View Full Version : GUT FAT!!!

01-11-2012, 07:37 PM
I have always heard and when i shaped a dog my friend who shapes dogs allot told me that i had allot of gut fat now i have read some post its hard to take off gut fat or you have to know what your looking at when you talking about gut fat .Really would love you guys take and how do you guys take that gut fat out your dogs when shaping them? THanks in advance

01-11-2012, 10:08 PM
flirt pole is really good, swimmimg, and i really love using speed chute best working tool that many use

Officially Retired
01-12-2012, 03:57 AM
What's a speed chute HBK?

Edify me :)

01-12-2012, 04:33 AM
I think he is referring to the small chutes that football players and track sprinters use.

01-19-2012, 06:07 PM

01-21-2012, 08:09 AM
You're feeding kibble arent you.

fourth ward
01-23-2012, 12:38 AM
For a 50 lb. Dog I feed 2 cups pro plan 2 tablespoons of mustard greens , 1/2 can makereal & 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar .. I walk 2-3 miles for around 2 weeks . Weighing him on digitals after he empties out bring him down till u can barley see the last 2 ribs , but u gotta work it off don't starve the dog!! Don't drop anymore than a half a pound a week ur try'n to get him to the lowest possible weigh without him getting weak !! If he's groping to fast add more pro plan

01-23-2012, 04:43 AM
Gut fat in my opinion is more of a diet issue, working the dog should burn gut fat naturally. If the dog is not burning the fat during a keep, then you maybe over feeding the dog. Feeding by measurements works better for me for maintenance feeding, during a keep I feed by sight and weight. JMO

01-23-2012, 06:17 AM
I've never seen a dog on raw with gut fat. Not saying there isnt but if there is they are feeding it way to much or the wrong food.

01-23-2012, 06:22 AM
I've noticed the same when my dogs were switched to raw...the leaned out naturally.

Officially Retired
01-23-2012, 05:35 PM
I've noticed the same when my dogs were switched to raw...the leaned out naturally.

I would even go so far to say it is impossible to find a "lowest strong weight" unless you are feeding raw.

What a person thinks is a lowest weight on kibble ... is just the lowest weight he can get to "on kibble" ...

01-23-2012, 10:52 PM
purepit nailed it. gut fat is all diet. you can remove gut fat without any exercise from diet alone. you cant target any fat loss in specific areas from exercises. it doesnt work like that.

02-05-2012, 08:55 AM
Feed an hour after usual workout to get the body to use it's reserve fats as an energy source after the workout. Also agree key is diet.

02-05-2012, 12:30 PM
I've noticed the same when my dogs were switched to raw...the leaned out naturally.

I would even go so far to say it is impossible to find a "lowest strong weight" unless you are feeding raw.

What a person thinks is a lowest weight on kibble ... is just the lowest weight he can get to "on kibble" ...

Is also my experience.

02-07-2012, 10:31 AM
Above times 3.

04-26-2012, 09:15 AM
I've never seen a dog on raw with gut fat. Not saying there isnt but if there is they are feeding it way to much or the wrong food.

I´ve got a 7,5 month old pup who´s on raw since he was born. he doesnt look to fat on the outside but when i take him to the lake and let him run around he shows white foam on the mouth.

Click for a picture: http://www.uploadplaatjes.nl/img1/20120426/547545.jpg

I was actually searching the web if apple vinegar would be a good idea to add for him, but i read to many different statements about it. Stumbled upon this thread.
Iv kept my pups with minus 10 to minus 20 degrees Celsius in the winter when they were around 4 months old so i fed them up to a kilo a day to keep them ok, that might be the cause for some excessive stumic fat

this male weight 19 kilo now and i feed him 600 gr of raw a day. i rather don't feed him any less since he'll be needing the nutrients in his growth. would like to hear suggestions.

No Quarter Kennel
04-26-2012, 11:05 AM
First, speaking first hand of the switch to RAW. No doubt, my dogs leaned out tremendously in a very healthy and athletic way. I absolutely love it.

