View Full Version : LG x Red Rock Pups

No Quarter Kennel
08-21-2014, 12:28 PM
Due Sept 5th.
Definitely pregnant. Everything has gone very well so far.
Both parents proven - quality animals with nothing but proven quality animals behind them. Most of this litter is secure and I'm expecting 4-6 total pups. 1 or 2 may be available.
All papers and health guaranteed. These will be some very serious animals in every way.
Email noquarterkennel@hotmail.com if you are interested.


08-21-2014, 02:54 PM
Good luck with them.

Officially Retired
08-21-2014, 03:40 PM
Post the damned pictures, Ferg :-w


Pit Bull Committed
08-22-2014, 05:10 AM
I agree with Jack. Some photos will be very helpful! ;-)

No Quarter Kennel
08-22-2014, 06:10 AM
I'll make it a mission guys. I'll just have to freakin learn how.
I'll get it done fellers!
Pics coming soon!

No Quarter Kennel
09-05-2014, 09:37 AM
Will post pics in a few days when I have the time.
This bitch has a history of infectious births (Mastitis, etc.)
Put her on preventative measures. Pups born one day early. 10 in all. One dead.
Other 9 are beautiful. Very nice litter, all are doing great. Gaining weight and very vigorous bunch. Very good mother.

Question for Jack or someone who knows. How long to stay on the TMZ after whelping? Started her 7 days out from due date. They come one day early. I hit her again today, which is 7 days.
What to do?
Also, should I run a course of Clavamox through her now or anything else?

Any help is appreciated. This is a helluva breeding off two very good dogs and plenty to go around for all, so I don't want to lose any.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

No Quarter Kennel
09-05-2014, 03:28 PM
Losing one as I type. Did all preventative measures from the worming, vaccine, antibiotics, etc. from day one of heat and this shit still is getting me. Not near as bad as last time, but enough that one won't make it another day. No way.

Took them off her her and put them on a bitch that's about to drop in 4 days. Her milk is clean as hell, so maybe this will get it done.

You guys have any advice, I'm all ears. Higher dosage next time? Different drug? Help if you can and I'll keep everyone posted regardless of how it turns out. Maybe it will help someone else too.

09-05-2014, 06:17 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hope the rest will make it. Good luck

09-06-2014, 09:30 AM
Damn, that sucks! A good breeding and I hope the rest make it. Best of luck.

09-06-2014, 01:15 PM
Remember that BlackHowling said this, continue to breast feed the pups dont and i repeat dont let your dam walk around for to long if your taking her out of the welping pen to feed dont, remove the pups, in her driniking water put it two cups of pedilyte. The female needs electrolytes to assist in enzymic reaction. Continue to let her feed the pups, if you have redmeat like streak, cook it a little leave it rare, i love it rare, and feed it to her. This will help supplement protein to the pups....in my days as a vet tech this was something i ran across.....Go Hawkeyes....

09-06-2014, 01:26 PM
Tough break. It sucks to lose any but especially the ones that were given all precautions and care.

No Quarter Kennel
09-07-2014, 09:29 AM
I can't agree on letting them continue to nurse. Did that last time, under Vet's advice. Lost them all but one.
Luckily for me, I had a bitch, Sue Bee, have pups the next day. I put the pups on her. Lost a few but the remaining 4 are doing great. She's taking them in as her own and they look and act great.

This Mastitis bitch I have has a history of this. I found this out AFTER I had her bred the first time and was "let in" on the fact this has always been an issue with her. So, I followed everything to a "T" on this one. Much better, but it was still there.

I'll give her one more go and try further precautions and see how it goes.

Sue Bee x PK pups are doing awesome. One of the reasons I went with the LG blood is that this line has such quality maternal females. She's done great with her own and taken on the orphans in style. Hope they all make it. All good dogs from good dogs.

09-07-2014, 06:59 PM
I can't agree on letting them continue to nurse. Did that last time, under Vet's advice. Lost them all but one.
Luckily for me, I had a bitch, Sue Bee, have pups the next day. I put the pups on her. Lost a few but the remaining 4 are doing great. She's taking them in as her own and they look and act great.

This Mastitis bitch I have has a history of this. I found this out AFTER I had her bred the first time and was "let in" on the fact this has always been an issue with her. So, I followed everything to a "T" on this one. Much better, but it was still there.

I'll give her one more go and try further precautions and see how it goes.

Sue Bee x PK pups are doing awesome. One of the reasons I went with the LG blood is that this line has such quality maternal females. She's done great with her own and taken on the orphans in style. Hope they all make it. All good dogs from good dogs.

Glad to hear there are 4 pups from that breeding are doing great. Good luck

09-07-2014, 08:00 PM
Sorry to hear that, thought this was her first breeding, good luck with the pups.

09-07-2014, 08:46 PM
No quarter kennels, are you feeding your bitch a AM and PM feeding? A brood bitch calorie needs can be two to three times what her normal feed would be. To stay on weight and maintain strong bone mass.

A month before heat cycle and on through the gestation period. I liked to add 1/2 cup Skim Milk and one heaping tablespoon of Desiccated liver in the AM and PM feeding.

All glandular raw meat is good, it takes four pounds of raw liver to make one pound of desiccated liver. Very good for brood bitches and conditioning show dogs.

Another supplement at one heaping tablespoonful's in the AM and PM feeding is a good quality Brewer's Yeast grown off Black Strap molasses. Can be bought at Health food stores.

Pups will be really strong feeling when holding one in your hand. Cheers

09-07-2014, 08:55 PM
I liked to put a high bench in out side part of kennel. Where the bitch when wanting a break. Could get up on and away from the pups. By the time the pups were a little over three weeks or so. Those little suckers would come outside looking for Moma at feed time and stumble into the feed pan. Would not be long they would be snacking away. LOL Cheers

No Quarter Kennel
09-08-2014, 06:44 AM
Thanks for the input fellows.
I feed an all raw diet.
I up the feed to double about 3 to 4 weeks before due date based on how she looks and feels. She's getting plenty of eats at this time.

Still have 4 off of Palomino and Honey (the orphans) and 6 off Sue Bee. All 10 looked great this morning.

I do appreciate all the input and help. Once I feel like these guys are under control, I'll take some pics and post here.