View Full Version : Dog that refuses to piss in the kennels.

01-11-2014, 07:34 AM
I've got a problem with a dog which refuses to urinate in the kennels outside. Few details

-the dog has been on the chain for 2 years, then i bought him and brought him in the house, let him out on the leash 3 times a day.
-i have no possibilities to put a dog on the chain here, just kennels. i have made 1 kennel especially for dogs that had contact, where no 1 can see them
-where i live its 100% impossible to walk a dog outside with damages or scars within at least 6 weeks from a show.

I've tried about everything, from putting him in another males spot, to just leave him in the kennel for 48 houres, adding lots of water to his feed but he still wouldnt urinate. After that i decided to take him out because i dont want him to get any problems with his bladder.

Now i was lucky he could walk just fine, so since his last contact i've been taking him outside 6pm when its dark and 2/3 am at night.

He clearly has no problem holding it in, but i was wondering if it could cause health problems holding it in every day for about 15/16 houres and if you guys know anything to solve it.

What im doing now is adding water to its feed around 4pm, and not leave a water bowl. This way most will already be gone when he empties at night. But its not a solution when the dog is heavily damaged.

No Quarter Kennel
01-11-2014, 09:15 AM
How big is the kennel. I'll bet if it's large enough, he'll pee

01-11-2014, 10:33 AM
6m2 any dog pisses in it.

01-11-2014, 03:42 PM
What is the floor of the kennel? If it is concrete or brick, he might not want to piss on that.

Would making him a good sized box of dirt help? Sort of like an oversized litter box... LOL

He might piss in that if he is used to dirt and grass. Maybe even plant some grass in the "litter box"....

01-12-2014, 03:52 AM
Put another male in the kennel and allow him to 'mark it up'. Before cleaning bring the male in question back and see if he will 'mark' over the other dog's piss. First thing after 'marking' is an all out piss. Best of luck. EWO

01-12-2014, 07:52 AM
Thanks EWO, i tried that. But he refuses to pee on concrete.
Was thinking the same SGC, put some grass strokes in the kennel...lol, or remove some bricks. Worth a try.