View Full Version : untouched dog
11-13-2013, 10:21 AM
I was reading a post on peds online and it made me wonder if you had a small toy dog that played with your hound before he had any type of schooling will this have an effect on him and will it be a hazard after he has had his first class or bump ?
Officially Retired
11-13-2013, 11:18 AM
I was reading a post on peds online and it made me wonder if you had a small toy dog that played with your hound before he had any type of schooling will this have an effect on him and will it be a hazard after he has had his first class or bump ?
Your dog may be confused at first, but if he's smart he'll "get it."
Silverback was a house dog before he was ever rolled, so he viewed other dogs as "friends." When I first tried to start him, he actually ran passed the other dog and tried to jump up and "say hi" to its owner ... didn't even pay attention to the other dog (he did that the first couple times actually) :lol:
However, as soon as he got bit, he knocked the living shit out of what bit him ...
After a couple of rolls, he figured out the pit was the place to fight, yet at home Silverback still laid around with a couple bitches. For that matter, all the bitches were schooled too, but the small group just knew they were "friends" in the house. (Naturally, I have had dogs that just wouldn't get along with anything also.)
As a matter of fact, Silverback's mama Missy would wag her tail in my arms as I carried her to the pit, but as soon as I stepped in the pit she would start growling. If I stepped back out of the pit, she would wag her tail again. If I stepped inside once more, she'd go to growling again ... she knew what a pit was too :lol:
Bottom line is, I don't think any smart dog will start "fighting everything," if it's been socialized FIRST. It will still remember who its friends are after the fact. The real trouble is taking a totally schooled dog (that's never been socialized first) and then expecting it to get along if fighting is all it knows. Even this can be done, but it's tougher when they have no social skills at all.
The other possible trouble is if a fight occurs between your (now) schooled dog and the toy. Before an actual fight, the bulldog might just growl if the toy pissed him off ... but after your dog understands fighting ... IF it gets pissed off then it might go the whole route rather than just issue a warning. But most likely not, and your bulldog will be unaffected and treat the toy as his buddy same as before.
11-13-2013, 11:45 AM
Thanks Jack.
Ps. I'm back and forth on your site and the other and if it means anything your too intelligent to be going back in forth with them cats on the other site they only envy you and want you down on their level.
Officially Retired
11-13-2013, 11:51 AM
Thanks Jack.
Ps. I'm back and forth on your site and the other and if it means anything your too intelligent to be going back in forth with them cats on the other site they only envy you and want you down on their level.
Thanks for your kind words & I agree.
I only go over there to advertise for the holiday season ... and, if that's your impression, then I am doing my job ... as (hopefully) it will encourage the better members over there to give this site a try ... so they can enjoy some good dog talk ... which, I think, is why the Moderator over there always deletes my posts :D
If the little dog is of opposite sex and does not challenge your dog. Might be O.K. Best not feed them together or have any shared dog toys etc. Have a Break Stick handy or pay attention to the larger dogs actions. Dogs as they mature whether little or larger usually establish a pecking order.
Problem with young pulling dogs that are coming into adult age. When riled up over dominance issues do not have a easy voice command turn off button. LOL
I visited a young man and his wife a few weeks back. That have APBT across a farm field from me. Some on bad chain hook ups and pens poorly built and one bred bitch kept in their (Rented) house. Had been hearing these dogs barking for most of the year. From their sound I was pretty sure what breed they were.
Was a couple of nice looking young dogs. Two older dogs being very man aggressive. One a wild acting, hitting the end of the chain small female. She looked to me to be a half breed dog. The other dog was a male and appeared to be more Am Staff bred. When I saw their chain set ups. I said to myself oh my, hope the chains hold till I leave.
When the young woman mentioned the words rescued dogs. Knew what was basically going on here. I tried to tell them about better chain set ups and making a proper break stick. The woman would have none of that and told me plainly she could talk her dogs off each other if they started fighting.
I let this couple know that most of these dogs were young dogs and when mature. Some of these dogs would introduce them one day. To a real live Rocky Horror story. By then they had enough of me and I excused myself and departed.
Now here is my dilemma that is being played out in many parts of the country. First this couple are blinded by the H.S. cause. They are renting this house and part of property that belongs to a good friend of mine. Who is one of the larger farmers in my area.
By letting the dogs being placed on his property. His homeowners is no good if the House or Farm buildings got badly damaged. If one of these dogs got loose and hurt someone. The Lawyers would not only sue the Renters but the land owner as well. Being that is where the big money can be got. Lawyers and their Judge buddies always look for, where the most money is at.
Then finally I have a 3 1/2 year old granddaughter and a 13 year old grand daughter that like to play outside when visiting. Would be my Rocky Horror movie if I saw one of those man aggressive dogs come suddenly into my yard and attack one of my Grand's, my wife or me.. Even now when outside I keep a firearm and Machete close by.
Have not done it yet but am complicating on talking to my Friend that owns the property and let him know that he needs to get a insurance rider for those dogs to protect himself from a law suit. If he had the dogs removed where ever they end up at. The dog biting and mauling danger will still remain.
This is my opinion and the opinion of Mr. Howard Teal and E. Skinner. They felt game bred dogs were not bred to be sold to the general public. Did not belong around children unsupervised. Was best to use them for the purpose bred. Could not make the cut dispose of them. Now I know there are exceptions to all rules. People when I was coming up were not afraid of dogs of any breed like they are today. Mixed Bulldogs were very common on most Farms in the South.
But seeing the bad changes taking place today in the over all thinking of most people. Many on some sort of do good activist movement of save the animals, the planet and hell with a innocence baby in the womb.
These Older than me and passed on Old timer's advise. May be very prevalent for the real dog men of today. JMHO Cheers.