View Full Version : throws up immediately after food
10-20-2013, 03:46 PM
Dog tried to eat but regurgitates immediately after every bit. Can't finsh all the food.
Any ideas?
I can say that about 5 days ago he probably swallowed a shank bone. I give all the dogs 1 shank bone a week. I walk the yard handing out the bones. At the end of the walk I tured around and picked up pans. As I got back to him the bone was gone. I looked for it in his house and around his chain spot but couldn't find it. I have about 8 dogs so this walk didnt take to long. The bone was about 3/4 inch thick and 2 or 2.5 inches across. So Ive never had a dog swallow one hole but its probably possible.
Officially Retired
10-20-2013, 03:54 PM
Dog tried to eat but regurgitates immediately after every bit. Can't finsh all the food.
Any ideas?
I can say that about 5 days ago he probably swallowed a shank bone. I give all the dogs 1 shank bone a week. I walk the yard handing out the bones. At the end of the walk I tured around and picked up pans. As I got back to him the bone was gone. I looked for it in his house and around his chain spot but couldn't find it. I have about 8 dogs so this walk didnt take to long. The bone was about 3/4 inch thick and 2 or 2.5 inches across. So Ive never had a dog swallow one hole but its probably possible.
Yep, you've probably got a blockage. You can try giving him a cup of mineral oil, but if he's throwing up that fast I doubt he's going to keep it down long enough to let it get on down there.
If he hasn't passed the bone, or defecated, by tomorrow, I would definitely take him in to the vet for an xray/surgery tomorrow morning.
Good luck,
10-20-2013, 04:50 PM
You think its possible to pass a bone that large? Or do you think its possible to be partly digested?
10-20-2013, 04:51 PM
I wouldnt wait til morning, but other than that i agree with Jack. My buddy just lost a dog from a blockage. The reason i say not to wait is because of how fast he yacks after eating. Better safe than sorry man, jmo.
Officially Retired
10-20-2013, 04:58 PM
I wouldnt wait til morning, but other than that i agree with Jack. My buddy just lost a dog from a blockage. The reason i say not to wait is because of how fast he yacks after eating. Better safe than sorry man, jmo.
I hear you.
With a sharp bone, there could be an injury or perforation going on.
Only reason I would wait till morning is because of $$$ with an emergency vet. If no injury, waiting till morning won't matter much (provided problem just started today and there is no injury/perforation).
However, if money is no object, then (yes) going to the vet now is Best Practice, no question.
Officially Retired
10-20-2013, 04:58 PM
You think its possible to pass a bone that large? Or do you think its possible to be partly digested?
Not if he ate it whole, no.
If it's in pieces, possibly.
10-27-2013, 12:28 PM
I gave him a cup of min oil and within 2 days he could eat without regurgitating. And has had many regular bowel movements. So as of right now I believe he will be ok. I made the decision that from now on out ill get them shank bone cut about 1.5" think instead of 3/4"