View Full Version : Crenshaw Yard & Interview on the You tube

08-27-2013, 10:05 PM
Reading various books about working dogs and videos are great. Recommend all to do so. But when you can watch a video like this one. You can learn a lot by just seeing and hearing. James was a soft spoken man so you will have to listen real close. Note he knew a lot of top dog men with one being Don Mayfield. Sure he knew Lemm real well also.

Watch how simple his feeding method was. Ours was very similar. So I know he is not making something up to fool someone.

Note how he is working that dog on his tread mill. Making sure he does not work the dog to hard but slow progressive work at the dog's pace. That was one of the things I learned from Mr. Teal. Safest approach if using a tread mill, Jenny, large Round table or road work.

I know today there are all sorts of new things on the market. James today if he could come back in his prime would still be hard to beat. He was a top dog man and conditioner. A good keep is one I would call; Keep it Stupid Simple. Like a fine Smith & Wesson 357 Magnum Revolver. Just IMHO. Cheers

08-28-2013, 03:18 AM
Well said. I will check out the video. I watched the Mayfield series up to six when he was about to describe the Tombstone/Bullyson Jr. match when it ended. I guess you have to pay for the rest of the series. I will have to look into that.

I like the KISS method myself. (Keep it simple stupid). My drill instructor used that phrase all the time. His other one would be. "There is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people that ask questions".

Officially Retired
08-28-2013, 05:49 AM
Why don't you post a link to the video, CYJ?


08-28-2013, 08:11 AM

Jack's Note: Thanks (though it's better to learn how to use the video tags, as above, than just to post the link :) )

08-28-2013, 09:58 AM
That is it. Thanks very much, Milky and Jack. Still got a lot to learn about this wonderful system you and your brother have created. Wish I had something like this site 35 years ago. It is a dog breeders research engine dream come true.

08-28-2013, 11:22 AM
Ditto EWO. I to wanted to hear the rest of that story from Mayfield about Tombstone and Bully Son Jr. I never saw all those tapes. Believe I might still have one Braddock gave me. Don did to much rambling on some of those tapes, was maybe trying to make to many to sell more tapes. His mind was starting to go as well.

Not sure if Don showed how he used his Jenny mill or showed his feeding etc in some of the later tapes. His lack of a good fundamental education did not help either or at least it appeared that way. Not that My ramblings are much better. Wish I could write like CA Jack. My oldest Grand Son can write very interesting articles that are fun to read and understand. He majored in English and History in College.

Just talking about working a dog but not seeing what is being done. Leaves a lot to be desired. The actual hands on of seeing and hearing is the best way to learn. I happen to be visiting Mr. Teal one Saturday in the AM. He had a dog out back being worked by him and his brother Jocko. On his round table.

I was allowed to stay and watch what they were doing. I just kept my mouth shut and watched and listened. A long the way Mr. Teal started pointing certain things to look for and watch for. He would say see that right there. That is how you want this dog to work this type mill. Then as it progressed he said see that dog's tongue, breathing and foam around the corners of mouth. Time to get him off and start the walking and a cool down. The dog was not worked to total exhaustion.

Mr. Teal did use road work along with hand walking. When He got older had to depend more on others to help with the road work and hand walking. Said one time when some of us was eating at his restaurant. He felt a lot of times some of his help was just walking his dogs far enough into the woods and sitting down with them. LOL

Rowell may have helped Mr. Teal a lot and could get one in good pulling shape. I think Coleman was a big disappointment for Mr. Teal. Last time the Turkey Farm dog was put down. Mr. Teal called him to the side and was upset about the poor shape he brought Turkey in that day. Coleman told Mr. Teal he was sorry for the poor showing that day.

I saw that dog pulling show down.Turkey had a tough go of it from the get go. Fought the head till he got to the back end of the other dog and won. Turkey was a deep game dog with natural ability. Had not had that going for him would have lost that day. Coleman's opponents came loaded for bear.

When I built my round table and started using it. From what Mr. Teal showed me. I was able to use it properly. It was just one tool I liked a lot. Did use my Jenny as much as I could with the round table as a back up. I had to learn the hard way not to run a dog four hours on a Jenny. To this day do not know how that poor dog did it with the stupid way I was feeding it. LOL

08-28-2013, 11:56 AM
The main point I am wanting you to see in this Crenshaw interview is not so much of the dog just running that tread mill. But how it was being encourage to work. At it's own pace till the dog gets stronger as it goes. A little more each day.

Note how calm Crenshaw is and gets in no hurry. Everything is well thought out and on a well planned schedule. A dog can sense these things from it's trainer. Like James says to that fellow just good exercise and good feed. You want your dog feeling like brother Si of Duck Dynasty. Happy, Happy, Happy. LOL

08-28-2013, 12:10 PM
Thanks CYJ, and enjoying your posts and the effort u put into them

08-28-2013, 03:00 PM
I enjoy the posts as well. It's a broken record for me but lots of times I like the history of the dogs as much as I do the dogs themselves. The internet has surely changed the landscape of the dogs, both good and bad. I consider this site to be a good thing but on the flip side a big and well laid out web-site can easily be confused with quality in the dogs/breeding program/conditioning program, etc.etc.. (especially to the newcomers).

I have just started to build a turntable. I have never used one but I am going to give it a whirl. I will start with some beginning pics tomorrow and then 'document' as I go along. I will get my son to shoot, load and post them as I often struggle with this endeavor. This part of the dogs is in his wheelhouse. Keep the posts coming. I thoroughly enjoy the reading. EWO