01-01-2015, 01:29 PM


After traveling more than most have done in the history of the game dog, we learned many things. We discover how hard the trip is on the dogs, and how much of a disadvantage that is to us when we compete. I truly believe that consistently wining into top competition is hard, and yet adding the travel time is even harder. The consistent success while traveling is the highest challenge to the real dogmen. Yet we also knew that most people only do dogs in their area or in a very small radius. We had travel for over 17 years from North to South, East to West with 3 to 6 dogs, won and lost into the best of our times. We kept on learning more and getting stronger; practice, trial and error were our greatest school. One day as I was getting back home from dropping 12 dogs in a weekend in Mexico I thought, “I want to take one or two dogs that would travel to every other place till became Grand Champion.”

We had learned that most people were hard to deal with so traveling was always hard. The logistics and careful planning on every detail were not only expensive, but also time consuming. We did Chilindrina while we did other great dogs and bred more dogs, while we were moving and facing many challenges such as economics, changing laws, family growth etc etc. I want to write a story that would be just roses, nothing negative. Yet I truly believe that writing the good, the bad, and the ugly is better, because this is how it IS. The sport has mostly bad people in it. Like it or not that is my opinion. We have made our own Gr ch, Ch, ROM, POR , breeding our own dogs. Our breeding program keeps on growing and we concentrate in one thing only and that is the success of our program.In the past we sold very little dogs and we are sorry for that, in fact we purchased back many of them so we can give them some merit. We do not breed to sale to just anyone or to share dogs, we do not care about people crossing their dogs into our dogs, or how big our name can be recognize by other people. We only care about breeding these dogs for and to The Chosen Few. There were many calls yet just a Few Chosen!The cross that made this dog was first contemplated by me in 1997 when I had purchased my first real heavy Hollinsgworth dog, as a pup and my first heavy Honeybunch dog as a pup too. They are exactly that cross of Tombstone / Bolio / Red Boy /Jocko x Honeybunch. Back then I knew that was going to be my touch as a breeder. I had purchased dogs from just about every bloodline yet these two select pups were special. I had developed an eye to select pups.That breeding never happened as we lost my honeybunch dog to babesia very early during his life. He was an ACE and we miss him very much. Then, we had planned breedings with other dogs from the Pit stop family. We had purchased some 24 dogs from Pit stop kennels and after selecting our top we ended up with 4. We had planned to use those females with our heavy Hollingsworth/Mayday dogs. I had send Miss Mayday to Ecuador to be breed to mayday, and that was another step into my plans. Our dogs such as Hugo Verdugo breed to our dog PitStop`s Nookie, produced dogs like Grand Champion Candy that while we did not made the breeding, the dog came from one of our planned breedings. There are many dogs that came from our combos! Then we try the cross with 357 Jr x Saratoga, and yes we did awesome!

We made amazing dogs like Holeshot 1xw BIS, an ACE that won in Ensenada Mexico BIS in a 10 card show. From the same breeding came Grand Champion Sarabell, Bon Bon.As we developed the program we notice the real qualities of Awesome Buck! The real original CH AwesomeBuck! We won over two 2xw, and two champions, collected two forfeits, and were ducked by many people. We took into the feared Ch Wrangler a dog from DRK and we lost very game while screaming for more. The day AwesomeBuck went in the box he was screaming to get in there, and when he lost he was still screaming to make his courtesy scratch. Ch Wrangler was a monster too, and he got a freakish first hold that pulled the jugular out of Awesome Buck’s neck. In just a few minutes AwesomeBuck had lost a lot of blood. It was over, and we picked up at around 13 minutes or so. The 5 referees gave Awesome Buck GIS in the cold country near the north pole.At this time a lot of noise was made by the many haters that would not speak well about all the great accomplishments of AwesomeBuck. We knew we had a journey where determination was needed, endurance, many sacrifices, and a vision to stay on task. We moved forward as always and during these days, one of our friends and a Chosen few The Forest man, got together with John Doe and desired to go ahead and make the investment on to buy a pup from DRK.He said when he called DRK and told him about the future planned breeding Mr. DRK said this would be a great breeding because , he knew the story of AwesomeBuck and Wrangler and this family of dogs will put many great qualities in his dogs, too.Mr. DRK was just a nice honest man. He sent not one paid pup, but two pups for the price of one. That is what real dogmen do when they see the future. The breeding was done using DRK`s Thinker. A big litter came from this breeding. We now had 10 pups, yet one died. Some bitches were sent to my yard and as things were very hostile in my area, I entrusted a couple friends with some of them. One being Awesome Molly 1xw, 1xgl, who lost due to poor conditioning. One more was the great Grand Champion Chilindrina. That person I trusted was a solid Puerto Rican brother as “Ivan El boricua Loco”.We continued matching dogs and doing all the great things we always done. One day as Chilindrina was er first schooling, El Boricua took two male dogs I had sent from a breeder in Florida and our Chilindrina as a young prospect to be seen the first time. While the males did not work as hoped, some guys from the block were feeling happy about it and said , “Wow, are those the AwesomeBuck dogs your friend sent you?” He said “No mother fuckers, but this little bitch is and whatever she does will be better than these two fucks”

