View Full Version : Kibble and Raw

03-09-2014, 06:01 PM
I know this is a greenhorn question but I'm a ask because that what I am..lol
I plan on switching over to raw but I wanted to know is it beneficial to feed raw chicken with kibble being that kibble has majority of wheat,corn, ect in it does the two combined make a well balance meal.

03-09-2014, 07:35 PM
I wouldn't feed both. I switched my entire yard over to raw some time ago, and I only have dogfood here for the spare dog that comes for breeding that eats dogfood AND for the times I'm gone and the wife has to feed. The only grain my dogs get is some rice, and it's less than 1 cup a day. Some days there is no grain involved.

So no, I don't think chicken along with kibble makes a well balanced meal. Feeding raw is like feeding yourself. It's about balance over time not a balance everyday.

03-09-2014, 07:51 PM
not to cause a fuss but I feed both and have for sometime now. and have not had any issues. I feel that there is some good in the dry [I hate using the word kibble]. I have a hard headed snooty bitch that will take the raw out and eat the dry first! go figger that 1. but I will agree that it may not be for some dogs. but for over a 8 month time frame now and 6 apbts no problems.

and I don't think its a green hrn question. hellfire,a man that don't ask questions when he needs answers is spinning his wheels!

03-09-2014, 10:44 PM
I also feed kibble and not a full raw diet but a leg quarter... Same way i feed one while in training, except i add more raw meat of course. i understand the supposed benefits of an all raw diet but 3 kids, 8 hounds, i simply dont have the time... dry feed, salmon oil, leg quarter is what i feed everyday and have had zero problems.

03-09-2014, 10:58 PM
No one is saying anyone will have a problem or any type of issues. I just don't see the point of feeding both of them. While the quarter is better for the dog, the primary meal is still based around kibble.

After feeding kibble to my dogs for a really long time, the only good I even see in kibble today is simply nothing more than convenience. That's the only good I get out of that if it's being fed here.

Black Hand
03-09-2014, 11:58 PM
Waste of money. Save the 30 bucks and spend it on real food since it's cheaper anyways. And if you're already feeding raw AND kibble it can't be anymore time consuming cuz you're already feeding raw. If you're already getting the chicken quarters out, pumping or dumping oil, etc. you're already doing the time consuming stuff.

Black Hand
03-09-2014, 11:59 PM
What's the difference between scooping kibble and scooping rice? The twenty seconds it takes to put the water in the pan for your rice or eggs? It's not anymore time consuming unless you sit there and watch it boil lol.

03-10-2014, 12:13 AM
Everyone's that been feeding raw for some years knows that the little extra time it takes to prepare you get twice back in less cleaning, less health issues, and your dogs look like nothing you ever seen before.

03-10-2014, 05:24 AM
I have never fed a dog both raw and kibble. Even when I get a new dog that has been fed kibble I make the switch on day one to raw. Now that being said my raw diet is easy to do even with feedings a big yard. Jack if your reading this look it over and tell me what you think.

Things you need to feed a big yard.

1 5gal bucket

1 1gal bucket

In the 5 gal bucket I put my meat that I'm feeding for that day. ( Chicken, fish, deer, rabbit or beef)

In the 1 gal bucket I mix 2 cups of Honest Kitchen Preference ( www.thehonestkitchen.com ) with either Triple Crown Oil, Coconut oil or wheat germ oil and water

proceed to chain spots with bowls and buckets drop meat and 2 table spoons of honest kitchen in each bowl. By the time I get to the last dog the first dog is done so I can pick up the bowls and rinse. Then I scoop chain spots and kennels and keep it moving.

Officially Retired
03-10-2014, 06:50 AM
Everyone's that been feeding raw for some years knows that the little extra time it takes to prepare you get twice back in less cleaning, less health issues, and your dogs look like nothing you ever seen before.

Agreed Skipper.

To the others, feeding "kibble and raw" is ridiculous.
Either keep being lazy and feed kibble, don't improve anything, or step up to the plate and take the time to feed raw right.

People who say they "don't have the time" are lying to themselves.
You'll watch 3 hours of TV, spend 2 hours online, and then cry online about being "too busy" to spend an hour to feed your damned dogs right.
Lameness. Pure, excuse-making lameness.


Officially Retired
03-10-2014, 06:53 AM
I have never fed a dog both raw and kibble. Even when I get a new dog that has been fed kibble I make the switch on day one to raw. Now that being said my raw diet is easy to do even with feedings a big yard. Jack if your reading this look it over and tell me what you think.

