View Full Version : Possibl3 blockage

08-30-2013, 10:17 AM
Sunday- fed in pm

Monday- found throw up in spot. Fed regular time and amount , food wasnt touched

Tuesday- fed raw and beef broth to get to eat in am.

Wensday -first shit since sunday, runny. Force fed yougurt and raw. Thrown up 30min later. Hydrated well and has been drinking water normally.

Thursday- Am eat 2 raw eggs and small amount of yougurt. In pm she ate regular amount of kibble at rwgular feeding time approx 6pm

Friday- Throws up about 6 am, then take regular looking shit. Then at 1030 she eat some kibble soaked in beef broth.

Shes been drinking regular. Gums are red. Acts fine. Now obviously I would take her to the vet if so much shit hasnt been going on lately. She's got her obvious tats from many KA. I dont want to loos this bitch shea my best dog but I dont want to put myself under any microscope either. Anyone know of anything I could do please help.

Officially Retired
08-30-2013, 10:25 AM
The vet and xray would be my #1 suggestion.

Absent that, I would feed her 1 cup of mineral oil (with a dab of chicken broth for taste), let that run through her, and hope for the best.

Good luck,


Black Hand
08-30-2013, 10:27 AM
she took a normal dump last? with nothing abnormal in it? what could possibly be causing a blockage? What is near her that she could have eaten? if she took a normal dump with nothing in it I wouldn't be 100% on a blockage.

08-30-2013, 11:14 AM
The vet and xray would be my #1 suggestion.

Absent that, I would feed her 1 cup of mineral oil (with a dab of chicken broth for taste), let that run through her, and hope for the best.

Good luck,


Exactly, or beef stock.. I would use the big heavy duty 50 cc syringe to force it down the throat

Officially Retired
08-30-2013, 12:06 PM
she took a normal dump last? with nothing abnormal in it? what could possibly be causing a blockage? What is near her that she could have eaten? if she took a normal dump with nothing in it I wouldn't be 100% on a blockage.

Sometimes there can be residual feces in the intestine/colon that still eventually passes ... even though a blockage is above it.

Black Hand
08-30-2013, 01:26 PM
Sometimes there can be residual feces in the intestine/colon that still eventually passes ... even though a blockage is above it.

Yeah, seems like in most cases they would pass that poop before you start to notice something is wrong. I agree though, or some stuff could have just gotten through as I have had a dog take a month and still be passing the objects she ate with normal shits in between.

reason I think it could possibly be something else is because of the time of eating and last normal shit. a normal poop 4 to 5 days after you notice she's acting funny. that's long time for residue. I've taken food from my dogs and at 35 hours from feeding they aren't taking normal poops any more. but maybe it's not totally blocked or something.

08-30-2013, 01:35 PM
I got some mineral oil gonna try that. She works a spring pole about every other day. She may have swallowed some rope strands. She's never had this problem before but its the only thing it could be. Ive had other do the same thing but they always seemed to pass the strand

Black Hand
08-30-2013, 03:09 PM
I got some mineral oil gonna try that. She works a spring pole about every other day. She may have swallowed some rope strands. She's never had this problem before but its the only thing it could be. Ive had other do the same thing but they always seemed to pass the strand

Can take a while to pass the rope.
Ive had to put one down by waiting though... cut circulation and rotted her insides out.

08-30-2013, 07:32 PM
Well I have her 1cup of min oil with chicken broth mixed in and with in a few hours she took 2 poos. 1 regular looking one goose shit looking. And she continues to eat and drink. I added meta mucil to her food also. Ill keep updating as progress betters or worsens.

08-31-2013, 05:11 AM
Over the night she pood 2x one regular and one goose. In the regular look I ng poo was a large knot of strands. So im gonna keep her inside and monitor her for a few more days. But id bet that what was just past was what was causing the problem. And I hope that was it as well.

Officially Retired
08-31-2013, 11:20 AM
Yeah, it sounds like it was a partial blockage, that upset her stomach for awhile, but that eventually passed.