Well, Chillindrina was a natural, had never seen the box and at first glance at it, she was just crazy to enter in it. It was 11 minutes and Chilidnrina had just destroyed her opponent. I got the call, and I said bring her over so we can make another winner. We do not need to see any more. Una pescuecera is all it takes. I had just came from a show in Mexico were I had handle 8 dogs in one night and I had meet a very straight up man Called Panadero, from The Santa Clara Team. The man was real and at that time was the man to beat in Mexico. So I called him out with Chili. It was on!!! We were going to Veracruz Mexico to Jarocho`s place. The Mexican crowd has seen me in action before and just love my style in the box, plus they were a bit hot about the show between our Ch Big John vs 2xw Fausto. Were our Ch Big John had just won, and Our Gr Ch sarabell pushed 3.5 pounds into a feared 2xw, and we had won. So the Mexicans knew we are very serious about what we do. It was like our country vs. Mexico. Well the day of traveling was there and my chosen few could not come, so I was to go alone. After a 16 hour day at work, I was to drive to the airport. I missed my flight so I drove around 9 hours to Monterrey Mexico , and took an airplane to Mexico City, then to Veracruz, with just a day to rest to go into the box.

It was hard on our Chilindrina. Evermore as soon as I got off I said ohhh My GOD, Veracruz was hot, hot. I knew I was in trouble. Jarocho treated us good. The night of the show came in and slowly many cars show up, it was a train of cars going to the spot, just to find many more were coming. They all came to see the man with the NYC cap get his ass run over. Everyone wanted to bet, yet I was broke I just had the bet money. Our spirit was high. I met some nice old timers from Mexico, and they were good people. Mr. Ciro and a few other were there to see the 3 card show. Two show happen and it was our turn. I was ready and on weight, both to enter. While I condition Chilindrina I found out was like her father, wild and crazy when she seen another animal. I Chilindrinas face so she stay calm. I can sense we were synchronized. was in the box with her face cover as I felt it was almost time to face dogs. I scream out loud that I felt in my chest very deep. desire to do what we both love Chidnrina and I, and we were restricted many idiot laws. So I shout load clear as I was slowly turning still my hand on her face and I let go of hand was I still had words in my ,“Chilindrinaaaaaaa Gritaaaaa Libertaddddddd!!!!” (Cry Liberty). As I “Libertadddd” she was screaming hard and wild like a motorcycle at 14,000 RPM, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The referee said release and I let her fly like an arrow to a target to the throat. I was on my knees “Picotea picotea picotea, mata, mata, mata.” 18 minutes and it was over. By the referees and the old timers, BIS and GIS was for The Chosen Few and their little 34.5 lbs La Chilindrina.By the way the name came from La Chilindrina who was the girlfriend to El Chavo del 8 , on TV, in Latin America we grow watching that show , and chilindrina was a crybaby wa, wa, wa annoying. We just love our Chilindrina!!The show went for around 18 minutes with Chilindrina taking these incredible throat shots. She was awarded BIS and GIS. She quickly became the talk in all the Latin countries. She stood to rest and recover in the house of Jarocho. He took care of her and then sent her back to me to Panama.For years I had heard all about the mystic Balkans dogmen. Feared by all, respected by all. The Balkans had so many Champions and Grand Champions, we had also seen some tapes and wow those guys were good. In our country it was said that those guys were war criminals and dangerous men. The area was known for having wars and that sort of stuff.I wanted to go, never had a top flight dogman from our country gone there before. I had met an Internet warrior that had the contact to them and I was ready. I knew the trip would be hard, yet I had travelled thousands and thousands of miles and won and lost into top people. I felt I had the expertise and miles to take this new challenge. I wanted to take Sarabell, yet the weight was for Chilindrina.I asked for the best opponent, and a real dogman, nothing of cyber doggers, forum cock suckers , magazine collectors. I was told you sure asked for it. Well we made the arrangements to make sure it was one of the most respected competitors. My ticket was shown to make sure they knew I was going. I was a low key person for over a decade and they may not have even known about us.A couple friends heard I was going and told me not to go. I became a bit worried so I called the dogman himself and in his European accent, he said “I am a true dog fighter”. I felt the most honest person talking and I felt comfortable. We travelled the long distance just to find the best most honest people we could have matched into, Smart Kennels of Serbia.I camped out for a few days and I discovered honest, humble, hard working, dedicated dogmen all at cross the area. The bets were going against no man from the new world would show up. Even the notorious Captain clown from Thailand had put a bet that I was not going to be there. But we were there and had fun. Chilindrina did not take the trip well, she never recovered and looked a bit sick, yet she was still strong.