Things you need to feed a big yard.

1 5gal bucket

1 1gal bucket

In the 5 gal bucket I put my meat that I'm feeding for that day. ( Chicken, fish, deer, rabbit or beef)

In the 1 gal bucket I mix 2 cups of Honest Kitchen Preference ( www.thehonestkitchen.com ) with either Triple Crown Oil, Coconut oil or wheat germ oil and water

proceed to chain spots with bowls and buckets drop meat and 2 table spoons of honest kitchen in each bowl. By the time I get to the last dog the first dog is done so I can pick up the bowls and rinse. Then I scoop chain spots and kennels and keep it moving.

Good sir, the only potential trouble I see is it doesn't look like you're feeding BONES at all (maybe with the chicken), and the dogs need bones for calcium.
Not sure what the calcium profile is on the Preference, but I would always feed RAW BONES with any raw diet. Always.

Meat has a lot of phosphorus / nitrogen ... which can be problematic over time without calcium to balance it out.
A dog is supposed to have 2:1 calcium:phosphorus ratio ...


03-10-2014, 07:00 AM
Agreed Skipper.

To the others, feeding "kibble and raw" is ridiculous.
Either keep being lazy and feed kibble, don't improve anything, or step up to the plate and take the time to feed raw right.

People who say they "don't have the time" are lying to themselves.
You'll watch 3 hours of TV, spend 2 hours online, and then cry online about being "too busy" to spend an hour to feed your damned dogs right.
Lameness. Pure, excuse-making lameness.


you need to recode your php to add a like button.

03-10-2014, 07:04 AM
Good sir, the only potential trouble I see is it doesn't look like you're feeding BONES at all (maybe with the chicken), and the dogs need bones for calcium.
Not sure what the calcium profile is on the Preference, but I would always feed RAW BONES with any raw diet. Always.

Meat has a lot of phosphorus / nitrogen ... which can be problematic over time without calcium to balance it out.
A dog is supposed to have 2:1 calcium:phosphorus ratio ...


If I feed a meat without bones it's only once or maybe twice a week. And it's funny you talk about the phosphorus thing because my vet who feeds raw now tells people to add the honest kitchen because after she ran some test on her dogs she added Honest Kitchen because it will balance it all out.

Oh and to make sure I don't give out any bad info. When I feed wild game like rabbit or deer it has been frozen for a week if not more before feeding. I get all my wild game from the back yard.

Officially Retired
03-10-2014, 07:20 AM
you need to recode your php to add a like button.

You can always do this :)

03-10-2014, 09:28 AM
i feed both..sometimes my ol lady needs to feed the dogs...

03-10-2014, 10:16 AM
With all due respect i think that covering all my bases actually is that you don't feel comfortable with your knowledge in feeding raw. If you feed a complete raw diet theres no use for kibble at all. Why give something lesser when you actually are giving what the dogs are made to eat. I used to think the same way, but i bought books and studied raw feeding to make sure i covered all my basis. I'm at the second generation of dogs that never seen a kibble in their life now and not planning on switching back anytime soon.

03-10-2014, 11:06 AM
A lot of good post from everyone...and not just hearsay but from there own experience. Those that even try to compare the kibble to raw really have no clue!

03-10-2014, 01:40 PM
Surprised Limey's not popped up yet.

03-10-2014, 01:55 PM

Officially Retired
03-10-2014, 02:36 PM

03-10-2014, 03:09 PM

03-11-2014, 07:14 AM
Agreed Skipper.

To the others, feeding "kibble and raw" is ridiculous.
Either keep being lazy and feed kibble, don't improve anything, or step up to the plate and take the time to feed raw right.

People who say they "don't have the time" are lying to themselves.
You'll watch 3 hours of TV, spend 2 hours online, and then cry online about being "too busy" to spend an hour to feed your damned dogs right.
Lameness. Pure, excuse-making lameness.

Jack hahaha, point well taken jack, but time has nothing to do with me. and I can assure you I aint lazy or lame. hahaha. just found something the dogs seem to like.
but like I said point well taken from all. but jack, how about you come follow me around for a week if you can hang and then tell me I'm lazy.lmao... just cutting up with ya dude . don't blo a gasket.lmao.....

Officially Retired
03-11-2014, 07:19 AM
hahaha, point well taken jack, but time has nothing to do with me. and I can assure you I aint lazy or lame. hahaha. just found something the dogs seem to like.
but like I said point well taken from all. but jack, how about you come follow me around for a week if you can hang and then tell me I'm lazy.lmao... just cutting up with ya dude . don't blo a gasket.lmao.....