2nd - R2L, I don't know exactly what you are asking, but if your dog is storing any extra fat, then he's eating/taking in more than he needs in terms of nutrients in growth. From an efficiency stand point, we all want to feed them exactly what they need to minimize waste and cost and maximize the dog's health.

If the body of any animal is retaining waste/fat, then they are taking in too much.

04-26-2012, 11:16 AM
I´ve got a 7,5 month old pup who´s on raw since he was born. he doesnt look to fat on the outside but when i take him to the lake and let him run around he shows white foam on the mouth.

Your picture doesn't show the white froth that you're talking about..

Here's a pic of one of mine, is this what you mean ?..


04-26-2012, 11:22 AM
Yep MTK, i dont have a picture of the foam. But its the usual gut fat foam.
Picture was just to display the outside.

No Quarter Kennel, obviously :mrgreen: but now i rather loose it. I also understood that excessive puppy fat will be locked up by muscle development which will make it harder to lose.

edit: i was also advised adding L-Carnitine capsules.

04-26-2012, 02:11 PM
R2L. I thnk the dog looks very good for a 7 1/2 month dog. I understand the concern about the foaming and wanted to ask if it appears in a short period of time within the activities ? Or is it just extensive play with a young dog that shouldn't be taking that much yet ?

600 grams is a lot for some dogs and what you're feeding. Not all dogs are the same, but i have an almost 3 year old that gets 500 of the same food you feed. Yes it's an Irish Stafford, but a big one, 44 lbs. Also i always tend to think with the raw diet, dogs don't get hog fat on it if it's a balanced diet. What the dog don't use he shits out not totally burned up. Hope this makes any sense. And all the best with finding a solution.

04-26-2012, 02:20 PM
Hey nash, pups to to 18 months "should" get 40 to 60 grams a kilo body weight of this food. Adults 20 to 30. Since this dog is 19 kg. It should get almost a minimum of 800 gr's, which i never really look at tho. I a look at the dog, but obviously should get more then a full grown dog. My adult dog from around the same weight also gets 400 gr's a day and loses weight.

yes it shows halfway of an hour free running.

04-27-2012, 08:57 AM
As i said, every dog is different, so when you hold him to the prescribed amount to feed and his bodyweight is going up, up, up. And you keep feeding him what he should get cause it's prescribed... Guess what ? Overweight dog mate. Try to use what you see in the dog more than what feeders prescribe.

18 month old pup ? Well i understand. :lol:

You don't know a 100% it's gut fat causing the problem, I don't know what else it could be except for the dog running hot in a short period of activity. A half hour of the leash running should never cause too much problems, tho it's a young pup still and i don't know how wild he is in play. If you got an A.D.D. case he might just overwork himself in of the leash play. Whatever you do have patience with him...

04-27-2012, 09:23 AM
yes thats what i said, i look at the dog ;)
loosing fat with giving less of a complete meal means less of all nutrients. thats why i dont want to give him less then 600 gr cause he's still growing, nor work him to much. like i mentioned its probably caused becuase they been fed up to a kilo when it was -10 to -20 as 4 months olds

he's very wild yes, and the times i see it he's running hot because of the sun.(black) in combination with his wild play. not that he slows down after ...lol
it's not a problem, just want to know how to lose the gut fat best.


04-27-2012, 10:39 AM
loosing fat with giving less of a complete meal means less of all nutrients.

Look at it another way. I have fed the other so called complete meal also we talked about before. I had to give 1/2 times more than i was feeding the carnibest.
I'm sure the same nutritional value can be given with less than 600 grams. Lets say it would be even, cause a chicken quarter is already like 500 grams. You can cut out the rice, ad oils, fresh greens, and do a tripe or fish day ...

Man, i sound like Jehovah witness right now trying to convince a brother to BELIEVE !

09-06-2013, 07:15 PM
In a pre keep I mix 1 cup of Apple cider vinegar to 5 gallons of water, this is his/her drinking water for three days, then I use regular water for three days, then back to vinegar water for three days after the second 3 Days of vinegar water he just gets regular water from then on, Vinegar water is amazing at burning gut fat, and has lots of other health benefits too, hope this helps

09-07-2013, 07:40 PM
Tobias, could you show some evidence that vinegar water is amazing at burning "gut fat"?

