View Full Version : Pat has coon hound paralysis

10-23-2013, 04:53 PM
This sucks for him and us. Anyone have experienced this with a dog of yours before?
We about 8 days into it and he's doing as well as can be expected.

Officially Retired
10-23-2013, 04:58 PM
I think Frosty Paws has experience with this, so you might want to PM him (or he might want to post his response on here, for all to benefit).

But I think it's reversible, if I am not mistaken.

How is your other dog doing, the one who regurged? ...

10-23-2013, 07:21 PM
I got him to drink a cup of min oil with beef broth. He took a regular shit. Then I tried to feed him again. He ate about half his food then threw up. But..... if I mix water and supplements together he can drink it all and not throw up. I wish I ahd a vet that I had a good relationship with but I do not and to much controversial activities have been going on in my area lately.

Sappossedly the pat will come out of it and possibly make a full recovery. I hope so cause he was a tornado in a coon trailer park.

10-24-2013, 06:43 AM
Leftlane, a buddy of ours has delt with coon dog paralysis. He has a bitch who was down for over 30 days...I can't remember exactly how long. I remember she basically couldn't swallow, or move anything from the neck down. At one point during her recovery I saw her and her legs were shrunk and drawn up. I commented to him he should put her down, well he didn't. Like your dog she was a coon specialist. Anyhow she eventually made a full recovery, but no hunting in her future. He plans on breeding her this year.
If you would like his # I'd be happy to PM it to you, good luck!

10-24-2013, 08:00 AM
All I am really curious about is it something that can return without warning. Ie; no hunting just relapse. I know that he can 100% forsure get it again if he comes in contact with another coon that has it. It sucks that there is no vaccine for it. And they really dont know very much about it. But if you think he knows a bit about it ill give him a call.