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01-16-2015, 10:13 PM
Here's why NOT to ship a puppy via ground transporter...
7 days in the transporter van and the pup arrives with kennel cough and front legs bend backwards. 7 days of eating "kibbles-n-bits & pedigree".

01-17-2015, 11:08 AM
That's a shame...I hope that pup makes a full recovery.

scratchin dog
01-17-2015, 11:56 AM
That's terrible. I hope the pup is in good hands now and gets better soon.

Too many horror stories about transporters. I don't care how good the reputation is, I wouldn't send a pup with a ground transporter. Too much can go wrong. I have sent pups by plane and will continue to do so when I need to. I have no complaints about Delta airlines shipping my pups.

01-17-2015, 12:12 PM
Hopefully you'll get he or she back on the right track. Good luck

01-17-2015, 07:30 PM
Thanks everyone. Before he was picked up i was told itd be pickup 9th deliver 13th. But ended up delivering the 16th. On the 13th I asked him what do they feed when the dogs are in transit, i cringed when he said "pedigree and kibbles-n-bits". He'll be alright but it sucks receiving a sick contagious pup.

Officially Retired
01-17-2015, 07:47 PM
Every single focking transporter "tells you" one thing ... but does another :idea:

01-17-2015, 08:22 PM
About 3 years ago I bought back my dog Shorty Nitro Jr. His picture shows how healthy he was when he left Chicago for my home in Florida.The transporter was informed when I would not be at home. He purposely arrived at that time. But, I was suspicious of him and cancelled my plans and met him. He removed the dog from the crate and stood him up. I looked at Shorty and told him (Transporter T) that I had seen 2 dogs not as dehydrated as him. That they were rushed to a vet and they both died. He said he's fine just car sick. Shorty had death in his eyes and was swaying. He forced him to take a step and he collapsed. The vet could not save him citing kidney failure. I had another dog Ironson that weighed 80 pounds when he left El Paso headed to my place in Murfreesboro, TN. He kept stopping at more and more places and stopped at Jacks before mine. He arrived looking like a starved greyhound. He had not been feed or watered the entire trip. Transporter said he couldn't safely get him out of the crate. A friend of mine lost several dogs when the transporter was busted. If I cannot go see the dog and bring him back. I just don't get him.