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10-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Is there anything that works as good as Taktic? I have a friend in Lousiana that has as a mange problem. I still have a little on hand but do not want to share it till I find something just as good. I used it around 10 years ago with good luck. I also gave the dog ivermectin. It sure worked for me. My friend ordered some out of Australia and when it hit California. Who ever is in charge of keeping stuff out stopped it there. He lost around $200 in this deal. Randy Fox

10-11-2013, 05:58 PM
Why would he order Taktic from australia? He can just as easily drive to a neighboring state and buy it or have someone ship it to him. You can buy it OTC throughout the country.

10-11-2013, 11:31 PM
Just treat with ivermectin?

10-12-2013, 12:09 PM
It is illegal to guy Taktic anywhere in the USA now. Try to buy it you will see. Randy

10-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Ivermect is the way to go anyway. Taktic is a pesticide that is a major threat to the bee population. Do some research.

10-12-2013, 12:55 PM
Prolate/Lintox cattle/swine dip works great for mange. You can pick up a sizeable bottle at Atwood's for around $18 bucks.
It also works well healing up hot spots and other superficial wounds as well.

10-12-2013, 12:56 PM
I bought some a few months ago from my local farm supply company where I live. Maybe it's the last of what they have in stock.

10-12-2013, 01:17 PM

10-13-2013, 12:56 PM
Thanks everyone. I have writen down all these suggestions and am pulling them all up and reading about them on the internet. Randy Fox

Officially Retired
10-14-2013, 07:11 AM

I called, and you're right: they said it's been on "indefinite backorder" for a couple years now.

I did to an internet search, and found a ton of vendors, but I didn't spend any time checking them out.

The drug is out there, so maybe you can do your own search and let us all know :idea:



10-14-2013, 03:08 PM
I wrote about 20 or so vendors four or five months ago. Plus many of my friends looked for it also. That is what made me look in foreign countries. You can find it there but the feds will take it when it hits California. For some reason all orders from Australia come to California before going to Louisiana where my friend lives. I had a friend that lost over $200 counting shipping. That is when he ordered it from Australia. He is trying to make his credit card company insurance take care of his loss. Not sure if he succeeded. This was the place he ordered it from. They sent it but like I said it isn't allowed in the USA and the postal folks took it and contacted him and said he couldn't have it. http://www.virbac.com.au/p-virbacaupuben/pdf/products/Rural/TakticEC.pdf Thanks Randy

Officially Retired
10-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Thanks for alerting us all to this fact, Randy.

10-14-2013, 11:43 PM
What if he orders from lets say europe? http://www.melissoefodia.gr/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=275&virtuemart_category_id=9&Itemid=452&lang=el 1lt at 45 euros, do not know if this is a good price.

Pit Bull Committed
05-08-2015, 11:27 AM
Has anyone found a solution to getting a product that contains the ingredient Amitraz? I tried looking up Triatix, ectodex and Taktic but none are available in the USA. Need help getting rid of the mange on my dog.

Pit Bull Committed
05-08-2015, 11:29 AM
Just treat with ivermectin?
Isn't that more for heart worm?

Pit Bull Committed
05-08-2015, 11:38 AM
Prolate/Lintox cattle/swine dip works great for mange. You can pick up a sizeable bottle at Atwood's for around $18 bucks.
It also works well healing up hot spots and other superficial wounds as well.

SB I looked that up and on KV supply it states that it's for Sarcoptic mange. Do you know if it will cure Demodectic mange?

05-08-2015, 12:04 PM
while ivermectin treats & orevents heartworm in dogs, it is also used for other things. there are several different methods to use, either seperate or combined. if it was me, i would go down to the feed store and get you some ivermectin 1%, along with a bottle of nu-stock. supposedly, "vetericyn" also rids dogs of demodectic mange, so it wouldnt hurt to add that to the combo. if you go to the vet, they will prescribe you ivermectin.

Pit Bull Committed
05-08-2015, 12:08 PM
while ivermectin treats & orevents heartworm in dogs, it is also used for other things. there are several different methods to use, either seperate or combined. if it was me, i would go down to the feed store and get you some ivermectin 1%, along with a bottle of nu-stock. supposedly, "vetericyn" also rids dogs of demodectic mange, so it wouldnt hurt to add that to the combo. if you go to the vet, they will prescribe you ivermectin.
Got it! I'll give that a shot and update you guys on how it goes. Thanks!

05-08-2015, 12:14 PM
Neem oil also works well for curing mange but it stinks like hell... You might also want to add some salmon oil to the dog's diet as that will help boost the immune system to fight the mange. It's not hard to cure but takes time.

Pit Bull Committed
05-08-2015, 12:44 PM
Neem oil also works well for curing mange but it stinks like hell... You might also want to add some salmon oil to the dog's diet as that will help boost the immune system to fight the mange. It's not hard to cure but takes time.

Thanks for the response. I'll have to get some Neem oil from Jack and give it a try too. My dog with mange has been on a premium raw diet since the day it got off its mother's nipples. So that's the part where I'm a little confused about. All of his littermates doesn't have this problem and they are all kept and fed the same. I guess it could just be that he has a much weaker immune system.

05-08-2015, 02:24 PM
SB I looked that up and on KV supply it states that it's for Sarcoptic mange. Do you know if it will cure Demodectic mange?

Yes P/L works very well I've used it for many years without any issues. And I like it because you not only treat mange you rid your dogs of flies, fleas if you have them and ticks and mosquitos.

I just recently ordered Sulfurated Lime dip it is pricey @ $89 a gallon but it seems to work well. NuStock is also very good.


05-08-2015, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the response. I'll have to get some Neem oil from Jack and give it a try too. My dog with mange has been on a premium raw diet since the day it got off its mother's nipples. So that's the part where I'm a little confused about. All of his littermates doesn't have this problem and they are all kept and fed the same. I guess it could just be that he has a much weaker immune system.

How old is he? Often a pup when it starts getting the adult teeth at about 4 to 5 months will get a fairly mild case of demodex and it will usually clear up pretty quickly. It does not always mean a weaker immune system. it can be a reaction to the stress of teething. Just a thought...

Good luck with it, it is usually pretty easy to cure and the neem oil, etc will help.