Okay, I will try to keep my sense of humor, but it fries me the (sorry, yes) LAME shit people say. For example: just found something the dogs seem to like.

WTH does that mean? :confused:
Dogs like pretty much anything :lol:
So you're telling me that you base what you feed on what "your dogs seem to like" rather than actual knowledge of feeding principles? :rolleyes:
I'll bet if you feed them pancakes & syrup they'll wolf it down ... so maybe you should switch to pancakes & syrup because "the dogs seem to like it" :lol:

I think Skipper hit the nail on the head: I think people who feed raw "and" kibble really don't know what they're doing ... can't read or understand what's-what ... and so try to "do everything" to make themselves feel like they "haven't missed something."

So I will try to laugh with you, and maybe you're a very busy guy, and no lazy in other areas, but you sure aren't doing a good job of feeding your dogs.

That I can say for sure.


03-11-2014, 07:38 AM
I had a "old-timer" get PISSED at me not agreeing with him about raw vs. kibble. He went as far as to ban me from his board because he said raw says in the system to long and would make the dog sick. I called a few different vets who gave me links that proved him wrong. I posted them to his board and he banned me. LMAO!!

Officially Retired
03-11-2014, 07:43 AM
It's actually the opposite: raw is in-and-out of a dog much faster than kibble ...

03-11-2014, 07:46 AM
It's actually the opposite: raw is in-and-out of a dog much faster than kibble ...

Oh I know this but this fool was gonna fight me on the subject and the biggest problem I have is that he has a following of knuckle heads who think his word is law. Matter of fact I think the 1st person I called looking for documentation was Scratchingdog.

Officially Retired
03-11-2014, 07:50 AM
That is the trouble: people "repeat what they hear," like parrots, without really knowing what they're talking about and without really conducting their own serious research.

Pit Bull Committed
03-11-2014, 08:40 AM
Good sir, the only potential trouble I see is it doesn't look like you're feeding BONES at all (maybe with the chicken), and the dogs need bones for calcium.
Not sure what the calcium profile is on the Preference, but I would always feed RAW BONES with any raw diet. Always.

Meat has a lot of phosphorus / nitrogen ... which can be problematic over time without calcium to balance it out.
A dog is supposed to have 2:1 calcium:phosphorus ratio ...

I have a question. My raw diet has basically everything that Jack suggested on his videos, chicken quarter with bones, heart, gizzards, livers, intestines, soft boiled egg, yogurt, salmon oil, greens, and the multivitamin pill. Is it necessary to have the pill if my raw diet has all of that?

Officially Retired
03-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Necessary? No. Theoretically-speaking, if you are feeding a full spectrum of food with all the vitamins exactly in place, you don't "need" an extra vitamin pill.

But, that said, adding a vitamin is basically a $0.02 additive that has a full spectrum of vitamins "just in case" ... which is why every dogfood known to man also has vitamins added to to it on the backside :)

Pit Bull Committed
03-11-2014, 09:10 AM
Necessary? No. Theoretically-speaking, if you are feeding a full spectrum of food with all the vitamins exactly in place, you don't "need" an extra vitamin pill.

But, that said, adding a vitamin is basically a $0.02 additive that has a full spectrum of vitamins "just in case" ... which is why every dogfood known to man also has vitamins added to to it on the backside :)
Thanks Jack! ;)

03-11-2014, 11:42 PM
Okay, I will try to keep my sense of humor, but it fries me the (sorry, yes) LAME shit people say. For example: just found something the dogs seem to like.

WTH does that mean? :confused:
Dogs like pretty much anything :lol:
So you're telling me that you base what you feed on what "your dogs seem to like" rather than actual knowledge of feeding principles? :rolleyes:
I'll bet if you feed them pancakes & syrup they'll wolf it down ... so maybe you should switch to pancakes & syrup because "the dogs seem to like it" :lol:

I think Skipper hit the nail on the head: I think people who feed raw "and" kibble really don't know what they're doing ... can't read or understand what's-what ... and so try to "do everything" to make themselves feel like they "haven't missed something."

So I will try to laugh with you, and maybe you're a very busy guy, and no lazy in other areas, but you sure aren't doing a good job of feeding your dogs.

