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View Full Version : Nursing Bitch has Diarrhea

scratchin dog
12-16-2013, 09:30 AM
My female gave birth last Tuesday. The pups are fine but she has developed diarrhea in the last day or so. The vet said to give boiled chicken with rice and if it doesn't clear up in 24 hrs to bring her in. I'm trying to avoid that as I don't want her to pick up any viruses to bring back to the pups. The vet said not to give her Metronidazole. I plan on bringing in a stool sample even though it seemed like they just wanted me to bring the dog in instead. Anyone have any other suggestions or experience with this?

12-16-2013, 09:41 AM

Officially Retired
12-16-2013, 10:02 AM
My female gave birth last Tuesday. The pups are fine but she has developed diarrhea in the last day or so. The vet said to give boiled chicken with rice and if it doesn't clear up in 24 hrs to bring her in. I'm trying to avoid that as I don't want her to pick up any viruses to bring back to the pups. The vet said not to give her Metronidazole. I plan on bringing in a stool sample even though it seemed like they just wanted me to bring the dog in instead. Anyone have any other suggestions or experience with this?

Is she eating and otherwise normal, or is she slipping and weak-acting?


scratchin dog
12-16-2013, 10:08 AM
She is absolutely normal. In good spirits. Eating and drinking normally. In fact she is bulldozing through her food. Drinking plenty of water.

12-16-2013, 10:35 AM
I like to give plain yogurt or kefir, always clears that issue up for my bitches. Antibiotics are always a last resort, but if I were going to use any and not make a trip to the vet, which is wise not to. I would use Albon, or a generic.

12-16-2013, 12:33 PM
Give her boiled hamburger meat, not ground but Boiled. Add some white rice to it and feed it cooled.

You can give her a healthy spoon full of canned pumpkin. That will also stop the diarrhea.

Hope she gets better!

Officially Retired
12-16-2013, 04:55 PM
She is absolutely normal. In good spirits. Eating and drinking normally. In fact she is bulldozing through her food. Drinking plenty of water.

Could you just be overfeeding her, and he's having a loose stool because of that?

Other thoughts would be coccidia, bacteria from eating too much puppy poop, etc.


PS: Curious as to why your vet said no metronidozole?

scratchin dog
12-16-2013, 10:10 PM
I like to give plain yogurt or kefir, always clears that issue up for my bitches. Antibiotics are always a last resort, but if I were going to use any and not make a trip to the vet, which is wise not to. I would use Albon, or a generic.

Thanks, yes I thought of giving kefir and asked the vet but they wanted to sell me Fortiflora Canine supplement because its specifically for dogs. :rolleyes: I gave her the kefir anyway. :lol:

scratchin dog
12-16-2013, 10:18 PM
Give her boiled hamburger meat, not ground but Boiled. Add some white rice to it and feed it cooled.

You can give her a healthy spoon full of canned pumpkin. That will also stop the diarrhea.

Hope she gets better!

I boiled some chicken and rice this afternoon and gave that to her. I had to go get pumpkin after work. I just used my last can a few days ago.

Thanks! I think she will be fine.

scratchin dog
12-16-2013, 10:56 PM
Could you just be overfeeding her, and he's having a loose stool because of that?

Other thoughts would be coccidia, bacteria from eating too much puppy poop, etc.


PS: Curious as to why your vet said no metronidozole?

Yes, I think I just over fed her. I upped her feed a couple of days ago. I guess it was a bit too much. She seems to be doing much better since I gave the boiled chicken and rice. I walked her a few times before work and when I got home tonight and all she did was pee. Hopefully she has a normal bowel movement in the morning.
I'm not sure why the vet didnt want me to give the metronidazole. Perhaps he didn't want to be responsible if something happened to the pups? Most vets are going to try to get you to bring the animal in so they can diagnose the problem and sell you the meds. They don't really like when people dispense their own medications. The last time I was at the vet, I got the third degree because I mentioned using fish mox. :lol:

12-18-2013, 01:04 AM
Why don't you post here or anywhere in the forum the ped from this breeding?

scratchin dog
12-18-2013, 10:20 AM
Why don't you post here or anywhere in the forum the ped from this breeding?

Here you go...

12-18-2013, 11:43 PM
Cheers, nice breeding.

scratchin dog
12-19-2013, 01:06 AM
Cheers, nice breeding.

Thanks Tasoschatz. :)