View Full Version : Verry active dog

08-12-2014, 08:58 AM
Hi all,

Got a verry active dog , chasing hole day long from left to the right in his kennel.
So by this she's losing to mutch weight.

So my question , what do you guys suggest ?


Officially Retired
08-12-2014, 09:08 AM
Feed twice a day ...

08-12-2014, 09:12 AM
If a dog loses more calories then it consumes. What should be done :-?

08-12-2014, 09:30 AM
Hej jack , allready feeding twice a day. :-?
In the morning 250gr and in the evening 250gr "Dog lovers gold".


Officially Retired
08-12-2014, 09:51 AM
Nut is right: If what you're feeding is not enough, increase what you're feeding.

You can add fats/oils too ...

You should also check for parasites.

Many people who say they "worm" their dogs do not do so correctly ...

If you give incorrect dosages of wormers, you've not wormed your dogs at all; you've only built resistance to drugs in the worms they have.

Good luck,


08-12-2014, 10:14 AM
Ok thnx for the reply.
Olive oil would be good ?

Officially Retired
08-12-2014, 10:41 AM
Use animal fats ... chicken fat ... salmon oil, etc.

08-12-2014, 10:07 PM
8-9 oz... Twice a day. Isn't all that much food depending on the dog. I got a few that need almost twice that depending on the conditions. Though i feed once a day. I also feed kibble and find supplementing them with enzymes, amino acids, salmon oil and kelp helps them process their kibble better but also gives me an all around healthier dog systemically and visually.

Also. Dog lovers gold is 26/18. Have u thought of getting a kibble with a higher amount of fat and protein in it? Like a 30/20?

08-12-2014, 10:23 PM
What i noticed is that those crazy active dogs can get alot calmer if you take it for a long walk couple times a week. Some dogs runs around all day due to stress. Just running the kennel wont release the energy he builds up. So i would feed twice a day and take him on long walks regulary. Good luck with him.

08-13-2014, 01:24 AM
True Steelydan. I've fed dlg for a whil and found out dogs needed to much. Switched to royal canin 4800. More expensive but they needed much less.

08-13-2014, 04:17 AM
What i noticed is that those crazy active dogs can get alot calmer if you take it for a long walk couple times a week. Some dogs runs around all day due to stress. Just running the kennel wont release the energy he builds up. So i would feed twice a day and take him on long walks regulary. Good luck with him.

Bingo!......these dogs need walks/constructive workouts.The chain is mindless if that's all they do.

08-13-2014, 12:24 PM
Bingo!......these dogs need walks/constructive workouts.The chain is mindless if that's all they do.

That's one thing I learned about owning this breed is that they will have to be worked or you will run into problems with your neighbors (if you have any) or you will be spending money repairing dog houses/water buckets. The more I exercise mine the less they bark @ night, less digging, and no more chewing on the shade board from my young male who likes putting his mouth on any and everything. This joker worked the hide on the springpole for 40 minutes straight yesterday and didn't wanna let up on it and was screaming to get back on it once I got him off. I figured that it was a good enough workout (being that he is just 13 months old) and to my surprise he just took a sip of water and started running the chain spot like he was fresh again. He goes APE when he sees a piece of hide, a riding mower, or a shovel for some odd reason. Lol. With out the long walks and spring/flirt pole work, I would be in trouble. The good thing is that these animals keep me active as well. :-bd

08-13-2014, 01:46 PM
It doesn't always work like that imo. Some dogs never cause any problems in their life until you start working them/giving them attention. Then they'll demand it every day and start making noises. I think a stable dog that didn't went trough many changes, and who has a proper kennel or chain setup won't be stressed like that. But there's a allot of natural monkey dogs also of course who're trouble no matter you work them or not.

08-13-2014, 02:09 PM
It doesn't always work like that imo. Some dogs never cause any problems in their life until you start working them/giving them attention. Then they'll demand it every day and start making noises. I think a stable dog that didn't went trough many changes, and who has a proper kennel or chain setup won't be stressed like that. But there's a allot of natural monkey dogs also of course who're trouble no matter you work them or not.

08-14-2014, 06:47 AM
Another thing to look at is the digestibility of the kibble your feeding...1 cup can equal to so much caories, but that does not mean he is digesting and obtaining all them calories.