View Full Version : Opinions on what weight to start off a keep?

02-17-2014, 09:33 AM
I recently went to pick up my hound from a buddy. The dog is about .5lb over his conformation weight. I usually like my hounds to start work about 2-3lbs over. I just wanted to see who likes to start a keep with their animal this close to their show weight and does the style of the dog make a difference in your decision about starting weight?

02-17-2014, 10:35 AM
It is a matter of personal preference. For every one that says one way ten others will say the opposite. And vice-versa will apply as well.

My preference is to have the dog on weight every day we start work. I don't bring him up or down the last few weeks. I want him to start the day off on weight and let that day's work pull him down. Much the same as show night.

If you are talking about weeks out then I let them carry a couple-three pounds, especially in the colder months, but as far as Day #1 I am pretty much on weight. I don't use a pre-keep so on Day#1 we hit the ground running on weight and go from there. EWO

02-17-2014, 12:41 PM
The more weight that needs to come off the harder you work them in the first week or so. Then start them on your program. Or you can start your program an feed less until your hound weight is were you want it.

02-17-2014, 04:09 PM
Im training 200-300 gram above weight.
3lbs is to much imo