The mythical gut fat is fat surround the internal organs, and I'm sorry to tell everyone, but you can't get rid of that protective layer of fat around the organs.

One last thing. Dogs foam at the mouth because they sweat through the respiratory tract. The froth has nothing to do with fat.

09-08-2013, 02:44 AM
Basically you are saying the whole term "getting the gut fat out" is a myth?

09-08-2013, 07:01 PM
Tobias, could you show some evidence that vinegar water is amazing at burning "gut fat"?

The mythical gut fat is fat surround the internal organs, and I'm sorry to tell everyone, but you can't get rid of that protective layer of fat around the organs.

One last thing. Dogs foam at the mouth because they sweat through the respiratory tract. The froth has nothing to do with fat.

Thanks for that post frosty. I agree with that entire post 100%

09-08-2013, 07:30 PM
Dog or human, calories in minus calories burned = storage of fat if a surplus, or burning stored fat for energy for whatever is necessary

Officially Retired
09-10-2013, 07:20 AM
Um, exactly.

Fat doesn't "burn" locally (at specific locations) ... fat is either reduced globally (all over the body) ... or it is added globally ... based on (exactly) calories-in versus calories-out.

A classic human idiocy is doing sit-ups to burn fat "on the stomach."

The sit ups may be burning calories, but all over the body not just the stomach. The stomach may get harder from the work, but any "fat-burning" is happening all over, not just on the stomach. Still, there will be no fat-burning at all if the person is eating more calories than they burn.


09-10-2013, 09:09 AM
Um, exactly.

Fat doesn't "burn" locally (at specific locations) ... fat is either reduced globally (all over the body) ... or it is added globally ... based on (exactly) calories-in versus calories-out.

A classic human idiocy is doing sit-ups to burn fat "on the stomach."

The sit ups may be burning calories, but all over the body not just the stomach. The stomach may get harder from the work, but any "fat-burning" is happening all over, not just on the stomach. Still, there will be no fat-burning at all if the person is eating more calories than they burn.



09-10-2013, 10:52 PM
True, agree on everything etc. Keep in mind that although fat does not burn locally, working out a specific body part, let's say midsection, tends to keep fat away from this body part to a greater extend. Fat will get in there but less than it would without excersise.

05-14-2020, 06:29 PM
Tobias, could you show some evidence that vinegar water is amazing at burning "gut fat"?

The mythical gut fat is fat surround the internal organs, and I'm sorry to tell everyone, but you can't get rid of that protective layer of fat around the organs.

One last thing. Dogs foam at the mouth because they sweat through the respiratory tract. The froth has nothing to do with fat. I found this post interesting. Could some of you more experienced conditioners give your take on what Frosty said about gut fat being a myth?

06-19-2020, 10:38 AM
Frosty is 1000% correct.

06-21-2020, 06:25 AM
Is there gut fat? Yes. Can some of the gut fat be removed with burning calories? Yes.

The 'myth' portion comes in when there are plans out there that remove 'gut fat' as if the gut fat can be targeted and removed without any effect on any other parts of the body.

I remember coming along you could feed anything from vinegar to tomato juice to tomato paste to ketchup. I am sure there is some chemical process with the acetic nature of those products that 'on paper' would suggest some gut fat loss.

In reality if you do work and burn calories they will be removed from the body as a whole.

One of the other parts of the myth is the dumps left in the tract. On a RAW diet the food is assimilated at a higher percentage and thus there is not as many full dumps between feedings. Thus they appears thinner or leaner. To a point the dog does not have gut fat is somewhat bloated.

And like Frosty aid way back when the 'gut fat' is actually the layers around the organs. If that layer were removed the dog would die.

Then a lot of the gut is water weight. In an attempt to reach a look and water is reduced there gets into the area of hydrated and dehyrated.