View Full Version : Sores in between the toes

02-23-2014, 01:12 PM
My dog has these tiny sores between the toes of his front paws.. not sure if it is Interdigital Furunculosis ... He is on a raw diet ive noticed wen i feed him beef the sores gets red and seem to spread. Right now he is on chicken and the sores are drying up, So far he doesnt seem to be bothered about dem ..never seen him licking or bite his paws... i read Interdigital Furunculosis could be deep bacterial infection and its got me worried

05-01-2016, 05:30 AM
My dog started with one on his back left law. Now the right one has some. He is licking at them. How did you fix the problem ?

05-05-2016, 10:48 AM
It is possibly a yeast infection caused by allergies or diet. I have a bitch that started with the paw licking 3 years ago.
Twice a year I have to deal with her licking and biting at her paws. There are 2 options that I know of. First is a trip to the Vets and oral steroids and medicated shampoo. I prefer this method as I have been able to stop it by bathing with a medicated shampoo from TSC and using a Betadine (Povidone/Iodine) foot bath. You can get Betadine (Povidone/Iodine) at Walmart for $7.00 and mix it with water to a dark tea color. I use a plastic sweater box with enough solution to cover the dogs paws. Stand your dog in the solution for a couple of minuets or more and pat the feet dry when you remove Them. You may want/need to repeat the foot bath but it is very effective for killing off yeast and is worth trying before you run up vet bills. You can usually tell if it is yeast as the paws will smell funky.

11-01-2016, 10:48 AM
I have the same problem with my male and have had him on antibiotics but still comes back. Yeast infection is my best guess...have been cleaning his ears out and putting the iodine on feet and iodine wabs to clean ears. The iodine is suppose to be good for fungus and bacteria but think might have to go with fluconazole since it seems to be more internal. Cutting out the grain and anything with carbs in it..I think some issues could be also caused the shots we give them to keep them from getting parvo, rabies, and etc. I also think that a compromised immune system from too tight of breeding might cause issues; all guess work when it comes to this area.

11-01-2016, 11:57 AM
yeast check ph balance , fungus , yeast type of infection antibiotics destroy the yeast, ph balance , first restore ph balance
food try elimination diet start with horsemeat and rice

11-14-2016, 11:16 AM
Feed horse meat and rice or eliminate them in any of the feed you have?

11-14-2016, 12:25 PM
1 bottle of isopropyl alcohol. I bottle of Boric Acid. I bottle of Genetian Violet. All from the local pharmacy. Less than $20.

Pour a small amount of alcohol out. Add 2TBSP of Boric Acid. Add 10-12 drops of Genetian Violet.

The alcohol serves as the carrier, yet quickly evaporates. The Boric Acid safely lowers the Ph to prevent growth. The fungul infections are more stubborn, appear to have subsided and then come right back. The Genetian Violet severs as a topical.

Shake well before using as it settles out over time.

Also works well with ear infections. I use it monthly as cleaner/preventative.

It does wonders for those spots, especially between the toes.

Use it outside as it stains purple. They shake and it looks like purple colored blood spatter.


11-14-2016, 02:48 PM
Try Malaseb shampoo

11-15-2016, 03:56 AM
1 bottle of isopropyl alcohol. I bottle of Boric Acid. I bottle of Genetian Violet. All from the local pharmacy. Less than $20.

Pour a small amount of alcohol out. Add 2TBSP of Boric Acid. Add 10-12 drops of Genetian Violet.

The alcohol serves as the carrier, yet quickly evaporates. The Boric Acid safely lowers the Ph to prevent growth. The fungul infections are more stubborn, appear to have subsided and then come right back. The Genetian Violet severs as a topical.

Shake well before using as it settles out over time.

Also works well with ear infections. I use it monthly as cleaner/preventative.

It does wonders for those spots, especially between the toes.

Use it outside as it stains purple. They shake and it looks like purple colored blood spatter.


EWO good points goes a bit along the lines I wrote on top of what you describe between the toes take a tootbrush and brush it ( if you dont mind me adding)
in regards to ears I had a solution from a vet cant come up with the name , but I had an issue and kept pouring in ear stuff with antibiotics , until a vet pointed me towards a solution that levels PH

its like when you worm the dogs ( and you feed raw ) pour in some farm yoghurt to restore the flora

in words of the wife and this is for all you eaters
to clean a pussy causes problems , you gotta have the right amount of flora in it to kill what the woman call white flooding

11-15-2016, 08:43 AM

Thanks for the recipe, will give it a shot and I hope this does the ticket.

11-15-2016, 10:14 AM
Get it at Wal-Mart either in the foot section or women's section.

Should clear out any yeast on the feet. Check the diet or environment for causes.