1card show. When you have bitch ass mother fuckers that get involved in a certain life style and then get busted and start ratting to reduce their penalties this is what happens.

08-26-2013, 12:01 PM
I wish the best for them but those 'conventions' are never a good idea. It screams, "Look at me, Look at me!". My issue is that it is a three year investigation. Countless man-hours invested, serious amounts of tax dollars used, multiple agencies with extensive and expensive resources....I bet the local elementary schools in these areas would love to have a piece of the pie that footed the bill for the last three years. EWO

EWO, you and I see eye to eye. No rhyme intended

08-26-2013, 03:22 PM
Waste of money, so much other things child sex trade ,missing children ect.. Don't get those types of investigation s. People need to realize times have changed 3 day shows hell i bet everyone and they momma knew! Yis Ole Man

08-26-2013, 05:40 PM
Bad times for sure...everyone be careful and take damn good care of your hounds.

08-26-2013, 05:41 PM
This Dog Bust is now in the main headlines. The names given of the accused dog men have been listed and where they live. Like I mentioned in that Jenny keep subject. Multi dog pulling shows need to end. Were out of hand near the end of my time in the dogs.

No more large numbers of people in attendance, no children and women. Best not to own property etc. in your name. Sure some were good family men that are soon to lose a lot. Probably their first up front lawyer fee quote is $10,000 dollars. I hope not.

It may be news hype, but was stated some had very large sums of money on them. When I saw the big money betting come into the game. Knew the game as I knew it, was soon ending. Hope the best for these fellows, bad news indeed.

I read the comments from john Q public about their thoughts of that head line story. No one would want their personal form of justice, or want them on the jury. Cheers

Officially Retired
08-27-2013, 04:58 AM
I haven't heard of any of these jokers http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/08/26/dog-fighting/2703137

08-27-2013, 09:57 AM
That is very good news Jack. Do not wish any ill will on anyone. Still hope no responsible dog men got caught up in this dog bust. Fellows beware who you let come on your dog yard or join your local dog show , dog weight pulling groups or hog hunting groups.

Mr. Teal told me a long time ago, keep law type friends, gamblers, drunkards, thrill seekers, men who do not get along with their wives or take proper care of their families. Away from yourself and your dog yard. LOL

Years back, the Chicken men in my surrounding area never had any problems till they decided to have a event. On of all days, Mother's Day. A disgruntled mother called the Governor which probably really pissed him off. So he sent a Swat team with Helicopters to bust them. None escaped.

Not to long after that he appointed a swat team just to catch the chicken and the dog men. He had found a good political future vote getter for himself and the Swat teams something to practice on. Cheers