View Full Version : Taking Control

11-21-2013, 12:01 AM
Hey all just you thoughts guys on walking dogs, What's your preference using either collars or c/chain and or the harness :question: Do you have a preference with your younger & Older dogs and why. Also In what manner would you find controls better in general for you:question: :cheers:

11-21-2013, 01:00 AM
Hey all just you thoughts guys on walking dogs, What's your preference using either collars or c/chain and or the harness :question: Do you have a preference with your younger & Older dogs and why. Also In what manner would you find controls better in general for you:question: :cheers:

i've allways like using a harness,especially with a dog that pulls hard.they seem to get a better workout..collars on a dog that pulls hard can put to much pressure on the throat,therefore running the risk of doing damage to the throat.

id pick a harness over a collar anyday!!

11-21-2013, 03:21 AM
I like the harness myself. I like the dog that is dragging me down the path and I use the lead as much as a steering wheel as I do as a restraint. I also pull chain weight as well.

My path is a little over a 1/4 mile with a slight down grade. I bike the dog down the hill at a pretty good clip and then walk him and the bike back. I do this off the collar with the chain on the harness D-rings. He is running with the bike so there is no pressure on the throat.

If he is pulling me I prefer the harness. If he is running along side the bike I use the collar. EWO