View Full Version : Worm or wait?

09-20-2013, 12:56 PM
I just acquired a pup that will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. He needs to wormed out asap just from looking @ his pot belly. I have some panacur on hand but my pyrantel pamoate will not be in til Monday. Do you guys think it would help or hurt the pup by worming him with the panacur twice a day for 3 days @ 1 ml for each 4 pounds or should I just wait til Monday when the pyrantel pamoate comes in? I'm itching to flush the little guy out asap because he needs it. I read it would be good to use the panacur once they are 16 weeks and then put them on the rotational worm schedule in the pb bible. Do y'all think the panacur will hurt or help him @ this age?

09-20-2013, 01:38 PM
Wait until Monday in my opinion, panacur maybe to strong for that age pup.

Officially Retired
09-20-2013, 05:15 PM
I just acquired a pup that will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. He needs to wormed out asap just from looking @ his pot belly. I have some panacur on hand but my pyrantel pamoate will not be in til Monday. Do you guys think it would help or hurt the pup by worming him with the panacur twice a day for 3 days @ 1 ml for each 4 pounds or should I just wait til Monday when the pyrantel pamoate comes in? I'm itching to flush the little guy out asap because he needs it. I read it would be good to use the panacur once they are 16 weeks and then put them on the rotational worm schedule in the pb bible. Do y'all think the panacur will hurt or help him @ this age?

Use the Panacur, then use the Pyrantel.

Officially Retired
09-20-2013, 05:16 PM
Wait until Monday in my opinion, panacur maybe to strong for that age pup.

Nope. Panacur is the weakest, safest wormer there is. The very fact you have to use so much, so often, for so many days PROVES it's weak.

Truly strong wormers you hardly use any at all. (Like Moxidectin)

09-20-2013, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the info fellas, appreciate it.

Officially Retired
09-21-2013, 09:04 AM

Never use Moxidectin on pups, but Panacur and pyrantel are fine.

09-21-2013, 05:04 PM
Thanks Jack

02-23-2014, 03:17 PM
Nope. Panacur is the weakest, safest wormer there is. The very fact you have to use so much, so often, for so many days PROVES it's weak.

Truly strong wormers you hardly use any at all. (Like Moxidectin)

Do you know of any suppliers with good prices on Moxidectin $50 for each dog is hard to swallow.

Officially Retired
02-25-2014, 10:21 AM
Would NOT use moxidectin on pups ... ever.