View Full Version : Misplaced Posts - Look Around

Officially Retired
01-13-2012, 12:27 PM
A lot of you have been misplacing your posts here in the General Section that belong in other Sub-forums.

For example, discussing bloodlines belongs in the Bloodlines Forum, placing want ads or for sale ads belongs in the Classifieds Forum, and asking health or reproductive questions belongs in the Health or Reproductive Forums. By misplacing all of these posts here, this takes us moderators (mostly me!) time to relocate these posts to the proper forums, which ultimately would be unnecessary if everyone would take a moment to ask yourselves where this post you're about to make would fit in best?

If "anything and everything" gets posted in the General Forum, there is no sense of order or organization to the community, which (after enough posts accumulate) will quickly become confusing to everybody. There is a reason behind the structure here, and if everyone takes a moment to browse each forum, to learn where each section is and what they're supposed to contain (and if yall would place your posts accordingly), it will make it much easier, not just for me as the Administrator, but also for those who come after you who might not think of looking for what you're posting in the wrong section.

Remember: Order is a Virtue (disorder is a vice). So please try to help me keep this place orderly.

In addition, if you aren't browsing all of the forums here yourself, and are just coming to one or two, you might well be missing out on some vital information. So, please, do take the time to browse all of the forums here, learn where everything is (and belongs!) so that when you do post it is always in the right place ... and, moreover, if you need to find something that is important to you, you will likewise be familiar enough with everything to go to the right place to get it.

Over time, this forum is going to be HUGE, with a ton of information and posts, and so by keeping everything orderly from the beginning, we can save ourselves a lot of "untangling" in the end :mrgreen:

In closing, if you find one of your posts "disappeared," unless it was offensive, there is a good chance that you made it in the wrong forum and it got moved to the right forum, so look around for it, and you'll most likely find that it was moved to where it should have been put in the first place ;)

Thanks for reading,



01-14-2012, 03:09 AM
I've been trying my best to put mine in the correct place. I've found if I can't find a post simply click on " View your posts" and you can find it evertime.

Officially Retired
01-14-2012, 04:31 AM
Thank you for being conscientious--- and great suggestion on finding your lost posts!

However, I still recommend people make a habit of looking through the other forums, because they may be missing out on good information that gets posted there if they don't.
