View Full Version : Chasing bloodline, where and what are you looking for?

01-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Most of us have lines we favor. My point however is geared toward are you just buying dogs with the cross or dog you like in it the most times from anywhere? What is it you look for in a particular? Do you generalize that cross or line for what you expect to see or look at the program and individuals? Do you look for consistency and percentages or just buy the blood and say it's in the blood hoping it produces? Do you believe dogs are bred to produce? I asked this cause from the time I was a newbie till now has changed my outlook alot. I want to know what others have experienced chasing bloodlines and when did you realize you were. Did you get taking by pretty peds and not researching.

Officially Retired
01-06-2012, 01:28 PM
Most of us have lines we favor. My point however is geared toward are you just buying dogs with the cross or dog you like in it the most times from anywhere? What is it you look for in a particular? Do you generalize that cross or line for what you expect to see or look at the program and individuals? Do you look for consistency and percentages or just buy the blood and say it's in the blood hoping it produces? Do you believe dogs are bred to produce? I asked this cause from the time I was a newbie till now has changed my outlook alot. I want to know what others have experienced chasing bloodlines and when did you realize you were. Did you get taking by pretty peds and not researching.

I don't believe in chasing bloodlines, I believe in building your own around some key dog (or dogs), and designing what you like best for yourself.

Everyone has to start out buying some dogs, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the idea is to see what you like best and to build around it. Know one knows what you like better than you do, so when you see something you really like (and it comes from high-percentages of dogs like that), drop anchor and develop your own dogs to your own specs.



01-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Most of us have lines we favor. My point however is geared toward are you just buying dogs with the cross or dog you like in it the most times from anywhere? What is it you look for in a particular? Do you generalize that cross or line for what you expect to see or look at the program and individuals? Do you look for consistency and percentages or just buy the blood and say it's in the blood hoping it produces? Do you believe dogs are bred to produce? I asked this cause from the time I was a newbie till now has changed my outlook alot. I want to know what others have experienced chasing bloodlines and when did you realize you were. Did you get taking by pretty peds and not researching.

I don't believe in chasing bloodlines, I believe in building your own around some key dog (or dogs), and designing what you like best for yourself.

Everyone has to start out buying some dogs, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the idea is to see what you like best and to build around it. Know one knows what you like better than you do, so when you see something you really like (and it comes from high-percentages of dogs like that), drop anchor and develop your own dogs to your own specs.



Exactly the answer I was looking for. I have a bloodline I like and have proven stock. I tried to get some more of the blood and really was amazed when given a price for a under 18mth old unproven bitch that had already been bred. There reasoning for the price being so high is her 8wk old offspring act good and ppl were buying her pups for $1000. Not that she was a proven producer or was proven herself. It's just showed me how much sells really meant and how much a bloodline influences that rather than actual performance.

01-06-2012, 02:48 PM
My beliefs are very similar to Jacks. I was told as a young man by my good freind L.D. That " you wont get good dogs until you start breeding your own." I didn't even give it a second thought. I only know NOW what he ment. That was almost 20yrs ago.lol. Everyone has there own idea of what a good dog is. Only you can breed for the traits,temperment,quality,structure ect... that suits your needs. I'm in no way saying that everyone should breed dogs or can for that matter. Look at all of the different breeds alone with so many different purposes. The dog is the most diverse creation that we as man has ever engineered.JMHO

01-06-2012, 03:06 PM
I gotta agree, it's crazy to just look no farther than bloodline and chase dead dogs that another man bred with no direction of your own. I think when ppl ask the question when do dogs become yours. A good answer is when you've established your own direction, consistency, and the proof of success is shown.

Da District
01-07-2012, 05:39 AM
20+ yrs in and this is what I've come up with: Trust what I've seen with my own eyes or from someones eyes that I would trust as my own... Keep my circle TIGHT! and last but damn sure not least..... Be honest with myself in regards to what I see... dont make excuses for a bad one and but give each one it's fair chance by making sure u put ur charge in the best possible position to b able to do what ur asking it to do. When i started u had to knw someone to be able to see the pulls so it's understandable that one has to go on what u heard, but as u put time in and become part of the pack hopefully u will find ur way thru the maze and set urself apart to follow ur own path. Dont get so caught up in anothers dream that u dont realize ur own!

Officially Retired
01-07-2012, 05:51 AM
All of these posts are right on the money ...

01-07-2012, 06:04 AM
20+ yrs in and this is what I've come up with: Trust what I've seen with my own eyes or from someones eyes that I would trust as my own... Keep my circle TIGHT! and last but damn sure not least..... Be honest with myself in regards to what I see... dont make excuses for a bad one and but give each one it's fair chance by making sure u put ur charge in the best possible position to b able to do what ur asking it to do. When i started u had to knw someone to be able to see the pulls so it's understandable that one has to go on what u heard, but as u put time in and become part of the pack hopefully u will find ur way thru the maze and set urself apart to follow ur own path. Dont get so caught up in anothers dream that u dont realize ur own!

Good statement and very important for the ones getting started. There's alot to choose from out there, and like anything else, you have to do your own research and find what works best for you. I looked for 7 months before choosing the one i have now; stability, healthy parents, and proven stock is what allowed me to make sound choice.

Da District
01-07-2012, 06:55 AM
Patch ur Andrew Loomis ref has to play a part n it as well. Understanding the ins and outs of this thing is as important as anything else. Good quote

01-07-2012, 10:12 AM
20+ yrs in and this is what I've come up with: Trust what I'veGreat post seen with my own eyes or from someones eyes that I would trust as my own... Keep my circle TIGHT! and last but damn sure not least..... Be honest with myself in regards to what I see... dont make excuses for a bad one and but give each one it's fair chance by making sure u put ur charge in the best possible position to b able to do what ur asking it to do. When i started u had to knw someone to be able to see the pulls so it's understandable that one has to go on what u heard, but as u put time in and become part of the pack hopefully u will find ur way thru the maze and set urself apart to follow ur own path. Dont get so caught up in anothers dream that u dont realize ur own!
Great post

01-08-2012, 03:51 PM
MAN KNOWS NOT BY BEING TOLD UNTIL YOU GO THRU WHAT YOU KNOW YOU MERELY GUESS most don't take the time to go thru there learning experience they just go by what some one else tell them just because. It's those that keep spinning there wheels and wonder why they're not going forward