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View Full Version : treated wood dog pen do harm to my dogs?

Pit Bull Committed
01-04-2014, 12:01 PM
I built an above ground dog pen with treated wood as the floor base. Would the treated wood do any harm to my dog? I did a lot of research on the Internet but couldn't fine anything stating that today's treated wood would harm pets. Most articles I found on treated wood harming dogs/pets was the treated wood in past using some kind of hazardous chemical...but nothing on the present day treated wood. Any info on this would be appreciated. ;)

01-04-2014, 01:38 PM
Pressure treated wood is treated to a lesser amount now than in years past. The chemicals used to treat the wood have been found to be carcinogenic. Some schools have removed treated wood play ground equipment because of this. I am not one to discount medical studies or medical research but all my brood pens are made of treated wood. I have had dogs in and out of them for years. Is it possible one died from exposure? Possible, but I doubt it. I have no qualms using treated wood. EWO

Pit Bull Committed
01-05-2014, 05:36 AM
Thanks for the response! I'm glad to hear you've used treated wood and so far your dog's are fine. Makes me feel a lot more comfortable using it. Thanks again.

01-28-2014, 07:44 AM
Just make sure that they don't start to chew on the treated wood, I had a dog years ago that had started to chew on the corner of his NEWLY BUILT dog house, and a splinter got lodge in his jaw. This got infected, the vet said it was mainly due to the chemicals used to treat the wood, antibiotics and he was good as new. This was about 8 years ago, so like EWO said its a lesser amount of chemicals used to treat the wood now, so I'd say go for it. The only problem I had was from a destructive hound, all dog houses were built the same, no other problems.

No Quarter Kennel
01-30-2014, 05:23 AM
They don't treat wood the same as they did when it was harmful.
You are safe.