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11-21-2013, 02:11 PM
We have a lil 2yr old bitch w/prolapse.Been doing a lot of research n coming up w/many different answers... Any n all help will b greatly appreciated. Vet said to have her fixed.We're hoping not to have to go that route as she is looking very promising. Thanx in advance

Officially Retired
11-21-2013, 04:32 PM
No way would I spay a bitch for prolapse.

Another thing to remember, is most prolapses lessen with each successive heat cycle until they go away.

But if your bitch is good, I sure wouldn't let a prolapse stop me from using her.

Good luck,


11-21-2013, 05:22 PM
I have had to deal with this issue a lot lately. Seems a particular stud may have thrown it.
U got a pic?
Is it prolapse or a hyperplasia?
Is this her first time prolapsing and which heat is this for her? (1st? 2nd? 3rd?...)
Does the line have a history of it and did other litter mates do the same?

If something shows you that it may be hereditary....Consider having that around and dealing with it again vs cutting your losses.

11-21-2013, 07:25 PM
This the 2nd time.the 1st time was just swelling n thus is her 4th heat.not sure bout her siblings but I will try to find out...my buddy has her in Cali n he said it was prolapse...thnx fr the info guys really appreciate it...

11-22-2013, 03:24 AM
First have him read the difference here. It's reoccurring. That's an issue I personally don't want to deal with . http://www.wvc.vetsuite.com/Templates/ContentPages/Articles/ViewArticleContent.aspx?Id=519

11-22-2013, 06:24 AM
Thanx bro great info.I will pass that on

11-22-2013, 07:57 AM
Another thing to remember, is most prolapses lessen with each successive heat cycle until they go away.

Interesting. i didnt know that.

Officially Retired
11-22-2013, 08:07 AM
Interesting. i didnt know that.

The prolapse is simply an exaggerated response to the estrogen of the heat cycle.

The flesh around the vulva is "supposed" to swell a bit when the bitch is in heat, but in a prolapse or hyperplasia bitch, the swelling response is markedly exaggerated ... and can sometimes look like a brain is hanging out of a bitch's cooter :lol:

Oftentimes, this exaggerated response lessens with each successive heat cycle. My Super Red (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/forum/bulldog_profile.php?dog_id=974) bitch, for example, had a full prolapse her first heat ... but by her 3rd heat, she was almost normal in her swelling ... and by her last she just looked like any other bitch in full-blown heat.

I realize some bitches may never get back to normal, but if the bitch is a really good animal, then I personally wouldn't mind dealing with the issue. All a prolapse bitch needs is a clean above-ground pen (which is where I keep all my bitches anyway, when they're in heat), and maybe an AI breeding to get her to take if a male can't get in there (and an AI breeding is easier and faster than a normal breeding also).

So, really, there is not much of an inconvenience, that I see, so I personally don't have a problem with it.


11-22-2013, 08:38 AM
Little tip to add. Putting sugar on the prolapse and gently squeezing it will pull fluid from it through osmosis. Squeeze gently. U will see the excess fluid absorb into a paper towel. This can decrease the swelling and cause the swollen tissue to recede faster. Do it once or twice a day and keep moist (I use aquaphor). You may need a cone. We had a bitch chew a hole in her uterus have it such back in and she started to bleed out. Bummer.

11-22-2013, 08:43 AM
I also keep my bitches in heat in above ground pens.Feeling a lot better bout the situation thank for the help.

Officially Retired
11-22-2013, 09:03 AM
Little tip to add. Putting sugar on the prolapse and gently squeezing it will pull fluid from it through osmosis. Squeeze gently. U will see the excess fluid absorb into a paper towel. This can decrease the swelling and cause the swollen tissue to recede faster. Do it once or twice a day and keep moist (I use aquaphor). You may need a cone. We had a bitch chew a hole in her uterus have it such back in and she started to bleed out. Bummer.

Yeah, the Old Man who's property a rented in Tenessee also had a bitch eat part of her swollen vulva off when she had her first prolapse (because it can "itch") ... but I got the bleeding stopped and put an Elizabethan collar on her ... and she was okay after that.


01-02-2015, 12:07 PM
My question is how will the bitch give birth if she's bred while prolapsed? I have a gyp that's prolapsed(1st heat) but was told to breed her next heat but I still wonder bout it. Any response will be appreciated.

01-02-2015, 02:54 PM
i had my housedog go through this on her first heat. 1st heat scared me as i didnt know what it was at the time. 2nd heat it came back, but like jack aid "less severe"... 3rd heat, i didnt notice the issue from there on after that.

01-02-2015, 07:15 PM
i had my housedog go through this on her first heat. 1st heat scared me as i didnt know what it was at the time. 2nd heat it came back, but like jack aid "less severe"... 3rd heat, i didnt notice the issue from there on after that.

Thank you buddy, this the first gyp I've had do this it had me worried. I had a real good vet but he passed away the other couple around here would've attempted to spay her and I want that to be the last option. Hers isn't bad and it helps that she doesn't bother it

Doc Ellis
01-03-2015, 04:02 AM
Most of mine that had it bad, had it on 2-4. A couple had it out for 6 months+. One finally went down, and the dog didn't have a heat cycle for years. She was in really bad shape from it, just couldn't piss or shit. The other would never go back and I ran out of patience. This dogs sister had a bad one and ate it off, which worked I guess, because it never popped out again.
Their momma had it bad on #2. I had some silly opinions about this dog, got drunk and bred her. Within days the swelling went down. She was less than 2, I took her squirliness as style, but I'm glad I did it. No issue since, just needed to breed her off the yard but oh well on that.
If its not bad I'd just give the sugar treatment jmo

04-09-2016, 09:22 PM
My question is how will the bitch give birth if she's bred while prolapsed? I have a gyp that's prolapsed(1st heat) but was told to breed her next heat but I still wonder bout it. Any response will be appreciated.

How did it go MISTER? Was she bred?
We had a female who threw this problem to some of her offsprings.

04-10-2016, 04:29 AM
I have not experienced this much with the bulldogs but when we had Fila Brasileiros (Brazillian Mastiffs) it is a lot more prevalent. Another issue with big dogs. We had one female on her first heat looked like she was giving birth about a week into cycle.

I never uses sugar but did use paper towels and gently massage the area. Two fold response, there will be some fluid loss on to the towel and your female will really, really like you, LOL. The big dogs gets the big collars as well because even if they do not bite it they sometimes will lick it til raw.

This particular female had it on the first couple of heats but by the end she had not exactly normal but much better heats/swelling. By the time she was three it was just slightly enlarged and she threw 11 pups. At four she threw 10. No issues.

I would not spay a bitch early on for this as time can fix a lot.