View Full Version : TERMIDOR - Shelf Life?

No Quarter Kennel
07-14-2014, 12:37 PM
I've had a bottle of Termidor for almost 2 years.
Got great results until this summer. Mid summer to be specific.
Shelf lift problem anyone else has encountered or could this be something else.
Put 2cc on the a 42lb female. Week later - covered in fleas.
No she didn't wash it off.
Any ideas?

No Quarter Kennel
07-14-2014, 04:56 PM
Looked it up.
Termidor is good for 1-2 year shelf life if stored in cool place.

If any of you guys are using it, make sure you pay attention to when it's no longer any good. I know from experience, I can get about 18 months out of it. It's all worthless now.

HOWEVER - Still better and cheaper than frontline

Just info for consideration

Officially Retired
07-15-2014, 07:33 PM
I have found Termidor to be kind of a pain in the ass to apply though ... does not absorb well.

No Quarter Kennel
07-16-2014, 07:48 AM
I agree Jack.
Would you go with something else now? Just get the large frontline and dose it or would you stick with the Termidor if you had 15 dogs? Economically, it's a good deal. I just ordered some more, but would love some thoughts. Frontline is EASY to apply and absorbs better, but more expensive.

07-16-2014, 09:15 AM
Frontline is cheap!!! What you do is order it from the vet ( the stuff they sell online is watered down ) .

Get the pak for extra large dogs and split 1 applicator between 2 dogs.

It works like gangbusters. 2 weeks ago we had a horrible flea outbreak from the wild rabbits.

As of yesterday I saw one flea and it was already dead. So I am praying that we got them all

No Quarter Kennel
07-17-2014, 06:55 AM
WRK - I understand how to use it and have in the past, but a two day shipping charge added to Termidor puts that stuff at only 66$ and that will last my yard of 15 dogs a bare minimum of 1 full year. Frontline can't touch it in terms of price. BUT, I'm always open to better than what I'm doing. Termidor has worked fine for me. I agree with Jack, it doesn't seem like it's on right, but when it is potent, I have had no issues at all and the stuff works great.

Just looked up Frontline and it would cost me over $120 for ONE treatment for my yard, so the Termidor makes a lot more sense in terms of money. In east Tx, I'll have to treat these dogs at LEAST four times in a year - MINIMUM. That's about $500 on Frontline, or, I can do the same for $66 with Termidor. I guess I know what I'll be doing now.

07-17-2014, 09:39 AM
WRK - I understand how to use it and have in the past, but a two day shipping charge added to Termidor puts that stuff at only 66$ and that will last my yard of 15 dogs a bare minimum of 1 full year. Frontline can't touch it in terms of price. BUT, I'm always open to better than what I'm doing. Termidor has worked fine for me. I agree with Jack, it doesn't seem like it's on right, but when it is potent, I have had no issues at all and the stuff works great.

Just looked up Frontline and it would cost me over $120 for ONE treatment for my yard, so the Termidor makes a lot more sense in terms of money. In east Tx, I'll have to treat these dogs at LEAST four times in a year - MINIMUM. That's about $500 on Frontline, or, I can do the same for $66 with Termidor. I guess I know what I'll be doing now.

Ahhh and you guys have longer flea and tick seasons than we do here. Understand that. I have heard of people using bayer tree and shrub. Has anyone here used it?

No Quarter Kennel
07-17-2014, 03:04 PM
I have not. Termidor actually works very very well. Just got my new bottle by UPS today. Raining like cats and dogs here so I'll hit them in the morning.

Doc Ellis
12-08-2014, 07:18 PM
I put a little neem or tea oil in my bottle to help it stick. Had it for 5 yrs and still woked. think I was applying pretty heavy too like 3cc.

12-09-2014, 06:58 AM
I have used the Bayer tree and Shrub, as well as the Termidor. I am not sure about the Termidor shelf life. It worked really well the first half of the bottle and in time it did not seem to be doing the trick. I won' throw that off on the product. Here in NC the fleas (and ticks) come in waves and in patches. I use the termidor as a spray and treat the yard and surrounding areas around the dogs. I can have all the dogs flea and tick free and then one will pop up with fleas out the ying yang. I clean the box, move the box, treat the area, clean the dog, re-treat the dog and all is well. Next week/next month another may or may not pop up.

Here in NC it rains, then it gets hot and the humidity jumps creating nature's own little incubator for the fleas. It is a constant battle.

The termidor is tough to apply as it does not readily adhere/absorb to the dog. I use a syringe but a rubber glove as well and try to rub it in as best I can. Year before last it worked wonders. This past summer was really wet. The humidity ramped with the temperature so it appeared the Termidor did not work as well. I think it was more the environment. EWO

No Quarter Kennel
12-10-2014, 05:47 AM
Got a buddy in NC and he has been where I live. Says the environment is almost exactly the same. Don't know myself, as I've never been to NC. But, the way you describe your yard, that is how my yard is. Fleas are all gone now. Crazy. Just like you describe though. They will come in massive waves. I hate it.

01-02-2015, 10:13 AM
My yard/property is surrounding by pines. The pine straw just lays on the ground and is the perfect host for the fleas and the ticks. I keep mine raked up and even a ways onto the neighbor's property. It is a stretch of about 40 acres of planted pines so I can't get it all.

I can go months, even an entire summer and not have a single flea/tick issue, and then one dog will pop up and need a ton of treatment in his area, his house and the dog as well. Sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason to why it happens that way.

What has seemed to work best is rotating my prevention efforts. I keep the dogs treated, their houses and then rotate the yard sprays. It seems to work til the occasional outbreak. I guess I would like to think my efforts space out the occasional outbreak.