View Full Version : R.Wiiliams

blood brothers
01-18-2014, 05:11 PM
Was anybody on the board friends with him ....he had redboy dogs

01-29-2014, 10:26 PM
Blood Brothers go back to the Crenshaw Book topic and read what I posted on R. Williams. He is out of the game. Has no dogs, has some bad health issues with diabetes. Does not wish to talk dogs with any one that he did not know in his time era. I only talk with him on rare occasions.

Just talked to another Red Boy dog man today that spent a lot of time on Katie Marlowe's yard. His name was R. Nelson. You will see one of his dogs on here listed as Nelson's Maggie. Nelson is on kidney dialyzes and on his last leg. Was so weak could hardly talk. Probably soon will be attending his funeral. W. Truett does not look that chipper either. I talked with V. Jackson a few months back. He sounds very weak and sickly also. My group of dog man are slowly checking out. Cheers

01-29-2014, 10:43 PM
The Pee Dee kennel dog men know a lot about the various dogs that were popular off K. Marlowe's yard. They have went into deep seclusion and asked me not to give out their phone #'s. Contacted me awhile back looking for some of the V. Jackson dogs to breed a old triple or double bred Truett's Prince/Chinaman X Chance or Mr Bulldog bitch they have.

They tried Geek Squad's Soldier dog, but the old bitch did not catch. Most of what is left of these older dog men, prefer to stay off line and keep tight circles. Post nothing in the magazines or these internet sites. Wish I could be more helpful. Cheers