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View Full Version : Curing babesia with Azithromycin and Atovaquone

05-08-2014, 04:28 AM
Anyone can/wants to share their story curing babesia and with Azithromycin and Atovaquone like described in Jack's article below.

As written mepron can be a hell of expensive drugs, while Malarone is lots cheaper
You can get enough Atovaquone and Azithromycin to cure a 40lbs dog in 10 days for not more then 200 dollar using Malarone.

Worth a try isn't it?

One of the questions i got is, has anyone tried to use Malarone instead of Mepron. Malarone contains 250 mg Atovaquone and 100mg Proguanil (chlorguanide). Mepron doesnt contain Proguanil. Wonder if it would cause problems?

PS: Not my dog, i give all my dogs berenil before contact and never had a case!

05-10-2014, 03:18 AM

05-11-2014, 09:00 PM
I've used that to cure dogs before. I'm not quite sure what it is you're wanting to know. Not much to share. Administered medicine and let it work. I wouldn't do it again unless I was using it on a dog that was never to be touched again. It's a waste short of that, IMO.

05-12-2014, 12:43 AM
I understand its easy to get it again.

My main question was, has someone tried Malarone instead of Mepron.

05-12-2014, 07:46 AM
Anyone can/wants to share their story curing babesia and with Azithromycin and Atovaquone like described in Jack's article below.

As written mepron can be a hell of expensive drugs, while Malarone is lots cheaper
You can get enough Atovaquone and Azithromycin to cure a 40lbs dog in 10 days for not more then 200 dollar using Malarone.

Worth a try isn't it?

One of the questions i got is, has anyone tried to use Malarone instead of Mepron. Malarone contains 250 mg Atovaquone and 100mg Proguanil (chlorguanide). Mepron doesnt contain Proguanil. Wonder if it would cause problems?

PS: Not my dog, i give all my dogs berenil before contact and never had a case!

I've used it 3 times effectively

05-12-2014, 07:48 AM
I've used that to cure dogs before. I'm not quite sure what it is you're wanting to know. Not much to share. Administered medicine and let it work. I wouldn't do it again unless I was using it on a dog that was never to be touched again. It's a waste short of that, IMO.

Agreed, cause if youre gonna get him "exposed" again.. you have to do it all over again. I use doxycicline 45 days before to knock out bartonella or elrichia. Lots of those tickets born diseases have simultaneous coinfections.

05-12-2014, 09:00 AM
Nut, I've never tried Malarone.

05-12-2014, 09:32 AM
Thanks. And evo which source of Atovaquone did u use?

Thats the main point, its much cheaper then Meprone.

If you think logical, it should do its work when you give enough Malarone to match the dosage of Atovaquone. Though some do say its of less quality and i don't know the effect of Proguanil.