View Full Version : Mental conditioning!!!!

06-01-2014, 08:19 AM
We all know when it comes to conditioning the focus is on the physical aspect of working these hounds but I wonder is there a way to incorporate a mental conditioning method,I figure the brain is like a muscle and also plays a role when it comes to a hunt so why not strength it. Is there ways or has anyone tried this in their keep I'm pretty sure it can time consuming if your not mentally stimulating your dog on the regular. What do you think?

Officially Retired
06-01-2014, 08:52 AM
We all know when it comes to conditioning the focus is on the physical aspect of working these hounds but I wonder is there a way to incorporate a mental conditioning method,I figure the brain is like a muscle and also plays a role when it comes to a hunt so why not strength it. Is there ways or has anyone tried this in their keep I'm pretty sure it can time consuming if your not mentally stimulating your dog on the regular. What do you think?

This is a great topic, and is actually already covered in The Pit Bull Bible (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/index1.html), under the Schooling and Game-Testing chapters (Chapters 13 & 14 (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/toc.html)) :idea:


06-02-2014, 03:35 AM
This is a great topic, and is actually already covered in The Pit Bull Bible (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/index1.html), under the Schooling and Game-Testing chapters (Chapters 13 & 14 (http://www.thepitbullbible.com/toc.html)) :idea:


Thanks Jack, but I was thinking more on the lines of something that can build intelligence not just thru schooling something similar to canine training a sort of training that will help the dog use more of its judgement than just instincts.

06-02-2014, 05:33 AM
I am not sure about judgment and instincts. The dog will respond with either its natural instincts or the responses to certain stimuli through learned behavior. (Schooling). If a dog got in his rear end and he goes to the face and nose and get shim out. The next dog that tries that (stimuli) he will do the same (response), or at least we hope that is what he does, sort of the purpose of schooling. Teach, encourage, build confidence and recognize.

Talking to the dog during work is a means of conditioning the brain. When he works hard and is enthusiastically encouraged, when he gains ground and is in apposition to really lay some wood, that enthusiastic encouragement in the box can almost be on command. EWO

06-02-2014, 06:47 AM
Sudoku? Cross words? ;)

Officially Retired
06-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Thanks Jack, but I was thinking more on the lines of something that can build intelligence not just thru schooling something similar to canine training a sort of training that will help the dog use more of its judgement than just instincts.

That is why they call it "school" ... is because you're teaching your dog :idea:

Still, your dog will only learn to within whatever limits/excellence his genetic intelligence gives him ...

Some dogs are "born talented" ... while others will remain stupid after 20 schooling sessions ...

Same with human children.

That said, schooling (so long as the dog isn't getting seriously injured) will ALWAYS benefit a dog, if intelligently-planned.
Even the smartest dogs can "learn more" ... and I have seen (what appeared to be) average dogs at first ... get better-and-better after each session.


06-02-2014, 01:51 PM
I think intelligence has a lot to do with a dogs rearing, the more you stimulate the brain as the dog grows up the smarter the dog becomes i.e when my dogs are growing up I like to bring them into the city and walk them among the crowds of people, I feel this brings them out of there shell especially with a nervous dog, the hustle and bustle of the crowds overwhelm them and they don't have the time to panic because there's actually so much going on.

The more different situations you can put them in the more they learn. I think when it comes to "schooling" ability is ability and a lot of the time it's god given talent but a bad rearing may affect the ability to bring out the best of this ability. Potentially Good dogs can be ruined through bad rearing. A lot of guys leave a dog on a chain from 6 months to 16 months and then scratch there heads when the dog turns out to be a nervous wreck and no good.

If your putting the dog through a keep then the time for sculpting the dogs brain may have been and passed, I really believe in doing it when they're young, like 8weeks young.

Just my opinion.

06-12-2014, 10:44 AM
I think intelligence has a lot to do with a dogs rearing, the more you stimulate the brain as the dog grows up the smarter the dog becomes i.e when my dogs are growing up I like to bring them into the city and walk them among the crowds of people, I feel this brings them out of there shell especially with a nervous dog, the hustle and bustle of the crowds overwhelm them and they don't have the time to panic because there's actually so much going on.

The more different situations you can put them in the more they learn. I think when it comes to "schooling" ability is ability and a lot of the time it's god given talent but a bad rearing may affect the ability to bring out the best of this ability. Potentially Good dogs can be ruined through bad rearing. A lot of guys leave a dog on a chain from 6 months to 16 months and then scratch there heads when the dog turns out to be a nervous wreck and no good.

If your putting the dog through a keep then the time for sculpting the dogs brain may have been and passed, I really believe in doing it when they're young, like 8weeks young.

Just my opinion.

I like this idea. I do a lot of the same type of this with my dogs from early OB to nerve testing via surface changes and trips to petsmart and petco even though I don't buy from there. People will always be in there with screaming kids and carts making noise. I also do some other things from early on like teaching them how to win under pressure with a nice full grip on a rag while dropping bottles and shaking a clatter stick. It's funny because I can see the difference between a dog that I get who is 1 yr old versus my own 1 yr old that I have done these things with. The dogs who have these things done seem to run into any new place like they own it while the dog who has not seems to be slower to enter into a new environment.

09-01-2014, 11:00 PM
I think mental conditioning should start at two days old! From two days old I do what they call nerve stimulation q-tip on the pups pads and run my fingers down their vertebrates in their backs this is done till about 12 weeks of age! we also place pups in warm water the second day after they have open their eyes! Got those methods from a lady that breeds champion dock retrievers! Now the belief is that with nerve stimulation it triggers the brain to work and help them use their brains early on in life! this type of stimulation is also done with new born children! studies show that children that the nerve stimulation was done on are 30% smarter and become 10% advanced over children that are their same age! Now once our pups hit what we like to believe is their imprint age 4-6months we the do hide and seek with tennis balls,basic obedience training and even the dullest knife becomes some what smarter! we believe that if you teach the dog to think it will help them remain calm and figure out how to get outta a bad spot if need be. Also as pups we get down and praise they for what ever task they may be doing,if you guy have ever done this you know the pups become very excited and wanna lick your face,ear ect!
There is no way in he'll you can mentally condition any hound in just a few weeks! Yes some will has that natural gift and respond to what your asking of him but most will just continue to do what he knows best! But those that have been mentally conditioned from birth will look you in the eyes in battle remains calm and do just what you called upon him/her to do! pulling a dog off the chain at 18-20months old and giving it a command that it's never heard then calling it dumb is UN fair! The pour dog only knows get down and good dog once or twice a day during feed time! jmo

11-29-2014, 03:06 PM
Good read