View Full Version : skinny dog or just hi metab?

04-12-2014, 04:52 PM
3 yr old female. started losing weight rite off the bat from the time a good friend give her to me. came here 8 months ago at 35/36#. now she's at 31/32#. active beyond believe and blood work perfect;twice. she was on dry when she got here and I put her on a raw diet like the rest. if you walked up on her you'd think she's 3/4 weeks in a keep! tried feeding 2 a days no help. shortened her chain to 6' to cut down some movement, no help. put her in a 10x10 sectioned to 5x 10 no help. now her diet consist of 7/8oz of chicken quarter, 1 cup of wh rice, 1/2 tablespoon of lard. tea spoon of wheatgerm oil.1/2 multi vit.1 egg 3 days. gizzards and hearts and livers alternated. same thing the rest get and they don't look like a supermodel! lol.

she's never been in a situation and mite even be cold [late starting snooty I hope] but either way she's got the blood behind her and she's staying put.

reckon my question is am I concerned over nothing or do I have a legit concern? presh8 your time and thanks for reading this mess.

Officially Retired
04-12-2014, 08:05 PM
So you've fed her 2x/day?

Usually, feeding twice a day helps ...

04-12-2014, 09:13 PM
Maybe step up from a small quarter to one of them big 12 oz quarter. I also always kinda thought certain thing digested a bit slower. A solid fat over an oil for example. I'd def consider some straight fat or lard in addition to what your doing. Satin balls once a day ain't hurt either. Find a recipe online for them.

04-13-2014, 01:32 AM
I have two of those dogs. They are in a kennel. Even if i dont walk them, i feed them over 1,5X of what others in the same weight get, they keep looking superb. Nice hard muscles/sexy ass. If you been trying to get her weight up for 8 months and not succeed either the dog has a problem or you are doing something wrong. I think the last :P Just get her feed up more. Might up the fat or and carbohydrates % and i guess she will be fine soon.

04-13-2014, 04:05 AM
yep, did the 2xdays. but...it was in the colder weather so she could've been using fat fast has I put it in her.????

according to the vet I use and another vet just because, [blood work] her health is fine[should've seen the look the 2nd vet give me! lol]

been thinking hard about satan balls but didn't want to cause a health problem trying to fix 1.that was my next step. I will do that for 2 weeks and see what happens. satan's ball in the am and same diet she's on now in the evening.

presh8 the replies.

time to step up her work now and she's got to have some fuel to go on, is the reason for my concern.

04-13-2014, 07:29 PM
I would feed an entire quarter, not just 7/8oz of one. I would feed actual fat with the diet not oils. Satin balls would be fine also.

I have a dog like you describe, and he's an old coot. He gets chicken back/quarter in the morning, and at night, he gets quarter, his rice, a big helping of actual fat, and hamburger meat at times.

I would also worm her just to cover all those bases.