That I can say for sure.

well bud you seem to want to take this to another level....so..i'll invite you not only to follow me but take a look at my dogs also cuz. till then we'll just have to agree to disagree.and I think you know exzactly what I ment by my last post. but if you choose to turn it around that's on you. yea my dogs like it and I like the way they look and act. and they're super healthy. and you're welcome anytime my friend... anytime!.

Officially Retired
03-12-2014, 08:46 AM
well bud you seem to want to take this to another level....so..i'll invite you not only to follow me but take a look at my dogs also cuz. till then we'll just have to agree to disagree.and I think you know exzactly what I ment by my last post. but if you choose to turn it around that's on you. yea my dogs like it and I like the way they look and act. and they're super healthy. and you're welcome anytime my friend... anytime!.

Take this on another level?
The only level you seem to want to keep this on is ignorant.

I am sorry I get frustrated with foolishness, but you make dull statements and have nothing of substance to say.
Do you have anything of value to say, or just the same old defensive BS for mediocrity?

If you actually know something about canine nutrition, speak it.
If you actually know nothing about canine nutrition, then don't speak.
It's pretty much that simple: the practices of the ignorant mean nothing.

If you think your dogs "look and act fine," and that this means anything, then there's no point in my discussing the subject of nutrition with you.
Can you give a thoughtful analysis as to why the way you feed is the way to go, or can you only say, "My dogs look and act fine."?

Hell, my first 7 years in dogs I fed my dogs Diamond dogfood and they "looked and acted fine" too ... for years (or so I thought) ... until they started falling apart when they got old.
I was just as clueless as you are now, once, thinking I was doing the right thing by "feeding cheap."

Only with the benefit of hindsight, and actually feeding OPTIMALLY, did I finally look back and realize my dogs had been giving signs of not looking so good (missing hair on their muzzle, toes, etc.) for quite awhile before the signs were so obvious I could see them clear as day :idea:

Go feed a teenage kid McDonald's ... and mix it with some good food ... and that kid will "look and act fine" also.
But WTH does that have to do with the subject of optimal nutrition? NOTHING.

How some kid "looks and acts" fed a mix of shitty food and good food doesn't mean he's being fed optimally.
How your young dogs "look and act" being fed a mix of shit-kibble and a chicken part doesn't mean they're being fed optimally either.

OVER TIME is when the ill-effects of a substandard diet begin to take their toll ... and a person who never upgrades will never know the drastic difference a truly good diet can and does make.

I have had veteran dogmen hand me dogs they called "in great health," and the dog looked like shit to me.
But they couldn't see it. These people had never seen an older dog in optimal health, because they'd been feeding shit food their whole life.

There is no point in discussing subjects with people who have no true knowledge and do nothing but "defend their substandard practices" with childish threats or by inviting me to their yards.

I have seen, and FED, more dogs, for more years ... and TRULY tried to upgrade my diets ... than 99.999999999999% of anyone alive in the game today ...
I don't need to "see your dogs" to gain a clue in how to feed dogs. Really, I don't.

The fact is, it's quite the opposite ...


03-12-2014, 10:58 AM


Officially Retired
03-12-2014, 12:08 PM
LOL, I did have meds ... caffeine 8)

Officially Retired
03-12-2014, 12:10 PM
PS: Sorry if it seems like I get bent easy, but I am just extremely intense on the subject of feeding dogs ... as I have seen not doing so correctly ruin dogs early ... and doing so optimally stretch out their usefulness (and reproductivity) beyond all generations before them. Ultimately, I am just trying to help by offering the best information I know how to give, not the second-best ...

03-12-2014, 01:34 PM
Good series of posts. I have fed both kibble and raw, back and forth for a number of years. My first stint with raw was a horrible, out of balance raw plan. I rented a house from a guy who was a butcher by trade and had a side business processing at home. I got a five gallon bucket of any and every thing daily. The dogs got what came out of the bucket as I passed by. Maybe be red meat today, leg quarter tomorrow or back to back on either. It was free. Not the best plan, but it was free. I used kibble when the girlfriend or the neighbor was feeding for me. That worked for a number of years.

When I moved (out of the service) I did not have the freebies anymore so it was back to bag food. In time I liked the way the dogs looked on the raw so I switched back. This time with more knowledge not only about nutrition, but balance in that nutrition. I am a raw feeder today.

