View Full Version : Boys slam and punch young pit bull for fun...

03-02-2014, 10:58 AM
Poor fucking dog. These kids should be ashamed of themselves. Body slamming and punching a little 40 pound dog who does not even fight back?

And then to record it while laughing, and then post it on line? Geez… little punks, I hope they get the crap beat out of them in jail.

If that little dog did defend itself and bit them, then the headlines would all cry “Pit Bull Attack”.


Sometimes I really wonder about the human race…

Officially Retired
03-02-2014, 11:34 AM
Wow, what total pieces of shit.

Makes you just want to put one behind their ear.

03-02-2014, 11:50 AM
Reading the comments to just about any animal abuse story is almost as nauseating as the stories themselves. People want to see those kids killed, removed from the gene pool, euthanized or beat like they beat the dog. REALLY?

A lot of the humans that make up the human race just simply SUCK!

Those kids certainly need to be punished, but I think the problem is more with the parent(s) or lack there of. Don't think they would find it to funny if mom or dad did some jail time for what they did.

And I strongly believe we are seeing far more animal abuse because of all the radical AR groups, like H$U$, PETA and ARF etc... They flood the information highways with all of this bullshit abuse that doesn't even happen, and young (under-parented) kids think it is cool.

03-02-2014, 11:52 AM
And it certainly doesn't help that parents are in fear of delivering a good old fashioned ass whipping to their kids.

Officially Retired
03-02-2014, 12:09 PM
I'm good with putting one behind the ears of the parents too ... apples don't generally fall too far from the tree.

03-02-2014, 12:36 PM
I'm good with putting one behind the ears of the parents too ... apples don't generally fall too far from the tree.

Can't argue with you there! lol

03-02-2014, 03:32 PM
What the actual fuck have I just watched? :angry:

03-02-2014, 04:23 PM
Maybe a few of the other boys there will give them a good ass kicking.

03-03-2014, 09:47 AM
You raise some good points.

Reading the comments to just about any animal abuse story is almost as nauseating as the stories themselves. People want to see those kids killed, removed from the gene pool, euthanized or beat like they beat the dog. REALLY?

I don’t usually bother reading comments since most tend to be pretty extreme and stupid, but I took a look and here is one about one of the boys that did this --

“One of the boys' names is Keyshawn Coats - his fb page was shut down. His mother is Shelia Coats, who, of course, defends her son. Her fb page is still open to the public. She's evidently not smart enough to use privacy settings. Her son didn't use them either, which is why people were able to see the video”

Those kids certainly need to be punished, but I think the problem is more with the parent(s) or lack there of. Don't think they would find it to funny if mom or dad did some jail time for what they did.

I agree that the parents probably did nothing to teach their children proper values and conduct. Putting them in jail won’t teach them anything but maybe a big fine would?

And I strongly believe we are seeing far more animal abuse because of all the radical AR groups, like H$U$, PETA and ARF etc... They flood the information highways with all of this bullshit abuse that doesn't even happen, and young (under-parented) kids think it is cool.

Yes, with all the AR abuse stories on the news, kids probably do think it is “cool”. Just like that stupid term “bait dog”, which did not exist until the HSUS started stories about it, and then kids were following what they read and copying that BS. Why would anyone use a poodle to train a bulldog, it is like a boxer training on a 10 year old child… But it made a good story and got in those donations.

And I think it is in many ways a much wider problem, more of the desensitizing to violence of all types due to what is shown on TV and in video games, etc. The large amount of graphic violence on the media has the effect of making it seem “normal”. But killing bad guys in a video game is a far cry from intentionally hurting a puppy.

Black Hand
03-04-2014, 06:35 AM
Worse things happen to human beings every day. Nothing really surprises me. Perspective, if you see how a lot of kids grow up and the relationships(or lack of) they have with parents or adults it's not hard to figure out why people do things like this. Most of these children are abused, neglected, or just witness some things beyond a regular persons imagination before their mind ever finishes developing. Gives them a twisted view of the world. The worst has yet to come. It's weird videos like this always popping up on the net. These kids need intense therapy

03-04-2014, 07:21 AM
Agreed SGC & Black Hand!

And as long as the H$U$ is continually allowed to spread these ridiculous lies, it will continue to get worse.

Reminds me of hearing as a kid gun powder would make your dog mean, and all the idiots that fed it to their dogs. :shocked:

03-04-2014, 12:48 PM