View Full Version : Can it be done ?
10-31-2013, 05:10 PM
I was wondering if anyone ever seen or heard of a dog becoming a 2x or higher in just one day :question:
10-31-2013, 10:07 PM
Deep Throat Dolly did, AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH...
10-31-2013, 10:55 PM
Lmao!!! I was thinking the same thing. Yis Ole Man
10-31-2013, 11:17 PM
On serious note its a foolish thing to do,but i did just read some where of one doing two in a night but for the life me. I cant remember. Yis Ole Man
10-31-2013, 11:49 PM
I think ch carmela soprano did 4 and 5 same day. first a win in 30 or so, right after a game loss into a gr ch.
11-01-2013, 01:43 AM
Ch Sinful Sister finished 2 in one night too, i believe.
Limey Kennels
11-01-2013, 02:50 AM
I was wondering if anyone ever seen or heard of a dog becoming a 2x or higher in just one day :question:
Actualy yes i know one dog that dis CC Kennels CH Sunny back in the late 80,s eurly 90,s . was shopwn for a considereble amound of money. afther beating his uponend up in very short order 15 min . and caching in there fee. Beinmg in a forighn country they where forced under gun point to stay another day and mach again the necst day(within24 hours) witch CH Sunny won in 3 hours!!. needless to say they quickly got the hell out of dodge afther winning..
11-01-2013, 03:17 AM
wow. Cottons bullet was said to win 4 in one night. I have no evidence to support that what so ever though
Officially Retired
11-01-2013, 06:59 AM
I was wondering if anyone ever seen or heard of a dog becoming a 2x or higher in just one day :question:
I have rolled plenty of dogs that have decimated the first dog so fast we had to use another ... and it went right through the second dog as well ... so why not?
Simply put: It is as possible for a dog to be able to whip 2 lesser dogs in a row ... as it is for that same dog not to be able to whip 1 better dog ...
11-01-2013, 08:47 AM
Sinful Sister DID NOT win 2 in one night. We know the boys that bred her and campaigned her.
11-01-2013, 10:38 AM
Its been in rolls many a time like Jack said,but two matches in one night i dont know for sure but either way its not the brightest idea,if your hound gets it done quick in a show take em home and be happy. Yis Ole Man
Officially Retired
11-01-2013, 10:52 AM
Its been in rolls many a time like Jack said,but two matches in one night i dont know for sure but either way its not the brightest idea,if your hound gets it done quick in a show take em home and be happy. Yis Ole Man
Agree, it's not the brightest idea, but it is possible.
The difference is, in our sport, there is no "sanctioning body" ... so there is no such thing as a "Sanctioned Match" :idea:
For example, in boxing, the WBC (let's say) must sanction a match in order for it to be counted in the books as "legit." In other words, two people can't just challenge each other and have their fight go on record.
However, no such requirements exist in our sport, precisely because there is no sanctioning body. Therefore, any 2 people wanting to place a bet, agree on a weight, a ref, and a timekeeper, can create "a match" ... and whoever wins or loses is a "winner" or "loser" of "a match" ...
If you think it will be hard to beat the dog, train 2 dogs, setup an imaginary match before the show. Unfortunately the opponent for the 1st match doesnt show up. Pick up your dog in 25/30 minuts. " Forfeit taker" of the 1st match challenges the winner. Lol. I think every time some things like winning 2 shows in an evening happens, there is something dodgy going on. Or someone would have to think your dog is so shit that he picks up a dog from the chain and contracts it for the same day. Oh well, people are stupid enough to do it.
I once saw a male win his third and at the show his exploits were that he won his first two on the same night. Two shows set at 38lbs. each. The first set go and it is over rather quickly. One of the two participants of the next show does not show (and this is where I see a calamity of errors) and the winner of #1 offers his up to make the second show happen. The sole reason is to so the host does not have to refund money from the 'gate'. The winner then goes a little over an hour on the 2nd show and wins again.
His owners logic was that it was late in the year and he had brought the dog out on the cheap for a game check so if it worked it would 'count'. He blew through the first one so he did not really see what he was looking for, although it was a win. He was going to break even money wise either way with the 2nd show so it would basically been two dogging his dog. He picked up #2 during his actual game check because #1 was a wipe out.
He went two hours for his third the following winter when I saw him. I have never heard mention of this happening til this post so I did not give it much thought. I actually left it as, "it is your story, tell it like you want". I did not see it happen just repeating what I was told. (my part of the calamity of errors).
I guess it could happen. But I would think there would have to be a serious lack of competition in the first one. I could not see the first one being a grueling test of character and then there being enough left for the second , especially if the second is competition for the winner of the first. The first would have to be a rather easy venture in order for the second to be possible.
But for me it would be a bad idea all the way around. EWO
11-10-2013, 06:43 AM
In one weekend
The Old Timer.
11-10-2013, 07:06 AM
nothing should go on a dogs record unless there was a contract a keep and a ref. and then the match. result then goes on dogs record !
11-10-2013, 04:06 PM
nothing should go on a dogs record unless there was a contract a keep and a ref. and then the match. result then goes on dogs record !