View Full Version : TMZ
No Quarter Kennel
01-30-2014, 05:35 AM
Can I get this without script?
I've searched and either not looking in the right places, or I can't get it without a script.
Got some yesterday from vet - but they won't tell you shit.
01-30-2014, 07:33 AM
What's up Ferg, sorry to hear about the loss of your pups. You can get TMZ over the counter in Fish Sulfa Forte. I ordered some of the Fish Sulfa Forte (and some Fish Zole Forte) from Thomas Lab when I thought my pup had coccidia/giardia. I couldn't find it nowhere in town so will most likely have to order online. Get you some Fish Sulfa Forte (TMZ). Got this info out the PBB.
Officially Retired
01-30-2014, 09:13 AM
MEAUXTIVATION is right ... and that information is in The Pit Bull Bible ... under the UNREAD reproductive and antibiotic sections ;)
Try Fish Sulfa Forte ( or (Bird Sulfa Forte).
It's a shame to have the best book on dog care available ... and not to think to read the pertinent sections on breeding/whelping while the book sits right there next to you :confused:
No Quarter Kennel
01-30-2014, 10:34 AM
Come on now Jack......I read the damn book and actually reference it multiple times a week.
I must've completely missed that one as I have just about every dad gone antibiotic a guy can have and it's all b/c I just stocked up from what I read in the book.
Thanks guys!
Officially Retired
01-30-2014, 04:52 PM
LOL, okay, just sayin' :)
No Quarter Kennel
01-31-2014, 05:22 AM
LOL, okay, just sayin' :)
I know it was a playful jab of sorts, but there's truth to that as well.
These dogs are something I enjoy very much, but it's also very easy, as most here will attest I'm sure, for one to get too busy, overloaded and the "Fun" be taken out of the dogs and turned into work.
I probably have too many dogs for my lifestyle. I work a good 60 hours a week, every week and in the fall months, I work more than that. I should probably cut down to 10 dogs as I find that a very workable number.
I try to share things on this board as a means for folks to learn from my own mistakes, and I know Jack, that you encourage that and I totally get "why" you encourage that. It's a great way for everyone to share and learn. So no, I didn't take offense to your comment about the book at all. I am a coach for a living and I would tell anything athlete, the same message - WHY HAVE YOU NOT USED THE TOOLS YOU'VE ATTAINED! I share this message so others may not be so offensive when help is being offered or if someone kind of smart asses them in a way that makes them think about their own accountability.
That is all......It's freakin Friday and that's a good thing.
Adios you freakin bulldog people.
01-31-2014, 06:36 AM
Speaking of the book. I was talking to some Dutch Shepard and Mali guys and they all have your book. I had gave them information before from the book that helped them and they all went out and got it. So just know that your book has now crossed into the Schutzhund and Ring Sport world to other breeds.
Officially Retired
01-31-2014, 08:10 AM
LOL, thanks guys :)