View Full Version : Need solu delta cortef in Europe

09-30-2013, 10:55 AM
It seems like all sources that i know can't deliver solu delta cortef any more. Is there anyone who can?

09-30-2013, 11:00 AM
i probably can buy solu medrol but i wonder if it works just as good.

09-30-2013, 02:30 PM
I think most of it works, as good, but you simply have to use a lot more when it comes to other products.

10-01-2013, 01:08 AM
Civilised world here, take a look at this catalogue
First price is for hospitals, second for mass orders and obviously your price is the third, higher one. Maybe they changed meanwhile.

10-01-2013, 01:20 AM
Im not sure if its the same since you say first price is for hospitals, could it be for vets because Solu delta cortef is only for animals.

So it's 4 ml vials for 8 euro, and you can just order them online??? That would be a very good price, 10 ml vials go for 100 euro here ;)

You never save what's left in the vial, so 4 ml vials would be much better.

10-01-2013, 01:36 AM
what matters is the active ingredient which you can see at the first table, I guess that since this web page is a guide for profesionals it has the human versions. i can check with my vet although. But in every greek site here about first aid in working dogs etc they mention this product and call it hydrocortisone.
Just called him, he says it is the same and that hydrocortisone is a fast release product. Lets also wait for the forum's great brains and then we see.

10-01-2013, 01:41 AM
There is also this product with much lower price but i dio not know how it measures up against solu cortef. http://www.galinos.gr/web/drugs/main/drugs/rolak#content generic stuff.

10-01-2013, 01:47 AM
The main active ingredient in solu delta cortef for animals is prednisolone.


Metabolic and Hormonal Effects. Prednisolone, a derivative of hydrocortisone, has greater glucocorticoid activity, greater anti-inflammatory activity, less sodium-retaining effect, and less potassium-losing effect than the parent compound.

The glucocorticoid activity of prednisolone is approximately 4 times that of hydrocortisone and 5 times that of cortisone as measured in experimental animals in terms of liver glycogen deposition, eosinopenic response, and thymic involution.

The anti-inflammatory activity of prednisolone is at least 4 times that of hydrocortisone. SOLU-DELTA-CORTEF exerts an inhibitory influence on the cellular, fibrous, and amorphous components of connective tissue and thereby suppresses the basic processes of inflammation. Vascular permeability is decreased, exudation diminished, and the migration of inflammatory cells markedly impaired.

10-01-2013, 11:39 AM
Prednisone makes you feel Damn good too. I've taken it myself when I had a bout with a bad virus

10-02-2013, 01:21 AM
Give me a day or two to see what is available.

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 03:08 AM
Prednisone makes you feel Damn good too. I've taken it myself when I had a bout with a bad virus

Prednisone and prednisolone are different drugs ...

10-02-2013, 03:27 AM
Thanks in advance Taso

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 04:35 AM
i probably can buy solu medrol but i wonder if it works just as good.

From what I understand, dex is better with anti-inflammation (30x better than hydrocortisone); solu-delta is better for straight shock.

Solu medrol is good at both ...

10-02-2013, 05:04 AM
For anti-inflammation i use dex for sure. I just want to have the best available anti shock for dogs in my kit, in case i need it. Solu delta cortef has been helpful to me before.

Solu medrol has Methylprednisolone as active ingredient. But i can't find much sites that has "shock" it in the list of indications with real studies to back that up.

Shock: In severe hemorrhagic or traumatic shock adjunctive use of i.v. methylprednisolone may aid in achieving hemodynamic restoration. (Although there are no well-controlled [double-blind placebo] clinical trials, data from experimental animal models indicate that methylprednisolone may be useful in hemorrhagic and traumatic shock. See also Warnings regarding septic shock.) Corticoid therapy should not replace standard methods of combating shock, but present evidence indicates that concurrent use of large doses of corticoids with other measure may improve survival rates.

A study has failed to establish the efficacy of SOLU-MEDROL in the treatment of sepsis syndrome and septic shock. The study also suggests that treatment of these conditions with SOLU-MEDROL may increase the risk of mortality in certain patients (i.e., patients with elevated serum creatinine levels or patients who develop secondary infections after SOLU-MEDROL).

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 05:40 AM
First of all, they're not much different from each other:

Solu-Delta = Prednisolone sodium succinate
Solu-Medrol = methylPrednisolone sodium succinate

Secondly, septic shock is different from hypovolemic/trauma shock.

Finally, I guess the best evidence I have found regarding the use of Solu-Medrol is the fact it is used in trauma hospitals worldwide.


Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 05:47 AM
Hell, in just a brief search, here is evidence that even Solu-Delta doesn't help anywhere near as much (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1539912) as just lactated ringers alone for massive blood loss ...

"The addition of prednisolone sodium succinate to the treatment regimen improved the effectiveness of LRS alone only in some dogs at random sampling times. Significant trends were not observed except, possibly, the improvement of venous pH and A-V pH and PCO2 differences".

10-02-2013, 05:59 AM
Thanks Jack. I have (re)found(lol) your article about solu medrol also, good stuff its all in there.
Since you say its good for both anti-inflammation and shock, would/should you leave the dex out when you need the solu medrol anyway?

Lactated ringers i have. Is shock in/after a show mostly caused by massive blood loss? I never thought about the cause..

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 06:05 AM
Thanks Jack. I have (re)found(lol) your article about solu medrol also, good stuff its all in there.
Since you say its good for both anti-inflammation and shock, would/should you leave the dex out when you need the solu medrol anyway?

No, dex is great for (say) if the leg got brutally mangled. Lotsa swelling, but no real shock to the dog. In this case, dex is the choice for reducing the swelling.

Dex is also the preferred choice for snakebites, bad spider bites (brown recluse, etc.).

The good thing about Solu-Delta is it is very fast-acting, but it also is out of the dog very fast, so it's a double-edged sword.

Solu-Medrol stays in the dog longer than Solu-Delta, which can be important if you don't have a lot onhand.

Lactated ringers i have. Is shock in/after a show mostly caused by massive blood loss? I never thought about the cause..

The elements that cause shock in a dog deal are: 1) blood loss/dehydration, 2) trauma/swelling, 3) absolute total exhaustion, and 4) pain.


10-02-2013, 06:12 AM

Jack, i have this ones also.

Is it better then standard lactated ringers for shock in case of blood loss?

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 06:14 AM
Unfortunately, I have no experience with Voluven.

I do know that hypertonic saline is another valuable aid to shock recovery though ...


10-02-2013, 06:20 AM

Officially Retired
10-02-2013, 06:21 AM