View Full Version : Palomino at Stud - Carver Blood

No Quarter Kennel
06-22-2014, 07:39 AM

This dog is one of the best bred Carver dogs on the planet. He's a son of Musket who was an extremely game individual. Mean-o is very much like his father and incredibly intense. I am located about 1 hour south of Shreveport La just outside of Nacogdoches Tx. I offer this dog for stud at only $600 at this time. He won't be available for very long. Email noquarterkennel@hotmail.com for information.

06-22-2014, 11:39 AM
This is some of the last Mohicans. I would love to see the picture of this dog and some of it's sires and dams attached to their pedigrees. Had this line had been bred to CA Jack's dogs like his Vise Grip's Misty etc. You fellows could have corned the market on the Tudor's Dibo x Carver's Black Widow, genetically influenced dogs. Looking at the back end of the 14th generation. The number's and percentage are still pretty high. That is not even using the true pedigree on the Poncho dog. Believe the results will still come out about the same. Maybe even higher.

That Chocolate Color is coming back from the Deffenbach dogs etc. Some of the dogs bred around the Black Widow bloodlines came Chocolate/ Red Nose or a deep brandy wine red with Red Nose. Is some good Hemphill breeding in there also. You get a solid black bitch better hang on to that one or the Red Smuts. A Red Smut one will probably bite very hard. So you fellows with some good straight Vise -Grip blood. This could be a breeding made in Heaven.

No quarter kennel, do you know the full name of the Young person? Was thinking maybe Jimmy Young, but may be thinking of Jimmy Mayfield. Anyone know anything about this dog man with the last name Young? Was he a Cajun by any chance or another Ethnic Race? Cheers

No Quarter Kennel
06-23-2014, 07:11 AM
This is some of the last Mohicans. I would love to see the picture of this dog and some of it's sires and dams attached to their pedigrees. Had this line had been bred to CA Jack's dogs like his Vise Grip's Misty etc. You fellows could have corned the market on the Tudor's Dibo x Carver's Black Widow, genetically influenced dogs. Looking at the back end of the 14th generation. The number's and percentage are still pretty high. That is not even using the true pedigree on the Poncho dog. Believe the results will still come out about the same. Maybe even higher.

That Chocolate Color is coming back from the Deffenbach dogs etc. Some of the dogs bred around the Black Widow bloodlines came Chocolate/ Red Nose or a deep brandy wine red with Red Nose. Is some good Hemphill breeding in there also. You get a solid black bitch better hang on to that one or the Red Smuts. A Red Smut one will probably bite very hard. So you fellows with some good straight Vise -Grip blood. This could be a breeding made in Heaven.

No quarter kennel, do you know the full name of the Young person? Was thinking maybe Jimmy Young, but may be thinking of Jimmy Mayfield. Anyone know anything about this dog man with the last name Young? Was he a Cajun by any chance or another Ethnic Race? Cheers

Man, you are quite the pedigree enthusiast. I would love to breed this dog to some of Jack's type stuff. I too think it would be incredible. It's funny you say the "Red Smut" dogs will most likely bite very hard. Palomino is actually what I would call a red smut but I didn't know it was an options and chocolate is closest. Palomino can bite shit in two. He's incredibly intense and is very one tract minded when ANYTHING is in his reach. Very very strong dog. One of the strongest dogs I've ever had my hands on.

His sire just passed away before the start of the year at the age of 14+. He was solid black dog. It isn't hard to find out about his gameness. The dog was incredibly deep deep game. Never saw his dam. Know the guy who owns her and the men involved in the breeding. Trust all accounts but don't know her color.

Thanks for the info. Cool stuff actually. If anyone wanted to back something of Jack's up to him, I would be more than willing to do it to see exactly what kind of animals came from it.

I plan to video this dog and some others this week actually. When I do, I'll post em up.

Take care.

06-23-2014, 08:56 AM
My buddy had the belly sister to your male, but sent her back to TLK because he didn't have anything to breed her to that would do her justice. This stuff needs to be kept clean for seed stock. Not many people get dogs this cleanly bred, and when they do they generally lose what they have by outcrossing. Outcrosses are great, but ONLY after seed stock has been preserved.

06-23-2014, 11:05 AM
Ditto TFX. You do need to keep plenty of the seed stock to fall back on. The cross I am looking at there may throw back to the seed stock it all started with. Should get some talented dogs.

You are right, this is one of the cleanest old Carver blood lines out there. Since I started looking over these pedigrees, this is one blood line of dogs that kept catching my attention. Hope this line will continue with the best built, deep chested and gamest dogs used. I consider this another Catalyst family of dogs.