The trip was hard on her. I was treated very well, one of those days we went to see one of the shows of Grand Champion Vecka, who showed to have very good mouth that day.The day was over and I was walking Chilindrina in the dark, with my iphone listening to Fort Minor “Remember the name.” It was 100% not 10% will of power. I was getting into my zone.The village people had treated me so good. They were financially poor and they wanted to support the local man. Yet I felt bad since they were kind to me, so I said they all come in free. The other people paid to enter.It was us with Chili one more time. I had a strong feeling that we were going to win. I just have that feeling every time, and I had enter the box with a Mexican sombrero, I wanted to give them a memory never to be forgotten if I win. So I had a traditional hat given to a man on my corner, man we understood each another somehow. As the Balkans spoke all I understood wasMexicani, Mexicali. I was alone with faith and Chilindrina, thousands of miles away, into some top dog people.I was alone yet I felt at home among friends somehow. So I entered with Chili’s face covered. I did not understand what they were saying so to be fair, we agreed on the referee dropping his hand as a signal to release. I kept my eyes locked on him while I uncovered Chilindrina’s face. I did it again, this time we were synchronized too. “Gritaaaaaaa Livertadddddd” The hand barely moved and we both released. It was a fast paced match.The match was good, 30 minutes with both bitches even for 20 minutes. Chilindrina went to the throat putting on some heavy pressure. I was on my knees saying “Picoteaaaa! Picoteaaaa!” Chilindrina was special as always.

Smart Kennels picked up game and made a solid courtesy scratch. I asked for a courtesy, and I took the traditional Serbian hat and wore it as I turned around, while Chilindrina was screaming, I screamed loud and clear among all real fucking dogmen. So as I release Chilindrina and while she was screaming I was wearing my Serbian hat and I cried out loudly: “Vivaaaaaaa Serbiaaaaaaa!!!!!” ( Long live Serbia) I wanted to show respect to those honest men. Mr Dan Dijon was the referee and he gave me a present that I have with me. His key chain that says NUMBER ONE!Miler was a real dogman, and asked me if he could stitch up Chilindrina! He went to do the after care on the dog that had just won over him. To me that was a class to everyone in the sport. I trusted him and Sargent so he was to take care of Chilindrina until I figured out how to bring her back. Money did not make any, I lost money, yet I had the treat of a life time, and I met good people while making world history in the gamedog! We wanted to win some close to us, so we hunted for some solid competition. A friend from Peru found us a solid crew with two 2xw, that matched the weight of Ch Carmela Soprano, and Chilindrina. I hooked them both. I will tell you the story later of the great Carmela, in my opinion one of my best ever, and an Ace that won in 4 countries.We went to their yard , those guys at 187 Kennels were very nervous as they heard they were going into a Latino that loves to travel. They had two 2xw from Ch Nina. A quick note, the owner of Nina had contacted me before he bred those females to breed to Awesome Buck, yet my $1000 and 2 pups was too much for him, so he bred to a Mr. Venom Jackson stud. Amazingly, we were going into two dogs from that breeding. How life turns out. Skider Rock was to referee. He said “My man, I am going to referee, but my money is on the other bitch.” I had no choices for referee as Thug City was on his way and it was not there yet. He walked in while we were doi ing the courtesy scratch. As he later said “I think after all this time that crazy bitch is still screaming”So it was on, their 2xw was supposed to be an ACE on the face as Skid Rock said. Well, same thing screaming and going wild, to the throat hard, hey the Yellow/Jackson dog got us off with hard shots to the face. Skider Rock was jumping, saying “I told you! I told you!”, so yeaaaaa. I looked at him and said, “At least give me some respect, you are the ref.” and he was cool.Chilindrina was like a gator snapping, jaws clack clack, as she reached to the chest, then the belly, then the gut. In just a few minutes she had hit bleeders all over that gyp. It was over. Their dog was looking to jump the walls. They asked for a courtesy, yet she left their hands looking for the walls. Chilindrina was just too awesome!

