View Full Version : National Dog Fighting Awareness Day (NDFAD) April 8th, 2014

04-05-2014, 06:40 PM
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day: Spread the Word!

By Danielle Sullivan | April 4th, 2014 at 10:45 am

National Dog Fighting Awareness Day: How You Can Help!Dog fighting is a horrendous, money-making system, and the ASPCA is bringing awareness to this insidious crime by dedicating a day to helping stop it: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day takes place on April 8th, 2014. This day was created to get people talking about this severe form of animal cruelty and help put an end to it. It is estimated that dog fighting has been going on since the late 1800s and now takes place throughout the country and in all economic brackets.

When offenders, particularly famous offenders, such as NFL football player Michael Vick, are overlooked for having instituting and profiting from this horrific cruelty and go on to secure million dollar sporting and endorsement contracts, it only makes it worse. (Terrible move, NY Jets, for signing him this year. Visit Boycott the NY Jets and Michael Vick). People say he made a mistake, but intentionally killing, torturing, and maiming dogs over several years is NOT a mistake. This statement from Matthew Bershadker, President of the ASPCA, stresses exactly why we must not forget what Vick and others like him do:

“It became clear over the course of the investigation that this was not a crime of passion or a case of obliviousness. Michael Vick was fully involved in a six-year pattern of illegal activity that included dogs being savagely electrocuted, drowned, and beaten to death.”

This was a multi-million dollar ring. Profits were high and greed was underlying, as is the case in nearly all dog fighting operations.

Sadly, this is just one high profile case, there are so many more underground operations that no one hears about. According to the ASPCA, there are profitable dog fighting rings located in cities, rural, and suburban areas:

“Fighters were traditionally attracted to states with weaker penalties for dog fighting and animal cruelty, many in the South — but laws continue to be made stronger throughout the country. As a result, this activity is no longer limited to any single area, but it is more likely to thrive wherever enforcement of anti-fighting laws is weak.”

This is exactly why we need to work together to help create stricter laws and enforce the animal cruelty laws already enacted. On April 8th, the ASPCA is hosting a Google+ Hangout with national experts to discuss the underground world of dog fighting. The panel will be moderated by ABC News anchor Dan Harris, and the goal is to raise awareness about dog fighting brutality, including little-known truths about the blood sport and its continuing prevalence in America. They will also be doing live social media event with Q&A’s across Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in which experts will answer user questions about dog fighting with hashtag #NDFAD. A never-before-seen short documentary will premiere with undercover footage of dogfights and the rescue activity at dog fighting raids.

If you would like to help in this endeavor, please check out the ASPCA’s website and help support National Dog Fighting Awareness Day. I’ll be at the Google+ Hangout on Tuesday night, please stop by!

http://www.babble.com/pets/national-dog-fighting-awareness-day-how-you-can-help/ <------ Go to the website for the links to the live social event, the need some opposition!!!


04-05-2014, 06:49 PM
Looks like the H$U$ may have stepped aside slightly so the ASPCA can spread more lies and fatten their wallets to.

These groups have got momentum on their side and there isn't a speed bump in sight.

What will you be doing April 8th?

I don't do Facebook, but if some of you are brave enough spread the word, would be nice to have more bulldog folks in on this than the AR nut jobs.

Pit Bull Committed
04-05-2014, 07:39 PM
Looks like the H$U$ may have stepped aside slightly so the ASPCA can spread more lies and fatten their wallets to.

These groups have got momentum on their side and there isn't a speed bump in sight.

What will you be doing April 8th?

I don't do Facebook, but if some of you are brave enough spread the word, would be nice to have more bulldog folks in on this that the AR nut jobs.

Yup, on 4/8... Make the world aware of those fake organizations like hsus/aspca. Never ever donating anything to those retards!

04-05-2014, 08:05 PM
The 8th is going to be anti pitbull day. And them dogs in that clip looked fat healthy and happy as they were led off to certain death.

04-07-2014, 06:30 AM
April 8th is National Dog Fighting Awareness Day!
Copied from: http://new.pitchengine.com/pitches/fa8fe006-0ca1-48b4-9db7-927b969e1e5a


The ASPCA has officially designated April 8th as National Dog Fighting Awareness Day to raise awareness about dog fighting brutality, and will be hosting a Google+ Hangout with national experts to discuss the underground world of dog fighting. The panel will be moderated by ABC News anchor Dan Harris and will include little-known truths about the blood sport and its continued prevalence in America. During the Google+ Hangout, there will be live social media Q&As across Facebook, Twitter and Google+ in which users will be able to submit questions about dog fighting with the hashtag #NDFAD and ASPCA experts will be answering them live.