Some may wonder what I mean by a Catalyst family of dogs. Same with Game Cockers. The Cockers that have the most successful battle crosses. Keep a good straight family of green legged or yellow legged Hatch chickens. Along with some good Claret to boot. Cheers

No Quarter Kennel
06-24-2014, 05:54 AM
My buddy had the belly sister to your male, but sent her back to TLK because he didn't have anything to breed her to that would do her justice. This stuff needs to be kept clean for seed stock. Not many people get dogs this cleanly bred, and when they do they generally lose what they have by outcrossing. Outcrosses are great, but ONLY after seed stock has been preserved.

This one is going on ice real soon

No Quarter Kennel
06-24-2014, 05:55 AM
Ditto TFX. You do need to keep plenty of the seed stock to fall back on. The cross I am looking at there may throw back to the seed stock it all started with. Should get some talented dogs.

You are right, this is one of the cleanest old Carver blood lines out there. Since I started looking over these pedigrees, this is one blood line of dogs that kept catching my attention. Hope this line will continue with the best built, deep chested and gamest dogs used. I consider this another Catalyst family of dogs.

Some may wonder what I mean by a Catalyst family of dogs. Same with Game Cockers. The Cockers that have the most successful battle crosses. Keep a good straight family of green legged or yellow legged Hatch chickens. Along with some good Claret to boot. Cheers

Palomino is the one.
He's exactly as you described him. Pretty cool too that you know this line so well since you've never seen this dog.
Red Smut
Deep Chested
Extremely well built
And......well......all the other things.

07-17-2014, 12:05 PM
Hey J.F. , what a great addition you have there .. Have my ear in the wind for those Alligator / Palomino crosses your doing , can't wait .. Much luck.
P.S. Do you still have a site ?

No Quarter Kennel
07-17-2014, 03:09 PM
I don't think I do man. I have no idea. I didn't even do that sight. Someone else did.

07-17-2014, 10:15 PM
Jacoby and several dogs ended up overhere .
I owned several of hiss ofspring , several of them were chocolate.
I always thought jacoby was red eye rick or one from that litter

my thoughts were he did not look like any of the dogs bred similar like troubleson ( but I am far from the source so who knows)

others that came over where of lg's three.

07-17-2014, 10:17 PM
My buddy had the belly sister to your male, but sent her back to TLK because he didn't have anything to breed her to that would do her justice. This stuff needs to be kept clean for seed stock. Not many people get dogs this cleanly bred, and when they do they generally lose what they have by outcrossing. Outcrosses are great, but ONLY after seed stock has been preserved.

ouch had a littermate to this one

had this one on my yard for 2 years

should have some pics of some of those dogs somewhere

No Quarter Kennel
07-18-2014, 05:50 AM
Every line has it's different strains or pockets within the same general family of blood.
By no means, am I trying to one up anyone on any of this stuff b/c to be quite frank, this blood, while I've seen a lot of it, is new for me to feed and have myself. It compliments what I already have, and I know this, so that is why it's here on my yard now.

With that being said, it is common knowledge the LG dogs were bred to win and not to go into detail, but "If I can't get it done in 45 min, you can have the money" was the type of dogs bred for specifically.

LG is a great dogman, no doubt. Bred and campaigned some incredible dogs. The source of Palomino is a different person and someone who has preserved and done more with every line he's ever had something to do with. One of the best in Texas. This particular "pocket" of Carver dogs is the real shit.

Evo, I've heard the same about the Thibodaux stuff as well as the McCool specific Carver blood. I think I've got the right stuff with this son of Musket. Extremely game dog with 47 scratches in his 2 losses. Guy wouldn't stop.

07-30-2014, 10:51 AM

07-30-2014, 04:03 PM
I have this female...

07-30-2014, 04:11 PM
I had him too. My mentor told me he died in a kennel accident. I later, found out that he sold him to some guys in Carolina. I spent some good money and drove a long way to get that one.

07-31-2014, 01:02 AM
Nice mentor lol...

08-01-2014, 02:43 AM
Nice mentor lol...

Not only that, but I had taken a female that was in heat to him so we could get her weight.. I told him not to breed her. So he took a look at her and then he bred her anyway. He tried to hide it by putting her on someone else's yard. I felt like it was a reason why he wouldn't pick up the phone and asked me to call before I come from then on

08-01-2014, 02:59 AM
Maybe you should have been his mentor. Sounds like a huge asshole

Officially Retired
08-01-2014, 05:49 AM
Extremely game dog with 47 scratches in his 2 losses. Guy wouldn't stop.

47 scratches?

Did he ever stay in holds?

I am more impressed with a dog that has to be pried off the other, than a dog you can pretty much snatch-up every other minute because he's not truly set in his holds :-t

It's nice that he's willing to go back, but damn, the phrase, "No turns, no out of holds," is considered the highest form of compliment for a reason ...