It is less clean up and can be cheaper if storage is available. The time is the issue for lots of people. I work 12 hour rotating swing shifts with an hour or so commute. I have to pre mix as much as possible in order to feed raw. I leave just after 5AM and do not get home until a little after 8PM. There is no time to mix and prepare for a large number of dogs (and I understand the idea of less dogs makes sense, but we know how that goes) after 8PM. It would be near 10PM before I ate and then back up again before 5AM. So time is a huge issue for a lot of people. It is not a matter of being lazy (in some cases, yes, but not all). When I go on my four and five day stretches I have to pre-mix and prepare for all the dogs.

Feeding RAW is much more difficult time and effort wise than feeding from a bag. If the dogs were my livelihood and I had 6-8-10 hours a day, every day to devote to the dogs then I could see the point where there would be no excuse not to feed raw. The benefits are over whelming in comparison. Factor in a 12 hour shift with an hour commute and there is just not enough hours in the day. I feed RAW but I take a day to pre-mix the eggs/vegetable pulp/oils/rice. I mix it in a five gallon bucket. I make one pass with this out of the bucket and then another pass with the quarters or meats for that day. I have it down to a science without a wasted step.

If I did not have the days off in between, and my time off was at night and only two weekend days I would either have to go kibble and RAW, or get rid of a bunch of dogs. But again, the dogs are not my livelihood. EWO

03-12-2014, 11:38 PM
PS: Sorry if it seems like I get bent easy, but I am just extremely intense on the subject of feeding dogs ... as I have seen not doing so correctly ruin dogs early ... and doing so optimally stretch out their usefulness (and reproductivity) beyond all generations before them. Ultimately, I am just trying to help by offering the best information I know how to give, not the second-best ...


Officially Retired
03-13-2014, 05:26 AM

Officially Retired
03-13-2014, 05:32 AM
Good series of posts. I have fed both kibble and raw, back and forth for a number of years. My first stint with raw was a horrible, out of balance raw plan. I rented a house from a guy who was a butcher by trade and had a side business processing at home. I got a five gallon bucket of any and every thing daily. The dogs got what came out of the bucket as I passed by. Maybe be red meat today, leg quarter tomorrow or back to back on either. It was free. Not the best plan, but it was free. I used kibble when the girlfriend or the neighbor was feeding for me. That worked for a number of years.

When I moved (out of the service) I did not have the freebies anymore so it was back to bag food. In time I liked the way the dogs looked on the raw so I switched back. This time with more knowledge not only about nutrition, but balance in that nutrition. I am a raw feeder today.

It is less clean up and can be cheaper if storage is available. The time is the issue for lots of people. I work 12 hour rotating swing shifts with an hour or so commute. I have to pre mix as much as possible in order to feed raw. I leave just after 5AM and do not get home until a little after 8PM. There is no time to mix and prepare for a large number of dogs (and I understand the idea of less dogs makes sense, but we know how that goes) after 8PM. It would be near 10PM before I ate and then back up again before 5AM. So time is a huge issue for a lot of people. It is not a matter of being lazy (in some cases, yes, but not all). When I go on my four and five day stretches I have to pre-mix and prepare for all the dogs.

Feeding RAW is much more difficult time and effort wise than feeding from a bag. If the dogs were my livelihood and I had 6-8-10 hours a day, every day to devote to the dogs then I could see the point where there would be no excuse not to feed raw. The benefits are over whelming in comparison. Factor in a 12 hour shift with an hour commute and there is just not enough hours in the day. I feed RAW but I take a day to pre-mix the eggs/vegetable pulp/oils/rice. I mix it in a five gallon bucket. I make one pass with this out of the bucket and then another pass with the quarters or meats for that day. I have it down to a science without a wasted step.

If I did not have the days off in between, and my time off was at night and only two weekend days I would either have to go kibble and RAW, or get rid of a bunch of dogs. But again, the dogs are not my livelihood. EWO

Another excellent post, EWO, proving "where there's a will, there's a way."

Yes, if a person has a number of dogs, then getting a deep freezer is a mandatory part of the job. I did it; you did it; people who feed raw have to do it.
Yes, if a person is a full-time dogman, he will have an easier time feeding a group of dogs raw than if not.
But, yes again, if a person works a number of hours in a week, he can still make it his business to set aside at least a couple hours a week to prepare the food for his dogs, wrap it all up and get it ready for the week, and still effectively meet his dogs' needs. Absolutely.

Again, where there's a will, there's a way. There absolutely is. Everytime.

Thus, in the end, a person who says, "I don't have the time to feed raw," is just lying to himself.