Chilindrina quickly gained an international respect after her performance and also because of the super performances of her litter mates such as the Great Carmela Soprano, and Copperhead, who both also share the shot gun style to hit you in the throat and finish you quickly, while screaming in their corner and during their scratches. One word to describe the Awesome Buck x Thinker breeding was: Explosive. Chilindrina was sitting nice and easy, just being a wild house dog. Martin Kennels had just lost into Copperhead in Mexico City. He is a good sportsman who had also seen Carmela do two dogs in the same night in Morelia Mexico. He ware of how good these bitches were. However, he had a friend who loved to go into the best and was a solid sportsman. His name was Trompas RIP. I seen Trompas before at different shows and he was a gentleman, happy, charismatic and a joker, over all a good guy. He was known by a few as The Northern Boys, or the Reynosa Boys. At the time he had just joined the Joyero crew and Atown, to all made what was known at the time as Blackrocks Kennels, who later on went to split as expected. Martin told me these boys are quickly building a name for themselves and want a shot at Chilindrina. I was on bad terms with Atown at that time so I said, “I can spank them, but I do not want to see him around or no show.” Just as a note later he and I solved our differences.It was supposed to be as gentlemen, five per side in Reynosa, Mexico, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. A place infested with coyotes, drug lords, Zetas, and prostitution, a place where there is no value to human life. I knew it was a tough spot going into people who knew me, my dogs, my keep, and still felt they could get me. They were brave or stupid, or perhaps wanted to screw me over, I thought. Yet, Trompas was known to be a good guy and Martin was going there too. I requested my old friend The Old Gricco as he is one of the dogmen I respect most.Chilindrina was ready for her work outs and she was wild. I had to cut down her training as she had become even wilder as she became older. She was loving and friendly, yet she could not see any type of animal because she would work herself out in minutes. It reminded me of a dragster car nitro burning monster while doing a burn out tires.While I was working her one day, I had her doing “The Time Machine,” one of my private work outs, and ooh boy she had it all. As she was screaming, I got too exited and I hurt her so bad she had to rest for a long time. I was a bit concerned about it. Yet I had La Chilindrina in my hands.The show day came, and I was going to travel, with my wife, my good friend El Che from Argentina, and a low life who used to hang out with us then. So it was four of us doing the trip in two cars. We made all the stops we had to, and Chili was feeling good. I feel as she was not even in her best shape this time out. We made it to the city where the show was going to take place. We had to go thrrough some hurdles to make it there. I met Trompas alone, as I left Chili in a hotel. I wanted to see the spot, but I got jacked off from the start; the spot was in another place, more driving, it was getting dark and I had to just trust those guys, and know that anything bad could happen. It was flat out dangerous, yet we are THE FEW BUT DARING.I went back and I said let’s get on the road. The one low life coming along was talking a lot of smack and it was his way of talking.

