View Full Version : Nigger Blood
No Quarter Kennel
12-07-2013, 09:10 AM
Who or where is the purest Mayfield Nigger blood? Tudor family of dogs to be exact
Hello No quarter kennel. Run a 14 generation search on Geek Squad's Soldier ( and Geek Squad's Uno ( There are some other blood lines on here as well. But this is about as much of Tudor lines you can get today with the Mayfield Nigger dog included.
The owners of these two dogs goes by the name of Trandle on the on line peds site. Nothing has been done with the Soldier dog and is not two years old yet. Was bred though and only one pup out of the litter Uno lived. Rest died of parvo. Cheers
12-08-2013, 06:07 PM
got this one from mau mau he's a damn good one scratch like a rocket
That is a fine bred dog Art/King Fish. Carries as much of the Mayfield Nigger dog's breeding you are going to find today. He looks like his breeding and has the right color. Goes heavy back to Tudor's Dibo etc. in the 14th generation.
My Mule dog (Jackson's Mule) was a clone looking replica of the Mayfield's Nigger dog. Mule was black and white markings. cheers
12-09-2013, 08:24 AM
got this one from mau mau he's a damn good one scratch like a rocket
Nice looking dog, I'm actually familiar with the guys who bred that dog along with Mau. I know the gentlemen who own the gyp and did the breeding, they also have a few solid ones off that breeding.
The Spawn dog in his 14th generation search, key's to Tudor's Nigger 849 times. Tudor's Jeff 872, Tudor's Baby 809, Mayfield's Spooky 444, Mayfield's Sunshine 374, and finally Tudor's Dibo 1,438 times.
When test bred to Cullen's Miss Jackson. Only two primary dogs are shown in the 14th generation search. Mayfield's (Tudor's Nigger) 631 times and Tudor's Dibo 1,507 times. Still some of the old family Texas Tea Dibo dogs left. If all the owners could put their part of the puzzle back to the other pieces. The Tudor line might could be fully resurrected.
Today it is back to being on various small dog yards here and there. Like it was way back in the 60's and 70's. M. Carver was one of the main dog men that was blending it back together. Jim Usleton was another that was trying to revive the Tudor line and the loss of the Stinson & Glover's Sampson dog was a big set back. Cheers
01-13-2014, 07:06 PM
If you check my pups 14 generation pedigree he is MAYFIELD'S NIGGER ROM 1926 X 48.352%
Nice looking dog Knuckles, is this a recent picture? Looks to still be a young growing dog. Projectx has some of these older same bred dogs overseas. If he had not been so die hard on trying to disprove the validity of Boudreaux's Blind Billy dog. According to a conversation 40 or longer years ago. He would like to chat with you, he has been banned from our site.
What blood line have you tried crossing your blood line with? Or is this the only dog you have bred like this? I have seen a aerial picture and close up winter picture of Kreshner' dog yard. He had a real nice set up. Who carried on his dogs? I am not sure but thought he had passed. Excuse me for so many questions.
You have some of V. Jackson and my dogs in your dog through Jackson's Menny. Cheers
I was just wondering that dog man in your pedigree that goes by the name of D. Rigo. Is that the Mexican dog man that V. Jackson let live on his land. To help him with the dogs and watch out for the dog thieves? If that is him he also has some peds posted under the name of Super Maxx. Cheers