The truth is, said person chooses not to MAKE the time necessary to get it done :idea:


03-13-2014, 08:03 PM
I personally like the way im doing things and it works for me. everybody has their own opinions and that's fine... I gave the OP my opinion and im not gonna switch what im doing simply because others dont like it or believe another way is better. ive seen raw fed hounds on the short end of the stick same as kibble fed hounds. There is a big difference in being lazy and strapped for time. your way works for you, my way works for me... The better hound takes the ribbon majority of the time, not the best fed hound

Officially Retired
03-13-2014, 09:26 PM
I personally like the way im doing things and it works for me.

Of course you like the way you're doing things, it's your way, and requires no more thought and effort on your part.

I don't know what "it works for you" means, exactly?

Are you really trying to say "your way" is the best way possible, or you really saying that you don't notice any catastrophes doing it your way?

There's a difference.

I gave the OP my opinion and im not gonna switch what im doing simply because others dont like it or believe another way is better.

It's not about "beliefs"; it's about facts.

And the fact is raw is the more nutritious way to eat food than cooked, dry, brown pellets.

There is nothing to debate.

ive seen raw fed hounds on the short end of the stick same as kibble fed hounds. There is a big difference in being lazy and strapped for time. your way works for you, my way works for me... The better hound takes the ribbon majority of the time, not the best fed hound

Wow, I don't want to be rude, but I have heard this same, basic inane statement a thousands times (and hope never to hear it again).
I feel almost like I am trying to explain the A, B, Cs to a child.

Understand WE ALL KNOW that feeding dogs raw won't transform them into aces. No one ever said that.
What feeding a great raw diet will do is make your aces (and mediocre dogs) healthier than they were. Healthier, not "better in the pit."

Where have you read, anywhere, someone claim dogs are going to attain "magic abilities" they never had before ... by feeding raw?
The only claims I (or anyone else who feeds raw) have made are that your dogs will be healthier (and achieve a lower "best weight" without all the carbs).

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but if I feed Muhammad Ali "McDonald's fast food" ... and if I feed YOU organic, wholesome food ... you're still "you" (and no Muhammad Ali) ... and you'd still lose a boxing match with a prime Ali. So your point is useless. No one ever claimed feeding well "improved" genetic, god-given ability.

The point is NOT to feed your Muhammad Alis cheap food ... feed them your BEST ... so they will be at their healthiest.
The point was NEVER to suggest that feeding mediocre dogs transforms them into Muhammad Ali.

In essence, you're just trying to defend your mediocre practices.
You don't need to! Carry on as you are, because no one cares.

The original question was, is feeding chicken with kibble (wheat, corn-based) a good thing to do ... and the answer is NO!
The best thing to do is leave the wheat/corn kibble OUT and just feed an all-raw diet.

But if you want to continue feeding kibble, go ahead.


Pit Bull Committed
03-14-2014, 06:19 AM
I have had veteran dogmen hand me dogs they called "in great health," and the dog looked like shit to me. But they couldn't see it. These people had never seen an older dog in optimal health, because they'd been feeding shit food their whole life.

I feed my dogs the raw diet that Jack provided and I can relate to what Jack said above. :) I've purchased some adult dogs and the owners claimed they are in great shape...but when I got the dogs they were super shitty....way below my standard. The dogs were shedding like crazy and their coat color was very dull.

I understand it could be very time consuming to feed raw but it's well worth it. I work full-time (10 hour shift), do two business on the side (real estate & insurance), a husband and a father and I still manage to feed my dogs raw. I keep a deep freezer with all my raw food. Every time I prepare my raw food for my dogs my wife would ask me, "Do you ever get tire of it?" I said, "Nope! I actually enjoys it"...because I know it's what makes my dogs look so damn good!!!

Officially Retired
03-14-2014, 08:19 AM
That's nice to hear ... good for you :hatsoff:

03-15-2014, 10:39 AM
Jack, im not an idiot. When i say it works for me, that is exactly what i mean. of course i understand raw may be more beneficial to feed, i simply dont see a need to switch. i dont have any health issues, skin issues or any of the such... i stay away from wheat, soy, and corn as well. kibble may not be the best to feed for some, but for my time schedule, the way i do things is best for me. I feed Eukanuba performance 30/20 for maintenance and a different feed while training... i simply reduce the kibble, add more meats and veggies and again, it works for me... if the OP can switch completely over to a raw diet, then by all means, go for it. i also dont consider what i do feeding raw. they get a leg quartr in the morning before work and i feed up in the evening when i get home or in some cases, the ol' lady may need to feed them if im outta town that week.