A couple of us told him “Dude, these guys are bad people. Watch how you talk because it can be dangerous for all of us.” It looked like he was high on his meds, but we kept moving.We drove through the regular road just to make a turn onto a dirt road, the drive there was dark, with no street lights and it was a good 15 minutes into the middle of nowhere. We saw a light far up ahead and it was a small rancho. There had to be about 25 people. I was mad. We had not agreed to this. Trompas played it off it was Martin, Martin played it off it was Trompas, but I knew that a few people there were known heavy hitters on other business not related to the dogs.As I was talking to Trompas about the forfeit money for exceeding the number of people, one of the head people got in the middle to talk. I said “My man, I am a dogman, I came to do my dog, and I have a contract with this man. He and I are the only ones who need to talk”He was respectful and let us do our dogs. I said nobody from outside the ring will talk as I always find it to be stupid to have people talking or screaming out of the ring, when they have no part of the show. They are just lucky to see us do our thing, and should be honored and respectful.The show was to start. Both females were on weight, it was obvious that everyone was in it, and against us. Chilindrina was screaming in her corner as the show started. The opponent China was from some Carver/Dead Serious Combo. It was fast paced as Chilindrina dug deep in the throat. China took shoulder shots, Chilindrina went to the back end , and China to the face. Chilindrina was breaking China and fast. In the middle of the match a fist fight had broken out between the Reynosa rough crew and the low life that came along with us. We had told him to keep it quiet. A lesson learned, do not let s hang around you. The mules had jumped him. I said “I am winning and I will kill China in the box so I am staying out of that outside action” Guns were drawn, the owner of the spot and his kids had AK47 ready to blast, yet he played it off and started joking around. I mean they were going to smoke that guy, yet he got saved by the respect those guys had for us, the dogmen.The referee was very nervous, and I was concerned about my friends and mostly my girl. As Chilindrina kept doing her thing, the late Trompas decided to pick up. China paid a very deep game scratch, and as I held Chilindrina in the corner, I asked to have my Girl do the courtesy scratch. She went in the box and had the indescribable pleasure to have one of the greatest ever screaming out and acting wild. It was hard to see if Chilindirna touched the carpet as she rocketed into to China`s corner. China did not made it after words, they picked up too late some 30 minutes or so.We knew we were in no man`s land. Trompas came across and was he a good guy. Joyero came across and give us congrats and said “Hey Sir. I have a 2xw from your blood” I said no you do not!! Yet he was right, he had what was going to be Grand Champion Candy. Indeed she came from two of my dogs and one of my planned breedings that I had sold to John G many years ago. Who later changed his mind and instead of doing dogs decided to peddle them. I am glad those guys were able to make her a Grand Champion.We still had to go home with Chilindrina and she was doing really good still looking for China. Later I was informed that Trompas was killed by possibly his business associates. Mexico is a hard place to be in the dogs. The Cartels were taking over the sport and making their presence known at conventions. Later they jumped a few conventions, and even kidnapped a dogman, forcing his wife to pay a ransom. At that other convention dogmen were bitten and a few cars were stolen.

Mexico quickly turned into a hard place to do dogs. The idiots making forums on the net posting locations and giving lots of information in Mexico had made it hard. Those Internet keyboard kennels did a lot of damage, along with the guys who introduced the gangsters to the sport. All for a quick buck. The cancer of the sport, the cyber doggers, and sofoqueros, cowards were making their contribution to the end of a good country to be in dogs, Mexico. I tell you all stop those forums! The opinion of cyber doggers is totally worthless. The men who do dogs do not have time to be in forums talking smack. El llantero mugroso had made his negative mark in the sport in Mexico.After our show we reported as Chilindrina went into Trompas as everyone that was with him; his team members all said it was him alone not them. Somehow no friends after death!! I keep telling everyone 99% of the people are the same way!! It is amazing how stories change sometimes. In the past, we have lost fair and square into great dogs and good people and we are proud of losing game most the times. Yet the new generations see losing as something really bad. So, in Honor to Trompas,“MY MAN You were the one with the balls to go into Chilindrina and had the Honor to be there as a dogman!” Rest in Peace old DOGMAN! Chilindrina was having fun being a house dog. She was in South America just enjoying the warm weather, but as she was awaiting her Grand Championship, we noticed she was sick. This was a low blow for us, as we had lost our Grand Champion Sarabell, a true monster of incredible performance, to a uterus infection. A high price here, as we believed Chilindrina was sick with a Piometra as well. Females need to be bred at some time, and we as real true dogmen we were just campaigning. We tried all we knew and could and before we lost her I decided to do the right thing for our great warrior. We had to remove her uterus; this meant no pups from Chilindrina. We still have a few sisters that were just as good in every way, and we were going to repeat the breeding, yet we would have loved to have pups from her. Now it was done and along with it was in my mind our chance to have another world class Grand Champion. another we were hit hard by this, yet we are relentless and have endurance!! “We are The Chosen fucking FEW!!”