As part of National Dog Fighting Awareness Day, the ASPCA will feature an interactive information and advocacy center on ASPCA.org that includes:

•The premiere of a never-before-seen short documentary, including undercover footage of dog fights, ASPCA rescue activity at dog fighting raids and expert insight
•An interactive quiz that debunks common misconceptions about dog fighting and the dogs and people involved in this so-called sport
•A “virtual museum” photo gallery of dog fighting and training paraphernalia, including dog treadmills, fighting pits and narcotics used to increase aggression before a fight
•Profiles of dog fighting victims rescued by the ASPCA -- most recently from the second-largest dog fighting raid in U.S. history

The goal of National Dog Fighting Awareness Day is to elevate the perception of dog fighting from an isolated criminal act to a deep and persistent stain on our national character.


Funny they used "Pitchengine" :censored: which is marketing software. SMH

04-07-2014, 06:31 AM
Be here on the 8th! -----> https://plus.google.com/events/c00npaqe59i68f8d6e7hpreevj0

Officially Retired
04-07-2014, 07:11 AM
What an annoying freaking video.

So much bullshit/drama in their photo angles of what, essentially, were some well-fed, well-kept happy dogs.


04-07-2014, 07:52 AM
"The irony is, we bulldog owners have simply lacked the very courage that we demand in our dogs and have not fought back."

The lies of these groups will continue no matter what we do, but no opposition is curring out on our end.

04-07-2014, 08:05 AM
What an annoying freaking video.

So much bullshit/drama in their photo angles of what, essentially, were some well-fed, well-kept happy dogs.


Some of those dogs could have been cared for better, skinny puppies isn't cool. But you are right, the sad music and pathetic commentary by Terry Mills (former HWP officer and dog fighter) and Tim Rickey is so hypocritical.

It was OK for former Missouri highway patrol officer Terry Mills, to buy property with government money, and to buy up dogs and steroids. To house over fifty dogs on that acreage with a mobile home and travel through 5 states fighting dogs and watching others fight dogs. To do this for an "18 month investigation" , all for the greater good right? So they could just destroy the lives of those "Coaches, "Veterinarians", "Vet Techs" and other citizens and their families. All so they could gather more donations for the pocket books of the greedy AR groups and kill all of those dogs for money and greed. All the while betting and crossing state lines themselves, without federal agents, how was that legal again?

These are the highly decorated men of the ASPCA....

04-07-2014, 10:00 AM
Ugh, what a crock... It is just a shameless solicitation for money donations. And sadly it works...

The dogs in the video had good houses and were well fed but they were taken off to their deaths while wagging their tails by those so called "saviors".

It was OK for former Missouri highway patrol officer Terry Mills, to buy property with government money, and to buy up dogs and steroids. To house over fifty dogs on that acreage with a mobile home and travel through 5 states fighting dogs and watching others fight dogs. To do this for an "18 month investigation" , all for the greater good right? So they could just destroy the lives of those "Coaches, "Veterinarians", "Vet Techs" and other citizens and their families. All so they could gather more donations for the pocket books of the greedy AR groups and kill all of those dogs for money and greed. All the while betting and crossing state lines themselves, without federal agents, how was that legal again?

These are the highly decorated men of the ASPCA....

Good point that no one talks about!

04-08-2014, 08:45 PM

50 some odd minutes I'll never get back. The panel of experts included:

- Dr. Randall Lockwood, Senior Vice President for Anti-Cruelty Initiatives and Legislative Services for the ASPCA. Randall is also author of Forensic Investigation of Animal Cruelty: A Guide for Veterinary and Law Enforcement Professionals

- Pamela Reid Ph.D. in Psychology with a specialization in animal learning and behavior from the University of Toronto.

- Jessica Johnson is the Grassroots Advocacy Manager for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/Lobbying organizer and Government relations
*Helped apply the spectator language (Felony) to the Farm Bill that passed in Jan. 2014

- Joel Schwartz senior director of executive communications at ASPCA

- Tim Rickey Vice President of the ASPCA's Field Investigations & Response (FIR) Team

TIM RICKEY: My vision when I joined the ASPCA [in January 2010] was to create a national blood sports program. That's an issue I've cared about for many, many years. With the Missouri dogfighting case, it became clear that it was a very prevalent problem not only in Missouri, but nationwide.

Nothing short of the exaggerated, sensationalized lies mixed with half truths that we are used to from the AR groups.

04-08-2014, 08:50 PM
During the video Tim Rickey says " Often times puppies have to be taken from their mothers because they are to aggressive to mother their young" he also says " dogs typically are being taken off their chains and tried as early as 6 months of age. They test them for gameness and condition them to fight"

He goes on to say that indicators of a dog fighter are dogs chained and separated.

04-08-2014, 09:18 PM
It's sad that will all the horrible things going people focus on this.Not to far from where I live a 6 yr old boy has been missing since September DSS dropped the ball mom & step dad won't say what they did with him , that's cruelty and people care more about dogs. Fucking Shame propaganda video the world is ass backwards. Yis Ole Man