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View Full Version : The morning after pill for dogs

01-12-2012, 03:29 PM
Is there such a thing as "The morning after pill for dogs"?

My hunting partner just had a little kennel accident and doesn't need the pups. Any help would be appreciated.

01-13-2012, 12:46 AM
Yes, there is.

01-13-2012, 03:07 AM
Could you please tell me the name of it and is it available OTC or do I have to see a vet?

Yes, there is.

Officially Retired
01-13-2012, 03:10 AM
Unless he's putting his bitches up in above-ground pens while they're in heat, he is basically leaving them as "open bait" for the stray males in his area and inviting this to happen. So I would personally term this negligence rather than a "mistake."

It is my understanding that abortive techniques on dogs are somewhat dangerous to the bitch, but I have not really studied this aspect of reproduction since (through preventative measures) I have never had this happen to one of my bitches.

You might want to consult your local vet for more specifics.

01-13-2012, 04:01 AM
I'll call my vet today, I don't need a dog or a perscription with him.

No, my buddy went to the hospital last night for an abcessed tooth, up all night, work all day. Fed his bitch, an AB, let her run around, and she got in the chain spot with a Cataholla and the next thing he knew they were locked up.

Delirious negligence may be the word, but somethings happen.

Unless he's putting his bitches up in above-ground pens while they're in heat, he is basically leaving them as "open bait" for the stray males in his area and inviting this to happen. So I would personally term this negligence rather than a "mistake."

It is my understanding that abortive techniques on dogs are somewhat dangerous to the bitch, but I have not really studied this aspect of reproduction since (through preventative measures) I have never had this happen to one of my bitches.

You might want to consult your local vet for more specifics.

Officially Retired
01-13-2012, 04:20 AM
I'll call my vet today, I don't need a dog or a perscription with him.
No, my buddy went to the hospital last night for an abcessed tooth, up all night, work all day. Fed his bitch, an AB, let her run around, and she got in the chain spot with a Cataholla and the next thing he knew they were locked up.
Delirious negligence may be the word, but somethings happen.

Yes they do. Come to think of it, I remember once I was breeding Laguna Sunrise to Rocko, and I put her back up in her above-ground pen ... but like a retard I forgot to close the latch :?

I was living in a suburban area at the time, and so I look outside and there in my front yard is full-blown-heat Laguna surrounded by 3 male suitors, and she was flagging at them all :lol: :shock:

I rushed outside and scooped her up, cursing myself under my breath, and quickly put her back in the pen ... and this time I locked the latch :mrgreen:


PS: Unfortunately, none of the males worked, as even Rocko's sperm didn't work that time and I got no pups at all :cry:


01-13-2012, 04:32 PM
I had purchased a stud for my yard and my bitch was in heat and within her 14 day window. Well needless to say, my bitch lured him behind the shed and the rest is history. To get to the point, this was, indeed a planned breeding however not at the time it happened. I called a breeder I did business with, I told him the sitiuation and he informed me to put iodine drops in her water daily and that will abort the puppies BUT it can have an adverse effect on the bitch AND future litters.

Because this was a planned breeding, and she is a key bitch, I said the hell with it, I will have to start early in this breeding. Like Jack said preventative maintenance.

01-14-2012, 03:21 AM
http://www.virbac.co.uk/product.aspx?pi ... page-BRAND (http://www.virbac.co.uk/product.aspx?pid=124&product=67&&category=50#page=page-BRAND)

That is injectable, there is also a pill but I will have to call my vet on Monday.

01-15-2012, 09:54 AM
From what I've found, the shot is more for pet owners as it can have adverse effects on future breedings with the bitch and 1 stick is only 40% chance of fertilization in most cases. My buddies going through the big D right now with custody battle, so I think he's just gonna have to wait things out.

Thanks for all the replies.


That is injectable, there is also a pill but I will have to call my vet on Monday.

01-17-2012, 01:32 AM
My latest info, there was a pill that didn't work and it is not offered any more, so the injectable is used. I haven't benn involved so I do not know about success and side effects but my vet told me that it is safe and works everytime, that is what I heard, that is what I reproduce here.

05-31-2012, 02:01 PM
We had an accident recently when the house dog (8 month old pup) got out and bred with another 8 month old pup from a different litter.

5 days after the mating the vet jabbed her with Alizin twice 24 hours apart.

Vet said it will not harm her or cause problems but the next season may come slightly earlier, but will correct itself after that.

Alizin can be used up to 45 days from mating at a rate of 10mg per kg by sc injection

05-31-2012, 11:47 PM
Wait 28 days. Get an echo done. If she is carying, than get the injection to abort the pups. This way is the safest, cause anything given before that might be unnecessary. Had to give the shots 1 day apart. 1 at the vets one at home.

Checked and Alizin is the product i used. Active substance aglépristone.

Good luck !