We studied the effects of getting a dog spayed and some indicated that she would turn out to be slower, fat, and lazy, losing her drive and craziness. The surgery was done as soon as possible as she was getting very ill. She looked drained and sad. We knew we would not have pups from her, but she was our friend and we love to see her live a happy life!Once she recovered completely, she went to the chain. and boy o boy every time I came to the chain spot she was wild and wild as if she did not know about her surgery. Chilindrina was on! The monster was still full of fire and desire!! She was not 100% I would say just 70% but crap that was enough to smash anyone on the planet! As The Chosen Few talked about it, we decided that she was going to make grand champion. We could have done like many lower class grand champions, what I call the Grand Champions, those who go into 1x losers, or into first time outs or all those tricks that they play.The few, but daring had to go into the top. As I was contracted to go into Mexico City into a honorable man The Munos Brothers Mr. Gero. I desired to put Cheye Cheye on Gero, and I wanted to put Chilindrina on the same card. I spoke to the organizer, the always tricky Enrique Magana. I knew it was muddy water with him as he tried to screw us many times, and he lost every time. He said I have something special for you. I said I do not go there to make you money. I do not want an easy show into a chump from Mexico City. We want to win or lose into top competition. I want the best possible. He said if you can go a bit higher in weight I have a GEM for you, that is if you are brave. He said I have VR coming with a champion that had killed twice, and on the 3rd broke one leg in 7 different spots. A hard mouth killer!! I said I want him, with that champion. Yet I do not trust you one bit so is $1000 forfeit between you and me, if he does not show up with that dog and I want him to handle. I do not mind losing into Mr VR. I respect him and it would be an honor. I know he is trying to school a cyberdogger, so I want him little guy with him. No replacements, no tricks, or no show and I will collect $1000 from you.I worked Chilindrina as usual, and she was ready. We went to the Mexico City!! The first team to ever go out from this part of South America and win, and even more make a Grand Champion. Our team was not a team of spiderman, or forums, it was the truth.We had 3 going on that convention, and we were the ones who travelled more and we were going into all winners. The first show was a gift from our part, as we were using a replacement dog going into a trick from Magana and Tex Mex. We forgave them the forfeit for over the weight, and still did the dog. We picked up without any damage, yet we knew the size and weight difference was going to count later. Their Ch Timmy let us get every where we wanted to, yet we did not have the punch so we picked up. Magana later as a gift give them the BIS, screwing us and even more MR. VR, who was supposed to get GIS. Lesson learned and enough said about negative people so let’s move into better things.We then won with Cheye Cheye, into a 1xw and as always we were on the throat. We all were ready for the show everyone came to see. Mr VR and his Ch Troya!! Nobody knew of Ch Chilindrina being there. Just a few friends came to take pictures with the Global warrior!! As I said, the entire convention was a trick, yet we were in Mexico City and in Magana`s place out of all. Picking an honest referee was hard, and Magana wanted to put his friends or himself as referee, and I said no way. I said nooo way. I selected an honest active dogman Mr. Raul Kennels DF.As they were washing the dogs, I heard VR complain about the sponge on the mouth way of Mexico City. I forgot they did that in Mexico City. I said to the panadero over the wall, let VR be is all ok. Now VR had his friend a growing Ciberdoggers from the old TXT crew, the guys who stole our Holeshot 1xw BIS , and said she died by accident. His youngster was washing our dog. I truly did not like that guy. He was an active forum dick rider at the trash Mexico forum. A supporting friend of the Mafia boba from South America, who we smashed with Ch Carmela Soprano. Also I hate cyber doggers and he was an active cyber dogger of the Mexican trash forum. He was washing my dog too rough, and so I gave him a kind warning. As he wanted to dry my dog I said no drying I do not need that. He incited he wanted to dry put his towel on my dog. I let him use all he wanted to wash, I am not obligated to have him touch my dog at that point. He touched my dog and I showed him away and I told him “ My man post this in that forum you live in “ Fuck you along the way” I knew he was a hater cyberdogger cross who just got a lesson as souvenir from The Chosen Few!Going into the square, I had covered the eyes on Chilindrirna and we did it one more time. “Grittaaaaa Libertaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

