View Full Version : Time Trials

Da District
01-14-2012, 05:02 AM
It's been said (btw I believe this can happen) that u can take a race out of a hound if it had too many warms up or too long of a warm up prior to running a actual race. Im interested in hearing opinions on this bcuz u also c people who believe in runnin them hard prior to the race to make sure they'll be able to hang in there. Imo is if u have been workin ur own program for awhile u shouldn't have to put too much on them bcuz u should already know what to look for and should be able to see in a shorter amount of time if the hound meets ur standards. On the other hand if u hop from line to line and don't drop anchor as Jack says, u run the risk of taking one away from ur dog bcuz ur not sure what ur looking for if u dont have any time in with the line. Jmo.

Da District
01-14-2012, 05:07 AM
As a spin off to the post above, can anyone name some of the time trials of some of the greats?

Officially Retired
01-14-2012, 05:15 AM
I agree with this premise. This is why, in the schooling section of my book, I recommend not game testing any animal more than once ... as well as not letting them get too tired repeatedly.

Build skills in school, do not let them get dead-ass tired all the time, or you will begin to give them the idea that a brawl always ends up unpleasant for them. They're supposed to like the contact, but no one likes to be deadass tired all the time.

As an analogy, I said "You may like ice cream naturally ... but if someone forces you to eat 3 buckets of it every time you have it ... you'll get sick of ice cream after awhile," and it's true.

This is why, even in boxing, your trainer doesn't make you spar until you're staggering and can hardly lift your hands up, every damned time you lace-on the gloves. You only spar a few rounds, to sharpen your skills, and then you go do other exercises. If you were forced to fight like Ali and Frazier in "The Thrilla in Manilla" every single time you sparred, you would never have a career, because all the starch would be taken out of you in the gym.

So good post!