View Full Version : Supplement's etc...

11-18-2013, 04:07 PM
when working these dogs what are the top to use an to add into your keep?
Does it differ with the task at hand ?

11-18-2013, 05:40 PM
Supplements are all over the place in dogs. You'll have people give things that do absolutely nothing strictly because someone told them otherwise. You have some things that have been scientifically proven to work. If you ask 10 different men, you'll get 10 different answers. Research whatever it is you want to use and decide for yourself, but NEVER, EVER use something because someone said to do so. Research it first, and make a thoughtful decision.

11-18-2013, 05:53 PM
Agreed, do your homework on them and don't go by word of mouth as you will find some people unintentionally give bad advice simply cause it's all they know others will intentionally give bad advice for their own little fear of the next guy doin well, and some will tell you bits and pieces. If you know what type of end result you're looking for then research it backwards til you get to the starting point.

11-19-2013, 02:23 PM
that makes alot of sence gents, thankful

11-19-2013, 03:13 PM
Agreed with the posts. After research it can be really a trial and error method of finding what works. There are some supplements out there that have been used and tested and work well for greyhounds. Same for sporting/working dogs. The there is the protein/fat content debate amongst sled doggers. The issue is that there is no scientific studies out there for game dogs. The local university is not doing a study on how Vitamin so and so will do this at the :55 minute mark. With that said, one would have to use the research on the other dogs, try to fit what you are looking for from the things they are using. It can be a challenging matter.

Some times it is just common sense. Reading the ingredients and researching those ingredients are the key. Not buying into the hype on the label or the opinion of the uninformed. There is a supplement out there called Canine EPO. One would think endurance of the cyclists who used EPO to win the Tour de France. The label even looks athletically imposing. The ingredients are not much more than a multi-vitamin.

Lots of supplements are substitutes for good feed. If one were feeding crappy food out of a bag then supplementation is necessary. Fix the feed and a lot of supplements are not needed.

Like Frosty said (an example) if I said Creatine is a must. Ten people would no why it is a waste and/or harmful to the dog. Same with the vertex-es, RF-1's, steroids, etc.etc.

11-19-2013, 03:33 PM
you want something to get the red blood cells value up, i think everyone supplements iron (folic acid, b12), u want to use some vitamin e ( give apart from the iron supplement ) and you're going to need something to replenish electrolytes after the training.

i use a little more then that but who doesnt give any of these stick up your finger, lol.
hope this helps a little bit, for the rest agree with the other posters. .

12-11-2013, 06:02 PM
i planned to use (Perktone) which is a multi-vitamin blood building liquid supplement that increases energy and stamina. its designed and used for horses. anyone have any knowledge or infomation on this product

12-12-2013, 04:46 AM
I see people use lard is there a such thing as using to much ?? Anyone had any problems when using it..

12-14-2013, 06:00 PM
You have to be careful with a lot of the body building hype studies. Or their products claiming to do all sorts of wonderful things to one's body. An example would be C-Q10 which may be helpful for one with a bad heart. Some of those studies were done on little ounce weight mice. When translated out to the weight of a Human. One would have to take up to 400 mg. to 500 mg twice a day to be of any help. What that amount will cost wholesale or retail is very expensive.

Dogs being smaller in weight than humans may respond better to the dosages recommended for a human. I worked with a herbalist for 8 years who used two very good companies called Nature's Sunshine and the Now company. This Herbalist got to go to China and see how they dispense Herbal formulas for various ailments. The patient after a exam is given much greater amounts of the raw blended herbs. Sometimes in the pound weight size or much more. Not like the 30/60/90 day capsule formula's given in the USA.

As a former body builder in my younger days. Creatine/L-glutamine/ L-arginine/Whey and Yellow Pea Protein/Desiccated liver/Brewer's yeast/real Black Strap molasses has stood the test of time.

Have not gotten Jack's book on raising-breeding/caring/and conditioning idea's on dogs yet. So this may get me more up to date. I could see the benefits of creatine/l-glutamine used on rest days to help recovery and hydrate the muscles. But too much creatine used daily can shut down the body's natural creatine making process. Can cause the muscles to take on too much water in the cells. Once the creatine is stopped the extra water weight leaves the cells and the bigger looking muscle returns to it's lesser former size.

Giving to much of anything to a working human or dog will not improve the results being desired. Just puts extra work on the kidneys and liver etc. To much of a good thing can be just as bad as not enough. Finding that fine balance is the trick. Cheers

12-15-2013, 04:04 AM
Well said. EWO