The show was one, within 5 minutes Chilindrina had a bullet hole in the middle of her eyes, that looked like a open faucet. I looked at the clock on the wall and I said crap looks bad this early. The show was intense, with Ch Troya staying on top of the face all the time and Chilidnrina digging on the arm pit and chest. At the 1;10 minutes Ch Troya got a jaw hold. VR was happy and chilindrina rolled on the floor following the bite and not letting Ch Troya get a leverage to shake and break it. She was very smart. At the 1:40 Chilindrina was screaming, it reminded me of her Dad into Ch Chalzen on the same hold for over 28 minutes. VR was happy, I was happy, and once she got loose she was faster, meaner, and a super hard punisher. You could see the holes on her face, and it was hard to see her eyes, yet with Troya holding over the face she had her on her back shaking hard and walking with her on her mouth while Troya was rolled up in a ball. VR asked me, “Can we scratch?” I said, “You pick up or we kill her in the box!!”I looked at the clock and I said getting to the two hour mark with this big bitch Chili!! I looked up and you could drop a pin all those guys had a face like they seen a ghost. A drunken man kept talking smack while Panadero kept saying “Brother, you got her!!” I knew I had a few of Mexico’s great on my side, Panadero was one of the men I respected in Mexico for being a brave man. Chilindrina had people on her side finally! VR, a living legend who I respect very much, said “Can I scratch to continue?” I said “No, you pick up or we stay here.” He then picked up a great dog in Ch Troya. He asked for a courtesy and I was honored to do it for him. His gyp was deep deep game. I asked him for my scratch and he said yes. I looked around at everyone while I held Chilindrina with my left hand. She was screaming loud as she did on her first scratch. I screamed with the deepest passion. I seen everyone`s face on the top of the pit walls. I was pumped and honored! I knew this was something special. I felt as if the world was mine! I cried loudly and passionately, with one hand on my ear as if she was not loud enough: “Noooo Teeee Oigooooo Chilindrinaaaaaaa, No Te Oigo Chiiiiiiliiiindriiiaaaaaa!!!!” (I can`t hear you Chilidnrina, I can`t hear you) and I let her fly one last time!! SHE FLEW ACROSS LIKE A ROCKET!! VR was a true dogmen! We shook hands and it was history!! Troya was an exceptional animal. Later the next day Mr. VR told me in his 36 years in the sport he only lost 4 times with females, and he never expected this one to lose. He said you had a very good bitch. The Tricky Enrique Magana played us off one more time. The GIS was to be for Troya and the BIS for Chilindrina by far. No other shows there were half this good. Yet, he wanted to make from Spain happy, after he tried to screw them too on the promise to pay them their air tickets.Ch Troya sadly passed away the next day or so, and Chilindrina struggled for over a month and a half to survive. She is well alive! She was then honored and had a belt put on her by Mr Mayday in a world class convention. The belt said “The Global Grand Champion Chilindrina”. People there were able to see the dog with no face screaming to get to the chickens and everything that moved. They were taking pictures, and admiring her undisputed spirit, she always felt as if she owned the world. Today, she is retired as the queen of the yard. She eats fillet minion for dinner!! Gets spoiled all the way!!

Thanks to all the people along the way. To The Chosen Few, John Doe, The Forest Man, Ivan El Boricua Loco, My wife, My Jr, The Black Cowboy, and all the good friends who through Chilindrina we made friends with around the world!! She is a real Grand Champion who raised the bar to how to get it done as a Class A bulldog!!My advice to people is close all internet forums! If you are not successful winning you cannot breed success!! Is that simple; anyone else that tells you funny stories and their funny numbers of breeding is all bullshit. Breeding to see what come out is for losers. Breeding and asking on a forum to see what others think is also for losers. You cannot trust anyone`s pedigrees but the ones you breed!! I hope you grow and improve and I hope the best for you.
The Chose Few - The Few,but Daring
Aqui hay BABILLA! found this read, thought i would share

Officially Retired
01-02-2015, 06:07 AM
That is an awesome photo taken with a good camera.

I don't like Chico, but that was an interesting story about what seems to be one helluva good bitch.


01-05-2015, 11:33 AM
Yeah, Chico wrote this for the SDJ a year or so ago...

Officially Retired
01-05-2015, 12:19 PM
Yeah, Chico wrote this for the SDJ a year or so ago...

Hi. Sorry about that.

I know how that feels to have your stuff pilfered, so please feel free to provide a link to the issue this was taken from.

Or I will take it down if you prefer.
